This program and its source is FREEWARE. Use them as you want, but
be warned that YOU USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK. I won't be responsible
for any damage caused by this program.
Tessels is a program for generating random backdrops or textures.
It draws some lines, applies a diffusion algorithm and a blurring.
This happens for a number of times or "passes". Then a random
palette is generated, and an IFF ILBM file is saved. It's important
to note that the generated file is saved in _UNCOMPRESSED_ format.
Load it and save it again with an image utility if you want it
The command line template for Tessels is this one:
FILE: The filename for the output file.
SEED: A seed for random number generation; the same seed with the
same parameters gives you the same picture.
WIDTH: The width of the output image.
HEIGHT: The height of the output image.
PLANES: The depth of the output image (upto 8).
LINES: Activates lines. Start and end points of lines are selected
randomly in the picture.
ANGLES: Activates angles. Start points of lines are selected
randomly, angle and length are selected around some specified
values (this gives wave-like textures).
(If none of LINES or ANGLES keywords are specified, LINES is
automatically selected. Both may be used at the same time.)
DIFF=DIFFUSION: This is the maximum distance in pixels for pixel
displacement during diffusion phase.
(The following parameters take suitable "default" -random- values
if not specified)
LW: Average line width for "LINES".
LVW: Maximum variation for line width for "LINES".
LN: Average line number for "LINES" in each pass.
LVN: Maximum variation for line number for "LINES" in each pass.
LV: Maximum dot position variation for "LINES".
AW: Average line width for "ANGLES".
AVW: Maximum variation for line width for "ANGLES".
AN: Average line number for "ANGLES" in each pass.
AVN: Maximum variation for line number for "ANGLES" in each pass.
AV: Maximum dot position variation for "ANGLES".
AA: Average line angle for "ANGLES".
AVA: Maximum variation for line angle for "ANGLES".
ALE: Average line length for "ANGLES".
AVLE: Maximum variation for line length for "ANGLES".
Several compiled versions are included:
-68000 version.
-68020 version.
-68030+68881 version.
-68040+68881 version.
For the best speed use the one that best matches your
Be happy with Tessels!!! (I have it changing randomly my backdrops
each boot and I'm happy :-)
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