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This archive includes a SUPERVIEW Loader and a Saver module
for ImageFX 2.6 and above (works fine with 3.3 or 4.5).
(NOTE: The saver GUI does NOT work with the so-called "Classic GUI",
so this part requires ImageFX 3 and above).
It enables every owner of a valid SViewIV.keyfile to also
import/export images to/from ImageFX directly.
Without a keyfile the module can't be loaded at all.
For installation, simple copy the supplied "Modules" directory
over the one in your "IMAGEFX:" path.
- 24 Bit images are imported as 24 bit images
- 8 Bit palette images are imported as 8 bit images
- 24 Bit images are exported as 24 bit images
- 8 Bit palette (rendered) images are exported as 8 bit images
This all happens transparently at biggest possible speed.
All necessary conversions are done by the loader/saver, with
minimum overhead.
A requester pops up, which lets you select the desired SuperView
output fileformat (full list). For changing SuperView preferences,
you need to use the SVPrefs program as coming with SuperView-Library.
NOTE: superview.library V25+ and superviewsupport.library V15+
This is a part (coming as add-on) of the SuperView-IV distribution,
which consists of the following core parts:
SvIV-1.lha Main program, Tools, SuperView-Library
SvIV-2.lha Documentation files
SvIV-3a.lha SVObjects (JPEG, PNG, PCX, BMP, ILBM)
SvIV-3b.lha SVObjects (other - OPTIONAL)
SvIV-4.lha SVDrivers
SvIV-5.lha SVOperators
SvIV-6.lha OPTIONAL SVOperators by SQ
SvIV-7.lha OPTIONAL 68020+ optimized SV modules
SvIV-8.lha OPTIONAL language localizations (except english/german)
All parts are (C) 1993-2001 by Andreas R. Kleinert. All rights reserved.
Parts only are allowed to be distributed together, not solely.
Distribution and other legal conditions are to be obtained from the
documentation as found in the second archive.
To get the complete distribution, un-archive each of the single
archives into the same directory:
LHA x [archive].lha RAM:
This will result in a directory called "SViewIV" from where the
installation script can be started. Note, that this won't work,
if you did not un-archive all of the (non-OPTIONAL) archives...
Other optional, separate archives are
SvIV-UX.lha SVObjects for seldomly used Un*x file formats
SvIV-PPC.lha Updates to PPC modules - for registered users, only
SvIV-WOS.lha Updates to WOS modules - for registered users, only
SvIV-WIZ.lha wizard.library for those who don't have it already
Contents of gfx/misc/SvIV-IFX.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 732 1233 59.4% -lh5- fbd2 Oct 23 2001 IFX-SV/Modules.info
[generic] 4015 7616 52.7% -lh5- 4bb2 Oct 23 2001 IFX-SV/Modules/Loaders/SUPERVIEW
[generic] 7098 15316 46.3% -lh5- 34e5 Oct 23 2001 IFX-SV/Modules/Savers/SUPERVIEW
[generic] 1340 2983 44.9% -lh5- 0850 Oct 23 2001 IFX-SV/SvIV-IFX.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 4 files 13185 27148 48.6% Oct 24 2001
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