For the new Win .NET frontend and PC/Embedded SDK as well as frequent
updates of my programs for Amiga please see my website under:
<Short version history is included at bottom of readme file>
What is the SView5 package actually ?
It does consist of a huge object-oriented module set
called "SView5-Library", that compromised many classes for
loading/saving (SV5Objects), processing (SV5Operators)
and rtg-displaying (SV5Drivers) graphics. These are
dynamically loaded and flushed, depending on the free
amount of memory - the system is very different from
the OS' "datatype" system.
SView5 a itself is localized graphics viewer, converter, editor
and screen-grabber based on SView5-Library - with ARexx support,
GUI, AmigaGuide online-help, Commodity-functionality and many other
features (e.g. AppIcon, DefIcons). It also comes along with a number
of external tools that have specific capabilities (read further).
It supports 1-8/24 bit graphics with or without colormapped transparency
or 8 bit truecolor alpha channel, i.e. 1-32 bit input. 48 bit or HDR
images can be imported and processed - many different operations
(image processing filters) are available for 8/24 bit mode,
most of them also for 48 bit mode.
Many image loader/savers and filters are alpha-channel aware.
This results in 1-64 bit image processing capabilities.
In addition certain aspects of metadata (EXIF, IPTC, XMP, etc.)
are supported, which is useful under analytic and forensic aspects.
There are several programs included:
- SView5: The powerful main program that allows to access all
options and settings, allows to load, save, process
and convert images - not only via the GUI but
also using ARexx. With Clipboard and printer
support (Studio/TurboPrint).
Includes a RTG-compliant screen-grabber (8-24 bit),
which also can be controlled via ARexx, using
DOS wildcards to select a screen by its title.
Provides access to all the included image processing
filters (SV5Operators) with optional unlimited(!) undo.
Allows to apply certain image filters (SV5Operators)
only to a selected area of an image, plus assists
in visually selecting such a region. In most cases,
colors and other values (like transparency or opacity)
also can be selected visually, directly pointing into
the loaded graphics using the mouse.
In "Slide View" mode it is possible to activate
an image preview function which replaces the
file requester and shows image thumbnails for
each (known) graphics file format.
- Plugins: - SView5 Loader/Saver Modules for ImageFX (TM)
- SView5 Loader/Saver Modules for PPaint (TM)
- SView5 Loader/Saver Modules for PageStream (TM)
- SView5 Loader/Saver Modules for AdPro (TM)
- JStream Loader/Saver Module (68k/MOS) for ImageFX (TM)
- BatchProcess Batch conversion tool, for applying upto 4 image
processing operaters to a number of graphics by
wildcards and save them in a different file format,
e.g. load a bunch of JPEGs, then resize, dither
and save them as PNG files.
- PNG-Box5, dedicated tools for creation of graphics for
JPEG-Box5, WWW usage (HTML pages) with progressive/interlacing
GIF-Box5: and transparency support, also for manipulation
of PNG Icons (PNG-Box5)
- WinSlide: for viewing images in a window on public screens,
using as few memory as possible - smooth scrolling
inclusive! Supports 8 through 24 bit displays.
- ScrollSlide: like WinSlide but using its own screen,
for best colors even on 8 bit displays
- CyberSlide: like viewing images from SView5 using a CyberGfx
SV5Driver with 16/24 bit capability, but implemented
as small standalone program
- SuperSlide: like CyberSlide but for AGA screens and screen modes,
additionally dithering is done when necessary
- SVPrefs: for changing settings of SView5-Library modules
Most people forget about WinSlide and the other tools, even when
already been using the program for some time. So, don't forget
to check them out when testing :-)
SView5/-Library is NOT compatible with SViewIV and its predecessors,
it also is NOT compatible with previous versions of the library
and its sub-modules.
OS 3.1 or greater is REQUIRED!
SView5-Library Features
Just requires OS V3.1 and 68000, but also makes use of available
OS V3.5 and V3.9 features and 680x0 (030/040) module versions where
applicable. Runs fine under Amiga emulation environments.
