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Short:Real-Time Visual/Video FX application.
Author: mikec at
Uploader:Michael D P de Clerck (mikec cybercomm nl)
Download:gfx/misc/vma104b.lha - View contents

Keywords     : Visual, Video, FX, Realtime, Synchronisation

The Visual Music Application (VMA) :

VMA 1.04 brings u the world of Real-Time visual performing. The VMA system 
combines graphics and control, in both their true meanings enabling u to 
show visual information or graphics with the click of a key. By allowing u 
to customize the graphical tasks to there full extent u can tune the show 
to specific theme's. Use the Real-Time VMA software for your presentation, 
video production, infobox or visual show and save REAL time and REAL money.

This Demo consists of a crippled version with an ready-2-go example
show within the archive plus amigaguide and ascii documentation.

Features of the VMA System:

The VMA software bundle contains several tools for use with your video production.
Each tool has its unique features, the (main) Creator tool wich produces the video 
images has many features and effects. 

The system has several Real-Time shape, text, colour and image effects. 
The extensive controls let u operate the sytem in Real-Time. Keyboard, Mouse, 
Joystick, General MIDI and PAR-port controls are supported for editting and 
synchronising the effects in edit and LIVE! mode. An integrated show sequencer 
saves u time in assembling the effects. The included data Manager tool will 
help u validate and structure the data used in a show.

The VMA software has an impresive and unique list of features.

Features of the VMA Home and Studio (registered) edition are;

 - Shape effects including (dynamic) stars, bars, wipes, lines, grids
 - Text effects with support for all bitmap fonts
 - Colour effects including flash, cycle, fade, change
 - Image manipulation effects for positioning, plane visibility, fading
 - Screen manipulation effects like scroll, zoom, feedback, rainbow
 - Blitter Object (Bob) and Vector Bob effects
 - 10 Effect categories and 16 parameters per effect
 - 16 Additional dynamic parameters for effect behaviour 
 - Screen resolutions upto 1024x1024, interlaced and double buffered

 - Real-Time edditing even in live mode!
 - Effect synchronisation, manual and automatic
 - Detailed but easy2use userinterfaces 
 - Real-Time monitor environment for testing purposes
 - Keyboard, Mouse, Joystick, MIDI and PAR execution support
 - Multitask option for multitasking with workbench programs
 - 'last session' mechanism wich stores your current edit selections
 - Data manager included for easy management of your data files
 - Workbench (1.2 or higher) compatible 
 - VMA Supports the following data formats;
    Standard ASCII textfiles
    Bitmap fonts
    ILBM/IFF image format
    Animation mode 5
    Amos Object Moduller 
    Amos Bob banks
    Vector Bobs 

Additional features of the VMA Studio Edition;

The Studio edittion will include new and more powerfull effects. The full 
features list is currently not available as this edittion is still under 
development. Guaranteed features will include;

   - AGA support including fade effects
   - A/B transition effects
   - Dual screen support
   - 3D Starfields
   - 3D Vector objects
   - New manipulation effects including splinter, shade bobs, dissolve
   - Internal 4 channel player for the ProTracker song format
   - New synchronisation effects for use with ProTracker modules
   - PowerPacker and Imploder file support

This demo version is crippled, the disabled features are the ones making 
the program what it is.  There is an two hour time limit on this demo.  
The disabled features are;

  - Restricted amount of tasks and data allowed
  - No animation support
  - Limited documentation and online manual
  - Registration-nag graphs
  - Saving disabled
  - No VMA keyboardfunction cover
  - No acces to VMA support/tutorial webpages or IRC Helpdesk channels

Those that register for the soon to be released Home version of VMA1.04 
can expect the following features;

  - Show saving enabled
  - Loading/Saving of sequences & banks enabled
  - Animation mode 5 enabled
  - Data loading restriction disabled
  - Extended matrix banks for up to 500 tasks
  - Multiple screens, maximum of 6
  - New optimized routines
  - System configurator tool
  - Data manager tool
  - Tools for generating and handling external data (Blitter, VecBob, 3D, Text)
  - On-Line context-sensitive guides
  - Keyboard overlay for use with VMA
  - Direct support from the Author
  - Automatic news letters
  - VMA data sharing group

System requirements :

The neccesary ingredients for running the VMA system are listed below togheter
with the advised hardware;

      AMIGA 68000 OS1.3              / AMIGA 68020 OS3.0 is advised
      1.5MB CHIPRAM + 1.5MB FASTRAM  / 2MB CHIPRAM + 4MB FASTRAM is advised
      5MB harddisk space             / 120MB is advised

To get the most out of the VMA software we suggest:

   - Parallel 8bit sampler interface for audio synchronisation 
   - MIDI interface for controlling VMA using MIDI devices 
   - Sound/Video production system. 
   - Genlock or video mixer for multisource video productions 

Installation :

Unpack the archive, it will create it's own directory. 
Read the guide in the directory and follow the quick-start chapter.

