XiPaintModule 6.1 (c) by Helmut Hoffmann 1995-99
+++ Documentational update for extended module order offer and registration
prices in EURO +++
| The fast and flexible loader/saver module for XiPaint (3.2,4.x,...): |
| * fast loading of more than 20 file formats (incl. e.g. PhotoCD and |
| Progressive JPeg) and Datatypes (incl. 24Bit Datatype interface!) |
| * downscaled loading support (load big pictures with few memory) |
| * TrueColor animation creation saver for CyberGraphX (incl. Piccasso 96 soft) |
| or EGS users |
| * automatic animation creation from picture directories by ARexx scripts |
+ -> Visit my homepage: http://www.amigaworld.com/support/photoalbum/index.html |
| My EMail address: 101.72723@germanynet.de |
COMPLETE PACKAGE of PhotoAlbum (picture management software for
all OS3.x Amigas) and CyberShow (slideshow presentation software
for all OS3.x Amigas)!!
Demos available e.g. on Aminet:gfx/misc/photoalbum##.lha and
-> Separate module orders are only possible for persons already
registered for the complete package (in this case: 15DM, 7.67EUR or 10US$ per
module, offer currently valid until 31st December 2000)!
Please note: The demo version loads and saves only in greyscale (but the speed
and format support is the same, so that you can try if they fit your needs)!
Please pay the shareware fee to get color loading/saving...
This universal module can be used to load images in many file formats
(more than 20 and additionally Datatypes) very fast into XiPaint (including
optional downscaling) and to create TrueColor animations in HHsYUVSq
animation format.
Supported file formats
Supported file formats for loading:
* IFF-ILBM (all standard formats 1 to 8Bit, EHB, HAM6, HAM8, 15Bit, 24Bit)
* JPeg (color and greyscale; see notes below)
* PhotoCD (Base format 768x512 or 512x768 (portrait); linear 24Bit colors)
* PPM/PGM/PBM (P1&P4 b&w, P5 grey, P6 color)
* QRT (also known as dump format by PD raytracers as POV-Ray)
* Targa (RLE compr.&uncompr. 1/8/15/16/24/32Bit;incl. interleaved)
* PCX (compr.&uncompr. EGA1-4Bit, VGA 8Bit grey/Colormap and 24Bit)
* MacPaint (b&w compressed 1Bit format; datafork only)
* BMP (uncompr. 24Bit RGB,1Bit,4Bit or 8Bit Colormap; RLE compressed 8Bit,1Bit)
* TIF (packbit-compr.&uncompr. 24Bit,1-8Bit grey/Color Motorola&Intel formats)
* EGS7.x window iconification file format
* DEEP (compr.&uncompr. 24Bit and 32Bit)
* RGB formats (RGB8, RGBN, RGB5)
* ACBM formats (1 to 8Bit, incl. HAM6/HAM8)
* FBM formats (8Bit grey/color and 24Bit)
* IFF-PBM (DPII) format
* Sun raster (1Bit, 8Bit grey/color and 24Bit uncompressed)
* YUV (color 1:1:1, 2:1:1, 4:1:1 and greyscale)
* VLAB raw (color 1:1:1, 2:1:1, 4:1:1 and greyscale)
* HHsYUVSq sequence format (sequential or random access; only first frame)
* HHsXRL formats (1-8Bit ColorMap incl. HAM6/8, 8Bit grey, 24Bit RGB compressed)
* binary-EPS bitmaps (RGB and CMYK; this function is experimental)
* TBCPlus frames&fields
* DataType (incl. first frame of animations with Anim-Datatypes)
New: Since version 6.0 the new 24Bit datatype interface of the V43
picture.datatype is also supported (included with the Picasso 96 software;
should also work with the V43 picture.datatype available for CyberGraphX,
unless it has expired due to an integrated expiration date).
Supported file formats for saving:
* HHsYUVSq animation format
See documentation for details about animation creation, downscaled
loading etc.