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gfx/misc/alphatools.lha |
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tifftopng :
tifftopng <input tiff picture> <output png picture> <optional copyright>
convert a tiff picture into a png picture. created for tiff from tvpaint
not tested with tiff from other softs
if you provide a third param it will be written as copyright string
pngtotiff :
pngtotiff <input png picture> <output tiff picture>
convert a png picture into a tiff picture.
alphatiff :
alphatiff <input tiff picture> <output 8bit grey png>
extract alpha channel from a 32 bits tiff picture and save it as a grey
png picture
alphapng :
alphapng <input 32BIT png picture> <output 8bit grey png>
extract alpha channel from a 32 bits png picture(wont work with other kind
of png) and save it as a grey png picture
tifftopngCLICK pngtotiffCLICK alphatiffCLICK alphapngCLICK
lame scripts for use with requesters and mouse instead of shell
if the commands are not at the same location as the script and are not in
the path edit them and give the full path to the commands
png4all.ifx tiff4all.ifx
put them into the rexx drawer of imagefx, then in imagefx click on arexx
button, select one of the 2 scripts and selected a tiff or a png file
according to the script you selected (or the requester title ;) )
it will load the file and his alpha channel in a new buffer
you need to edit the line describing the command if it is not stored in
the path
this script should be run through std rx environnement
it ask for a png file and send it to tvpaint's current layer
edit the config line for the correct path to the tool
tvlayertopng.rx tvbrushtopng.rx
this script should be run through std rx environnement
it ask for a png file and save tvpaint's current layer or brush in it
edit the config line for the correct path to the tool
!you need to select correct tiff saver options before running the script
! select RGB+A in tvpint tiff options for best results. if you select RGBA it
will mixe alpha with rgb and write alpha additionally again.
1.2 :
-tifftopng has an option to write a copyright
-added pngtotvpaint.rx
-added tvlayertopng.rx
-added tvbrushtopng.rx
-mouse icon by Foxone
1.1.1 :
-pngtotiffCLICK.info attributes are ok now
-pngtotiff generate tiff pictures that can loaded into tvpaint
1.1 :
-tifftopng: fixed a bug which added some aliasing over background into the
rgb buffer of the png
-added pngtotiff
Contents of gfx/misc/alphatools.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 4565 4708 97.0% -lh5- fa44 May 14 2004 alphatools.info
[generic] 4567 4708 97.0% -lh5- c0eb May 11 2004 alphatools/alphapng.info
[generic] 83682 174960 47.8% -lh5- 3178 May 11 2004 alphatools/alphapng/alphapng
[generic] 192 341 56.3% -lh5- 13af May 11 2004 alphatools/alphapng/alphapngCLICK
[generic] 2923 2923 100.0% -lh0- f706 May 11 2004 alphatools/alphapng/alphapngCLICK.info
[generic] 376 616 61.0% -lh5- 273e May 11 2004 alphatools/alphapng/png4all.ifx
[generic] 4567 4708 97.0% -lh5- 3bd9 May 11 2004 alphatools/alphatiff.info
[generic] 179003 500828 35.7% -lh5- 687b May 11 2004 alphatools/alphatiff/alphatiff
[generic] 194 343 56.6% -lh5- d64e May 11 2004 alphatools/alphatiff/alphatiffCLICK
[generic] 2911 2911 100.0% -lh0- ebbd May 11 2004 alphatools/alphatiff/alphatiffCLICK.info
[generic] 365 596 61.2% -lh5- 5647 May 11 2004 alphatools/alphatiff/tiff4all.ifx
[generic] 4567 4708 97.0% -lh5- c0eb May 14 2004 alphatools/pngtotiff.info
[generic] 163806 456692 35.9% -lh5- 6ed0 May 14 2004 alphatools/pngtotiff/pngtotiff
[generic] 190 337 56.4% -lh5- dedf May 14 2004 alphatools/pngtotiff/pngtotiffCLICK
[generic] 1819 1819 100.0% -lh0- fe9e May 14 2004 alphatools/pngtotiff/pngtotiffCLICK.info
[generic] 987 2415 40.9% -lh5- cfb4 Jun 3 2004 alphatools/README
[generic] 2929 2929 100.0% -lh0- b095 May 11 2004 alphatools/README.info
[generic] 4567 4708 97.0% -lh5- bb74 Jun 3 2004 alphatools/scriptsForTvPaint.info
[generic] 467 901 51.8% -lh5- 0292 Jun 3 2004 alphatools/scriptsForTvPaint/pngtotvpaint
[generic] 4246 4246 100.0% -lh0- a912 Jun 3 2004 alphatools/scriptsForTvPaint/pngtotvpaint.info
[generic] 464 911 50.9% -lh5- 9670 Jun 3 2004 alphatools/scriptsForTvPaint/tvbrushtopng
[generic] 4246 4246 100.0% -lh0- a912 Jun 3 2004 alphatools/scriptsForTvPaint/tvbrushtopng.info
[generic] 465 911 51.0% -lh5- 4240 Jun 3 2004 alphatools/scriptsForTvPaint/tvlayertopng
[generic] 4246 4246 100.0% -lh0- a912 Jun 3 2004 alphatools/scriptsForTvPaint/tvlayertopng.info
[generic] 4565 4708 97.0% -lh5- 7d62 May 11 2004 alphatools/tifftopng.info
[generic] 179388 501796 35.7% -lh5- 5a22 May 17 2004 alphatools/tifftopng/tifftopng
[generic] 190 337 56.4% -lh5- a55d May 11 2004 alphatools/tifftopng/tifftopngCLICK
[generic] 1792 1792 100.0% -lh0- 6d0a May 11 2004 alphatools/tifftopng/tifftopngCLICK.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 28 files 662279 1695344 39.1% Dec 13 2006
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