PhotoAlbum V6.6 (c) by Helmut Hoffmann 1996-2001
+-----------------------(auch in Deutsch erhältlich)----------------------------+
| The fast and intuitive picture management software for all Amigas with OS3.x: |
| * Supports upto 256 colors on AGA Amigas |
| * Supports TrueColor/HighColor on graphic boards with CyberGraphX or |
| compatible systems, like graphic boards with the new "Picasso 96" software! |
| (TrueColor displaying supported for thumbnails and full picture windows) |
| * Supports more than 20 picture formats (incl. PhotoCD, IFF, JPeg (incl. |
| Progressive), TIF, PCX, BMP, Targa, PPM, YUV, ... and DataTypes incl. 24Bit)|
| * Open any number of picture windows incl. fast scrolling and zooming |
| functions, conversion functions, direct transfer functions, ... |
| * Font sensitive picture subtitles and gadget bar (fonts configurable) |
| * Support of several preview file formats (highlycompressed or fast access) |
| * Functions for creation of picture databases across multiple volumes |
| * Configurable thumbnail cache memory * Editable picture comments |
| * Copy function for picture groups * user configur. ARexx command line |
| * optional catalog file concept (one single file for many thumbnails) |
| * ARexx loading functions for ArtEffect,ADPro,PPaint,XiPaint,ImageFX&Phot.g.2 |
| * ARexx call for CyberShow (slideshows) and CyberTVPlayer as external viewers |
| * Sorting functions for name,comment,size,type etc. |
| * HTML web page creation from PhotoAlbum picture collections |
| * Fast direct transfer to fxPaint program with Stargate plugin |
| * New: Manual picture rotation function and automatic rotation for Sony-DSC |
| * More comfortable delete and remove functions,now also in full-picture menues|
| NEW: *** Save 33% by online registration *** |
| |
| You can now register for the PhotoAlbum/CyberShow package for a reduced |
| price by email. The registration fee is then only 20EUR instead |
| of 30EUR or 30US$. The delivery of keyfiles is then also by email. |
| NEU: *** 33% Sparen mit Online-Bestellungen *** |
| |
| Sie können die Registrierung für das Programm-Paket jetzt vergünstigt |
| per EMail vornehmen. Die Registrierung kostet dann nur 20EUR (39,12DM) |
| anstatt 30EUR (58,67DM). Lieferung der Schlüssel erfolgt per EMail. |
+-> Support: <-----+
+-> Email: <--------------------------------------+
Important notes: This program is part of the complete package of
* Picture management software PhotoAlbum (Aminet:gfx/misc/photoalbum##.lha)
* SlideShow/Viewer program CyberShow Pro (Aminet:gfx/board/cybershow##.lha)
The demo version displays all pictures only in greyscale. Please order the
complete package to get color support and more functionality.
New in V6.6:
Manual picture rotation function (+/-90 degree and 180 degree)
is now available in the full size picture menues.
Automatic picture rotation for Sony DSC Cybershot pictures
(rotation detection for photos from other cameras might be
included in future, if I get such information. Please contact me.).
Public screen name handling extended to support use of PhotoAlbum
on several screens (new names will be PhotoAlbum2 upto PhotoAlbum9).
Delete warning requester extended by a gadget to switch off further
appearance of that requester (useful if you have to delete many files).
Extended full picture window functions by delete (deletes the picture
file and closes all related windows) and remove (just removes the
picture from the current PhotoAlbum session and closes related
windows, but without deleting the file). These functions were
formerly only available from the preview window.
New homepage and email address.
New registration prices (33% cheaper email registrations).
Helmut Hoffmann
Rubensstrasse 4
D-41063 Moenchengladbach
Short description of PhotoAlbum features:
PhotoAlbum is the sensational new picture management software for all
Amigas and Dracos with at least OS3.0. It features
* extremly fast loading functions for more than 20 picture file formats
* asynchronous loading incl. automatic preloading of not yet visible pages
(load e.g. full pictures while thumbnails are still loaded);
intelligent cache memory management (max. cache can be preconfigured)
* easy and intuitive usage
(get a fast overview over a directory or even full CD of pictures by simple
selection of the directory...)
* combinable picture subtitles (name, comment, size, type, ...);
subtitle font is configurable by Tooltypes
* high functionality (unlimited number of image windows with scrolling
and zooming functions can be opened)
* Presentation of thumbnails and full pictures in reduced colors on
all Amigas and in HighColor/TrueColor with CyberGraphX compatible boards
* Delete function to sort out unwanted pictures (full version only)
* Copy function to copy groups of files to another directory (full version only)
* ARexx loading commands can be send to ADPro, PPaint, XiPaint 4, ImageFX and
Photogenics (full version only)
* External viewers "CyberShow" and "CyberTVPlayer" can be called directly
(just copy CyberShow and CyberTVPlayer to your C: directory) (full version only)
* SlideShow-Presentation function in conjunction with CyberShow Pro (full versions only)
* Configurable ARexx command line, usable also for external viewers (full version only)
* Editable file comment (full version only)
* Save functions to convert pictures into different 24Bit file formats
(full version only)
* Direct transfer functions for several image processing programs (full version)
* Picture rotation functions (even automatically for Sony DSC pictures)
* Creation of preview files (files containing reduced size images) for
faster access to frequently needed picture directories and to
allow creation of a picture library with pictures located on different
media (disks/CDs etc.) for easy access.