Contents of gfx/misc/vma104b.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  170     375  45.3% -lh5- 756f Jan  5  1980 VMA1.04b/Assign_VMA_First
[generic]                  236     466  50.6% -lh5- 1f3b Jan  6  1980 VMA1.04b/
[generic]                  717     956  75.0% -lh5- 4937 Feb  2  1996 VMA1.04b/C/break
[generic]                 3105    5496  56.5% -lh5- 4765 Jul  2  1995 VMA1.04b/C/Copy
[generic]                 2565    4432  57.9% -lh5- f9fe Jul  2  1995 VMA1.04b/C/execute
[generic]                  411     464  88.6% -lh5- d83c Jul  2  1995 VMA1.04b/C/MakeDir
[generic]                  671     828  81.0% -lh5- e502 Feb  2  1996 VMA1.04b/C/status
[generic]                28102   47696  58.9% -lh5- 21b7 Jul 30  1991 VMA1.04b/c3d.lib
[generic]               195770  513300  38.1% -lh5- 35bf Nov 10  1998 VMA1.04b/Creator
[generic]                  601    1383  43.5% -lh5- 6927 Nov  8  1998 VMA1.04b/
[generic]                   13     300   4.3% -lh5- 8051 Oct 14  1994 VMA1.04b/Data/Show_Data/Sequences/Preset0.ECS
[generic]                  112     408  27.5% -lh5- 6f50 Nov  8  1998 VMA1.04b/Data/Show_Data/Sequences/Preset0.TPS
[generic]                   23     300   7.7% -lh5- 18a9 Oct 14  1994 VMA1.04b/Data/Show_Data/Sequences/Preset1.ECS
[generic]                   71     408  17.4% -lh5- 8661 Nov  8  1998 VMA1.04b/Data/Show_Data/Sequences/Preset1.TPS
[generic]                   23     300   7.7% -lh5- b8a6 Oct 14  1994 VMA1.04b/Data/Show_Data/Sequences/Preset2.ECS
[generic]                   53     408  13.0% -lh5- 0e33 Dec 30  1995 VMA1.04b/Data/Show_Data/Sequences/Preset2.TPS
[generic]                   13     300   4.3% -lh5- 4a5b Oct 14  1994 VMA1.04b/Data/Show_Data/Sequences/Preset3.ECS
[generic]                   86     408  21.1% -lh5- bffe Nov  8  1998 VMA1.04b/Data/Show_Data/Sequences/Preset3.TPS
[generic]                   14     300   4.7% -lh5- 37a6 Oct 14  1994 VMA1.04b/Data/Show_Data/Sequences/Preset4.ECS
[generic]                   54     408  13.2% -lh5- 783d Nov  8  1998 VMA1.04b/Data/Show_Data/Sequences/Preset4.TPS
[generic]                   14     300   4.7% -lh5- b1a1 Oct 14  1994 VMA1.04b/Data/Show_Data/Sequences/Preset5.ECS
[generic]                   62     408  15.2% -lh5- 5df2 Nov  8  1998 VMA1.04b/Data/Show_Data/Sequences/Preset5.TPS
[generic]                   14     300   4.7% -lh5- cc5c Oct 14  1994 VMA1.04b/Data/Show_Data/Sequences/Preset6.ECS
[generic]                   50     408  12.3% -lh5- 3928 Nov  8  1998 VMA1.04b/Data/Show_Data/Sequences/Preset6.TPS
[generic]                   46     408  11.3% -lh5- 85d6 Nov  8  1998 VMA1.04b/Data/Show_Data/Sequences/Preset7.TPS
[generic]                   14     300   4.7% -lh5- afbc Oct 14  1994 VMA1.04b/Data/Show_Data/Sequences/Preset8.ECS
[generic]                   77     408  18.9% -lh5- b82b Dec 30  1995 VMA1.04b/Data/Show_Data/Sequences/Preset8.TPS
[generic]                   14     300   4.7% -lh5- 29bb Oct 14  1994 VMA1.04b/Data/Show_Data/Sequences/Preset9.ECS
[generic]                   85     408  20.8% -lh5- 2b9c Nov  8  1998 VMA1.04b/Data/Show_Data/Sequences/Preset9.TPS
[generic]                  125     256  48.8% -lh5- 10b8 Nov  8  1998 VMA1.04b/Data/Show_Data/Show/Default
[generic]                    0       0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Nov  8  1998 VMA1.04b/Data/Show_Data/Show/Default.DL
[generic]                    0       0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Nov  8  1998 VMA1.04b/Data/Show_Data/Show/Default.FontID
[generic]                   12     500   2.4% -lh5- c518 Nov  8  1998 VMA1.04b/Data/Show_Data/Show/Default.LabelEC
[generic]                   12      52  23.1% -lh5- 5c5c Nov  8  1998 VMA1.04b/Data/Show_Data/Show/Default.LabelMRB
[generic]                   41     114  36.0% -lh5- 8bda Nov  8  1998 VMA1.04b/Data/Show_Data/Show/Default.LabelStage