Currently supports the following file formats, periphal devices,
display drivers and image processing operators (filters):
->>>> Total of 116 different graphic file formats <<<<-
->>>> Total of 8 different periphal devices/clients <<<<-
->>>> Total of 6 different graphic rendering modules <<<<-
->>>> Total of 78 different graphic operators <<<<-
plus 49 pre-defined 3x3 convolution matrix filters
plus 21 pre-defined NxN convolution matrix filters
plus 10 pre-defined 3x3 float convolution matrices
plus 30 pre-defined external NetPBM filter configs
SV5Objects: - IFF-ACBM - Windows,OS/2 BMP - XPM v1-v3
- IFF-DEEP - PhotoCD - WPG v5.0/v5.1
- IFF-FAXX - TIFF 5.0/6.0/EP - MacPaint MAC
- IFF-PBM - PCX - EPS (Header/PS)
- IFF-RGB8 - PSD (Ph*t*sh*p) - Degas PI1-3/PC1-3
- IFF-RGBN - TIM - Spectrum ZX/SCR/TAP
- IFF-RGFX - XWD v11 - FBM
- IFF-YUVN - Windows Icon - CDR Preview
- QRT/POV Raytrace - Mac PICT v1/v2 - SGI
- SVG (SView) - Targa - Pictor/PCPaint
- SunRaster - RAW / RAW-CM - PNG
- CVP (passphoto) - Amiga Icons (lots) - SPP
- UtahRLE (RLE.5) - C64 GEOS - JPEG 2000 (JP2/PGX)
- C64 Koala - C64 Doodle - C64 GODOT/4BT
- PSP (PaintSh*p) - JPEG (LJPG) - Dr. Halo (CUT/PAL)
- PNM (P4-6) - PBM/PGM/PPM (P1-3) - PNM PAM (P7)
- PFM HDR (Pf/PF) - NEO (r1-r3) - QL (QL4/8)
- MTV - MSP v1.0/v2.0 - HDR Radiance
- PXR (P*xar) - CT/SCT (Scitex) - WBMP (WAP)
- GIF 87a / 89a - IFF-META - EXIF (TIFF)
- XBM v10/v11
as well as 8/24/32 Bit DataTypes (picture.datatype V40-V50).
Many formats with 24/32/48/64 Bit-Support.
Reads HQX/BZ2/GZ/XPK/PP20 packed data via Unpack.svobject.
Writes Asm/C-Sourcecode in chunky/RGB notation.
Together with external third party programs also the
following file formats seamlessly can be embedded:
File Format needs program also needs support for
- AMF MetaView (ILBM)
- CLP MetaView (ILBM)
- DXF/AutoCAD (tm) MetaView (ILBM)
- FIG AmiFIG (Postscript)
or: MetaView (ILBM)
- CGM GPlot (Postscript)
or: MetaView (ILBM)
- IFF-DR2D MetaView (ILBM)
- IFF-DRSD MetaView (ILBM)
- Limbo Limbo 4.0 (PNM)
- Postscript (TM) Ghostscript -
- SVG (W3C) svg2png (PNG)
- WPG-Vector MetaView (ILBM)
- WMF MetaView (ILBM)
Devices (via SV5Objects):
- Scanner (scanner.device of ScanQuix)
- Printer (printer.device/TurboPrint/Studio)
- Camedia (import from specific digital cameras)
- DCRAW (import of specific digital camera RAW files)
- ExifTool [Perl] (flexible meta data import via ExifTool)
- FxPaintStargate (quick export to FxPAINT)
- NetPBM (configurable import via external NetPBM tools)
- RAW-IMPORT (import of RAW data by file pattern)
- RAW-META-IMPORT (import of RAW metadata by file pattern)
SV5Drivers : - OCS/ECS - AGA - AGA/RTG Window
- CgxOverlay - Picasso96 - CyberGraphX
SV5Operators : - Dither24Bit - 24BitToHAM - HilbertDither256
- ExtractRed - ExtractGreen - ExtractBlue
- XOR - ExtractGrayScales - TopToBottom
- LeftToRight - Rotate - Scale50
- Gamma - Crop - CallPNM
- OptimizePalette - RotateFree - PaletteDither
- Blur - Sharpen - AddText
- Antique - AutoBorder - Brightness
- Complement - Contrast - Convolve (*)
- ConvolveNxN (**) - ConvolveFloat (*) - EdgeDetect
- Mosaic - PagePrint - RGBAdjust
- ScaleFree - Resize - AlphaBlend
