Demo version of Pro-Board V3.04. Provides manual or fully
automatic placement and routing of Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs). A
52 page manual describes how to use the package and provides several
tutorials covering simple to moderate examples for creating PCBs and
custom Library Parts for inclusion on the PCBs.
Using Net Lists provided by Pro-Net and a Part List description
which cross-references the Device Labels with their physical
description, Pro-Board V3 can provide manual, guided, or fully
automatic placement. Placement grids can limit available locations.
Forbidden areas can be set aside to account for manufacturing
requirements (clearance, mounting holes, etc.). Once devices are
placed, they may be moved, rotated, or swapped with other devices to
improve placement.
Several routing methods and modes are provided. Manual routing on
one or two layers using the Maze or Channel routing algorithms is
supported. Operating modes under the automatic routing menu can
limit traces to those which are almost entirely vertical or
horizontal (the allowable deviation from a straight line is
selectable); those which can be made with one, two, or three Vias; or
traces which are restricted to one layer.
Sixteen signal layers are supported, plus automatic generation of
Power and Ground planes. Nets to be routed can be selected by pin,
part, box, or simply selecting all unrouted Nets. Rip-Up option will
delete and reroute selected traces in a different order if any fail
to route.
Pro-Lib is a separate program for creating custom library parts and
is included with Pro-Board. Easily creates Surface Mount Devices,
Pin Grid Arrays, Plastic Leaded Chip Carriers, Goldfinger edge
connectors, PCB mounted connectors, transistor pads, ZIP packages,
The Demo version of Pro-Board cannot save. Other than that, it is
fully functional. Pro-Lib is fully functional and can create and
save parts which can be loaded and placed on PCBs in Pro-Board_Demo.
Changes from V3.03
Automatic support for NTSC and PAL overscan screens.
Improved file requester.
CheckPCB() function notifies of errors before saving.
How to contact us
Prolific, Inc.
1808 W. Southgate Ave.
Fullerton, CA 92633
(714)447-8792 Phone
(714)447-8792 Fax