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gfx/misc/LensEdDemo.lha |
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LensEdDemo by Zak of The Forcers Team
You had a dream that your ray-tracer can generate nice Lens-Flars, and
when you get up then your program can't or can a very ungly Lens to
generate. Here comes your dream from the Forcers Team, named LensEditor.
You can put a with LensEditor generated flars into your picture if you
have ImageFx 2.0 or better or with an other image-processor that can mix
(add) the two pictures.
LensEditor Generates a 24bit IFF picture what you can easy transform to
other pictureformats.
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
1389 589 57.5% 17-Jun-96 22:10:38 LensEditor.info
296 126 57.4% 17-Jun-96 17:13:32 +amiga
50950 38657 24.1% 17-Jun-96 19:43:18 +amiga.001
76 60 21.0% 17-Jun-96 17:13:30 +carlamps
98 68 30.6% 17-Jun-96 17:13:32 +colormix
230 86 62.6% 17-Jun-96 17:13:30 +cool
91300 21259 76.7% 17-Jun-96 20:33:08 +LensEdDemo
6527 928 85.7% 17-Jun-96 22:10:24 +LensEdDemo.info
5943 2441 58.9% 17-Jun-96 20:55:06 +LensEditor.Guide
1852 1329 28.2% 17-Jun-96 20:46:24 +LensEditor.Guide.info
252 140 44.4% 17-Jun-96 17:13:30 +Random
1520 993 34.6% 17-Jun-96 20:47:30 +RequestFile
246 141 42.6% 17-Jun-96 22:09:58 +Set Viewer
1572 876 44.2% 17-Jun-96 20:57:02 +Set Viewer.info
54 54 0.0% 17-Jun-96 17:13:30 +The Sun
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
162305 67747 58.2% 17-Jun-96 22:17:48 15 files
Contents of gfx/misc/LensEdDemo.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[unknown] 589 1389 42.4% -lh5- 867c Jun 17 1996 LensEditor.info
[unknown] 126 296 42.6% -lh5- a9f7 Jun 17 1996 LensEditor/amiga
[unknown] 38657 50950 75.9% -lh5- c3eb Jun 17 1996 LensEditor/amiga.001
[unknown] 60 76 78.9% -lh5- 3f3b Jun 17 1996 LensEditor/carlamps
[unknown] 68 98 69.4% -lh5- 5159 Jun 17 1996 LensEditor/colormix
[unknown] 86 230 37.4% -lh5- 39ab Jun 17 1996 LensEditor/cool
[unknown] 21259 91300 23.3% -lh5- 5ca2 Jun 17 1996 LensEditor/LensEdDemo
[unknown] 928 6527 14.2% -lh5- d1f9 Jun 17 1996 LensEditor/LensEdDemo.info
[unknown] 2441 5943 41.1% -lh5- b9f3 Jun 17 1996 LensEditor/LensEditor.Guide
[unknown] 1329 1852 71.8% -lh5- cf51 Jun 17 1996 LensEditor/LensEditor.Guide.info
[unknown] 140 252 55.6% -lh5- b982 Jun 17 1996 LensEditor/Random
[unknown] 993 1520 65.3% -lh5- d517 Jun 17 1996 LensEditor/RequestFile
[unknown] 141 246 57.3% -lh5- 4139 Jun 17 1996 LensEditor/Set Viewer
[unknown] 876 1572 55.7% -lh5- 7ec6 Jun 17 1996 LensEditor/Set Viewer.info
[unknown] 54 54 100.0% -lh0- b17a Jun 17 1996 LensEditor/The Sun
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 15 files 67747 162305 41.7% Feb 26 1998
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