- InvertColors - NegateColors - AddAlpha
- AddTransColor - InvertAlpha - StripAlpha
- ExtractAlpha - FixAlphaBlend - ColorCycle
- Cut - Mirror - Scatter
- FlipNibbles - ChangeColor - ChangePixel24
- Ghost - DitherFix24 - AnyTo24Bit
- AnyTo48Bit - ExtractChannel - CutInverse
- ResetChannel - Histogram - Move
plus the following from Steve Quartly:
- SQBentley - SQTiling - SQThreshold
- SQOilPaint - SQMosaic - SQEmboss
- SQSlicing - SQDiffuse - SQContrast
- SQSharpen - SQBlur - SQDeep_Press
- SQMotion_Blur - SQHighPass
(*) with Convolve/Float you can load pre-defined
convolution matrix files (3x3 matrix)
(**) with ConvolveNxN you can load pre-defined convolution
matrix files of dynamic size (5x5 / 7x7 / 9x9 matrix)
Other: - sview5support.library, exifdata.library (EXIF handling)
iptcdata.library (IPTC handling), etc.
Main changes since v2.67:
V2.70 (07.04.2009): (english)
- OS4 support is on my to-do list
- included sview5.library V16.12 (see history in SView5-Library Guide)
- see the first beta versions of SView5 for Windows (.NET)
on my website under
the Win/Linux SDK will allow to be backported to AOS/MOS
(requires decent C++ SDK, thus a stable recent GCC version)
V2.69 (01.04.2009): (english)
- included sview5.library V16.11 (see history in SView5-Library Guide)
V2.68 (23.03.2009): (english)
- included sview5.library V16.10 (see history in SView5-Library Guide)
V16.12 (07.04.2009):
- Library: - installer script now moves outdated .elf modules to
"libs:sv5storage"; if you really want, you may move
them back to "libs:sv5objects"
- SV5Objects:
- TIFF: - when aligning IPTC content the pad bytes
are always NUL'ed now
- RGFX: - LZ77 decomp buffer was two times too large
- ZIP compression level can be set now (0..9)
- SVG: - added new compression type "ZIP" (LZ77);
XPK support from now on is deprecated;
this is for compatibility with the Windows
- for this, introduced a new file sub-type "SGX"
- changed filetype name for both sub-types
also to "SGX"
V16.11 (01.04.2009):
- SV5Objects:
- RGFX: - added new compression type "ZIP" (LZ77);
this is also used in case XPK is selected,
but no pack-method (before, "NUKE" was used);
this is for compatibility with the Windows
- TIFF: - fixed "end of file" bug in internal decoder
- fixed bug in internal decoder for 8/16/24 bit files
- made sure, that specific files which libtiff cannot
handle without crashing are handled by the internal
decoder *upfront*
- SV5Operators:
- Convolve3x3:
- fixed memtrash with 48 bit images
- ConvolveNxN:
- fixed memtrash with 48 bit images
V16.10 (23.03.2009):
- SV5Objects:
- _ALL_ IFF-based SV5Objects:
- loading IPTC data caused illegal memory access;
could cause all kinds of issues (released ptr
used instead of new one)
- PNG: - attempting to read 16 bit grayscale(!)
files no longer trashes memory
- JPEG: - fixed (once more) GPS string creation
- SV5Operators:
- AnyTo24Bit:
- fixed bug in error handling
- AnyTo48Bit:
- fixed bug in error handling
- HAM6/8 conversion did not work properly
- RotateFree:
- now has sizechange flag set
- fixed bug in error handling
© 1993-2009 by Dipl.-Ing. Andreas R. Kleinert. All rights reserved.