* Creation of compact catalog files for large collections of pictures (full version)
* Extensive sorting functions
* HTML web page creation from picture collections; by this method you can also
print your picture pages, if you have a web browser capable of printing!
(full version)
The demo version displays in greyscale only. The loading functions of
the full version are for color loading at least as fast as the loading
of the demo version in greyscale. Only displaying on palette oriented
screens (upto 256 colors) can be slower for color displaying due to the
larger number of colors which have to be requested from the operating system.
PhotoAlbum can currently read the following formats directly:
1) IFF-ILBM (all standard formats 1 to 8Bit, EHB, HAM6, HAM8, 15Bit, 24Bit)
2) PhotoCD (Base format 768x512 or 512x768 (portrait); linear 24Bit RGB)
3) JPeg (color and greyscale; incl. progressive JPeg)
4) PPM/PGM/PBM (P1&P4 b&w, P5 grey, P6 color)
5) QRT (also known as dump format by PD raytracers as POV-Ray)
6) Targa (RLE compr.&uncompr. 1/8/15/16/24/32Bit; incl. interleaved)
7) PCX (compr.&uncompr. EGA1-4Bit, VGA 8Bit grey/Colormap and 24Bit)
8) BMP (uncompr. 24Bit RGB,1Bit,4Bit or 8Bit Colormap; RLE compressed 8Bit,1Bit)
9) TIF (packbit-compr.&uncompr. 24Bit,1-8Bit grey/Color Motorola&Intel formats)
10) DEEP (compr.&uncompr. IFF-DEEP 24Bit and 32Bit formats)
11) YUV (color 1:1:1, 2:1:1, 4:1:1 and greyscale)
12) VLAB raw (color 1:1:1, 2:1:1, 4:1:1 and greyscale)
13) RGB (IFF-RGB: RGB8 and RGBN compressed; RGB5 uncompressed)
14) HHsYUVSq sequence format (sequential or random access)
15) IFF-PBM (DPII) format
16) ACBM (IFF-ACBM: 1 to 8Bit, EHB, HAM6, HAM8)
17) FBM (8Bit grey/Colormap and 24Bit)
18) Sun raster (uncompressed formats for 1Bit, 8Bit grey/ColorMap and 24Bit)
19) MacPaint (b&w compressed 1Bit format; datafork only)
20) HHsXRL formats (1-8Bit ColorMap incl. HAM6/8, 8Bit grey, 24Bit RGB compressed)
21) binary-EPS bitmaps (RGB and CMYK; this function is experimental)
22) TBCPlus frames & fields
In addition picture and animation DataTypes are supported as well (for
animation DataTypes at least OS3.1 is needed; for picture DataTypes now
the new 24Bit interface of picture.datatype V43 is supported as well).
System requirements:
PhotoAlbum should be usable on all Amigas and Dracos and certainly on emulators
like UAE (on other platforms) with
+ Amiga-OS3.0 or higher
+ sufficient memory (about 4MByte Fast-RAM should be enough for normal usage;
preloading, datatype usage and picture rotation can need much more memory)
For displaying in TrueColor/HighColor quality you also need
+ "Picasso 96 software" (available for free on Aminet gfx/board) from Vil-
lagetronic and a suitable graphic board; Picasso 96 software includes a
simulated cybergraphics.library which will be used by CyberShow and PhotoAlbum.
The Picasso 96 software also includes a 24Bit Datatype system, which can be
used by my programs as well to access modern datatypes in TrueColor and chunky format.
+ cybergraphics.library V40 or higher and a suitable graphic board
(CyberGraphX is a Workbench emulation/True color software extension
which is usable in conjunction with several graphic boards as the
Blizzard Vision, Cybervision, Piccolo, SD64, Picasso, Retina-Z3, Spectrum...
It is Copyright by Vision Factory Development. There also
exists a 24Bit Datatype system for CyberGraphX.)
The UAE amiga emulator also includes a suitable graphic simulation on base of
the Picasso 96 software, so that you can use usual PC graphic boards in conjunction
with the emulator.
Please note: The Draco computer contains a built-in graphic board (Altais)
so that you can display in TrueColor/HighColor without additional hardware.
For usage of PhotoAlbum an Amiga with graphic board, a Draco or a PC system
with the UAE emulator is recommended.