[generic]                   12     500   2.4% -lh5- c518 Nov  8  1998 VMA1.04b/Data/Show_Data/Show/Default.LabelTP
[generic]                    9     100   9.0% -lh5- 0000 Nov  8  1998 VMA1.04b/Data/Show_Data/Show/Default.Midi
[generic]                    9     164   5.5% -lh5- 0000 Nov  8  1998 VMA1.04b/Data/Show_Data/Show/Default.MPB
[generic]                   40    3264   1.2% -lh5- 5000 Nov  8  1998 VMA1.04b/Data/Show_Data/Show/Default.MRB
[generic]                   48   75500   0.1% -lh5- 0000 Sep 24  1998 VMA1.04b/Data/Show_Data/Show/Default.MSBEC
[generic]                  167  102500   0.2% -lh5- 145a Sep 24  1998 VMA1.04b/Data/Show_Data/Show/Default.MSBTP
[generic]                   21      84  25.0% -lh5- 3d8d Nov  8  1998 VMA1.04b/Data/Show_Data/Show/Default.SCB
[generic]                   15   10240   0.1% -lh5- 0000 Nov  8  1998 VMA1.04b/Data/Show_Data/Show/Default.SDB000
[generic]                   14      14 100.0% -lh0- 0000 Nov  8  1998 VMA1.04b/Data/Show_Data/Show/Default.SPL
[generic]                   26     588   4.4% -lh5- 8826 Nov  8  1998 VMA1.04b/Data/Show_Data/Show/Default.Stage
[generic]                  330    1382  23.9% -lh5- 7d2f Nov  8  1998 VMA1.04b/ID.DisplayMe
[generic]                   97     126  77.0% -lh5- 8168 Nov  9  1998 VMA1.04b/Install_SystemFiles
[generic]                  236     466  50.6% -lh5- 6f38 Jan  6  1980 VMA1.04b/
[generic]                 3517    6160  57.1% -lh5- 1c3e Jul 19  1994 VMA1.04b/Keys
[generic]                  124     282  44.0% -lh5- 9045 Aug 21  1994 VMA1.04b/KeysOff
[generic]               101302  192280  52.7% -lh5- bd08 Aug 30  1998 VMA1.04b/Manager
[generic]                  604    1383  43.7% -lh5- 391d Nov  8  1998 VMA1.04b/
[generic]                 1857    9096  20.4% -lh5- b3ed Feb  2  1996 VMA1.04b/Mon_Layouts/DL.Layout
[generic]                 1637   10920  15.0% -lh5- 49d4 Nov 24  1998 VMA1.04b/Mon_Layouts/ECS.Layout1
[generic]                 1567    9446  16.6% -lh5- 72e3 Aug 22  1994 VMA1.04b/Mon_Layouts/ECS.Layout2
[generic]                  373    4560   8.2% -lh5- 7631 Oct 17  1994 VMA1.04b/Mon_Layouts/ECS.Layout3
[generic]                  694    4688  14.8% -lh5- 31a7 Nov 24  1998 VMA1.04b/Mon_Layouts/Main.Layout
[generic]                 2727   15876  17.2% -lh5- 96ca Nov 24  1998 VMA1.04b/Mon_Layouts/Matrix.Layout
[generic]                 2742   16524  16.6% -lh5- db83 Nov 24  1998 VMA1.04b/Mon_Layouts/Show.Layout
[generic]                 2222   14180  15.7% -lh5- 4263 Nov 24  1998 VMA1.04b/Mon_Layouts/Stage.Layout
[generic]                 1738   13566  12.8% -lh5- a812 Nov 24  1998 VMA1.04b/Mon_Layouts/Stores.Layout
[generic]                 2426   18182  13.3% -lh5- ae9b Nov 24  1998 VMA1.04b/Mon_Layouts/TPS.Layout
[generic]                 2574    7048  36.5% -lh5- 3d14 Jan  1  1980 VMA1.04b/Resource.Abk
[generic]                 3964   24200  16.4% -lh5- b9dd Feb  6  1995 VMA1.04b/VMA-Keyboard_Layout.iff
[generic]                  132     256  51.6% -lh5- e6f2 Nov 22  1998 VMA1.04b/VMA.Config
[generic]                23323   70919  32.9% -lh5- 4f1b Jan  6  1980 VMA1.04b/VMA.Doc
[generic]                  406     767  52.9% -lh5- 807c Jan  6  1980 VMA1.04b/
[generic]                24295   74016  32.8% -lh5- 32d0 Nov  9  1998 VMA1.04b/VMA.Guide
[generic]                  414     772  53.6% -lh5- beff Jan  6  1980 VMA1.04b/
[generic]                   81     256  31.6% -lh5- 3274 Nov  9  1998 VMA1.04b/VMA.LastSession
[generic]                 2527    5459  46.3% -lh5- 137e Jan  5  1980 VMA1.04b/VMA1.04b.readme
[generic]                 1373    4657  29.5% -lh5- 2480 Jan  6  1980 VMA1.04b/
[generic]                   26     588   4.4% -lh5- 8826 Nov  8  1998 VMA1.04b/VMAStage.Config
[generic]                 1083    2120  51.1% -lh5- 2a80 Jan  6  1980
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        74 files  418128 1286227  32.5%            Jan 20  1999
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