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LFracs Version 1.0
Copyright © 1996 Alexander Welisch.
All rights reserved, FREEWARE.
LFracs is a program for drawing L-Fractals (Line-Fractals).
L-Fractals are fractals, that can be generated in the form of a string by
recursive expansion of a short origin code (in the following named
"Axiom"). After that this string can be translated into (drawed as) a pic-
For example: a = a[0] = "f-f++f-f" (string) <=> __/\__ (picture)
"f" means "draw a short line in the current direction"
"+" means "turn right for w=60 degrees"
"-" means "turn left for w=60 degrees"
If you replace each "f" in a with a itself, you'll have a new string:
a[1] = "f-f++f-f - f-f++f-f ++ f-f++f-f - f-f++f-f"
as a picture this would be:
\ /
__/\__/ \__/\__
Again you can replace each "f" in a[1] with "f-f++f-f", and you'll get
a[2] = "f-f++f-f - f-f++f-f ++ f-f++f-f - f-f++f-f -
f-f++f-f - f-f++f-f ++ f-f++f-f - f-f++f-f ++
f-f++f-f - f-f++f-f ++ f-f++f-f - f-f++f-f -
f-f++f-f - f-f++f-f ++ f-f++f-f - f-f++f-f"
\ /
__/\__/ \__/\__
\ /
/_ _\
\ /
__/\__ __/ \__ __/\__
\ / \ / \ /
__/\__/ \__/\__/ \__/\__/ \__/\__
In case you begin with another Axiom a, you'll get another picture
Besides "f", "+" and "-" there are the special characters
"(" = "Save your present position"
")" = "Go back to the last saved position (without drawing the
path to it), then continue executing the command-string"
With the help of these special characters it's possible to ge-
nerate tree-like fractals too, e.g.:
a = a[0] = "f(ffx)(-ffx)+ffx" (Axiom)
f : "f" (means "replace 'f' by 'f'")
x : "f(ffx)(-ffx)+ffx" (replace each 'x' by 'f(ffx)(-ffx)+ffx')
a[0] as a picture (with start-angle 90°, turn-angle 30°):
\ | /
then is
a[1] = "f(ff f(ffx)(-ffx)+ffx )(-ff f(ffx)(-ffx)+ffx )+ff
and the picture:
\ |\ | /| /
___\| \|/ |/___
\ | /
\ | /
LFracs consists of the following files and directories
(packed in the Lha-archive LFracs.lha):
LFracs (Dir) ____ LFracs (Program)
|__ Docs (Dir) ____ LF.deutsch.guide (German Documentation)
| |__ LF.english.guide (English Documentation)
|__ Catalogs (Dir) ____ deutsch (Dir) ____ LFracs.catalog
|__ FracsCodes (Dir) ____ Dragon.code (Data)
| |__ #?.code
| ...
|__ FracsPictures (Dir) ____ Dragon12.lfpic (Picture-data)
|__ #?.lfpic
To install LFracs, simply unpack LFracs.lha in your prefered directory.
Then the directory LFracs and the other Files/Directories will be auto-
matically installed as you see above.
Of importance are the directories "FracsCodes" and "FracsPictures"; the
files "#?.code" and "#?.lfpic" are only example-files, they are not ne-
cessary for the correct functionality of LFracs.
The source-code is packed in LFracs-Source.lha (if you don't need it,
you can delete this file).
If you don't speak german, you can delete the Catalogs-Directory and
the LF.deutsch.guide.
Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of LFracs, its
documentation and sources. The source is included in this package and may
be changed in any form for personal use. Such a changed version must NOT be
Because LFracs is for free, there`s NO GUARANTEE for perfect functionality.
The author cannot be hold responsible for any loss or damage, that is
caused by the use of LFracs. You use LFracs at your own risk.
LFracs must not be selled; Only a copy-fee of not more than 4 $(US) is per-
mitted. Besides LFracs mustn't be distributed with other commercial pro-
ducts without permission of the author. LFracs may only be distributed if
the whole documentation is included and the package is unchanged with the
the source-code attached.
Please send comments, suggestions, error-reports, hymns of praise and money
Alexander Welisch
Kolpingweg 15
94086 Griesbach
OR EMAIL: welisch@kirk.fmi.uni-passau.de
Contents of gfx/fract/LFracs.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 15662 15662 100.0% -lh0- 3dfe Jan 8 1997 LFracs-Source.lha
[generic] 554 2273 24.4% -lh5- bc0f Jan 2 1997 LFracs.info
[generic] 1977 5079 38.9% -lh5- 8107 Jan 8 1997 LFracs.readme
[generic] 420 716 58.7% -lh5- 5aa2 Dec 23 1996 LFracs/Catalogs/deutsch/LFracs.catalog
[generic] 561 2273 24.7% -lh5- 364d Jan 3 1997 LFracs/Docs.info
[generic] 6330 16083 39.4% -lh5- 3480 Jan 8 1997 LFracs/Docs/LF.deutsch.guide
[generic] 336 854 39.3% -lh5- b25b Jan 3 1997 LFracs/Docs/LF.deutsch.guide.info
[generic] 5808 14965 38.8% -lh5- b0f5 Jan 8 1997 LFracs/Docs/LF.english.guide
[generic] 334 854 39.1% -lh5- a1b7 Jan 3 1997 LFracs/Docs/LF.english.guide.info
[generic] 30 34 88.2% -lh5- f1f2 Jan 2 1997 LFracs/FracsCodes/Branch.code
[generic] 24 25 96.0% -lh5- ee69 Jan 2 1997 LFracs/FracsCodes/Bush.code
[generic] 18 18 100.0% -lh0- 018c Jan 2 1997 LFracs/FracsCodes/Dragon.code
[generic] 50 89 56.2% -lh5- e694 Jan 2 1997 LFracs/FracsCodes/Fern.code
[generic] 51 73 69.9% -lh5- 1919 Jan 2 1997 LFracs/FracsCodes/Fern2.code
[generic] 21 21 100.0% -lh0- ba0c Jan 2 1997 LFracs/FracsCodes/Fir.code
[generic] 19 19 100.0% -lh0- a542 Jan 2 1997 LFracs/FracsCodes/Flake.code
[generic] 29 30 96.7% -lh5- 1968 Jan 2 1997 LFracs/FracsCodes/Hilbert.code
[generic] 24 26 92.3% -lh5- 4a31 Jan 2 1997 LFracs/FracsCodes/Koch.code
[generic] 35 50 70.0% -lh5- 8107 Jan 2 1997 LFracs/FracsCodes/Peano.code
[generic] 50 64 78.1% -lh5- 4738 Jan 2 1997 LFracs/FracsCodes/Pine.code
[generic] 30 37 81.1% -lh5- 313a Jan 2 1997 LFracs/FracsCodes/Sierpinski3.code
[generic] 22 22 100.0% -lh0- 534e Jan 2 1997 LFracs/FracsCodes/Sierpinski4.code
[generic] 16 16 100.0% -lh0- e6ef Jan 2 1997 LFracs/FracsCodes/Stalk.code
[generic] 38 40 95.0% -lh5- 3dfe Jan 2 1997 LFracs/FracsCodes/Tree.code
[generic] 1608 27618 5.8% -lh5- dff2 Jan 2 1997 LFracs/FracsPictures/Dragon12.lfpic
[generic] 14302 26620 53.7% -lh5- c62b Jan 6 1997 LFracs/LFracs
[generic] 464 1510 30.7% -lh5- 3a81 Jan 2 1997 LFracs/LFracs.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 27 files 48813 115071 42.4% Jan 13 1997
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