84782 packages online
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The sequel to F1 Licenceware's best selling graphic adventure Relics.
Don't miss this class piece of gaming software.
*Two meg of **CHIP** ram required.
*Also requires: Iconx
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
23760 15835 33.3% 23-Oct-92 11:25:52 hero-test-1.2
7930 5280 33.4% 23-Oct-92 11:25:56 Hero-Wait-1.2
20132 12736 36.7% 23-Oct-92 11:36:04 Hero-XANIM-17
6724 4199 37.5% 23-Oct-92 11:36:08 Hero-XANIM-18
6896 3943 42.8% 23-Oct-92 11:36:08 NPC-10
7816 4527 42.0% 23-Oct-92 11:36:10 NPC-11
6410 3494 45.4% 23-Oct-92 11:36:12 NPC-12
3234 1645 49.1% 23-Oct-92 11:36:12 NPC-Xanim-2
28408 22419 21.0% 23-Oct-92 11:36:18 Screen-1-31
10892 7632 29.9% 23-Oct-92 11:36:20 Screen-1-32
24810 19830 20.0% 23-Oct-92 11:36:24 Screen-1-33
24394 18338 24.8% 23-Oct-92 11:36:28 Screen-1-34
22308 17152 23.1% 23-Oct-92 11:36:32 Screen-1-35
1387 136 90.1% 23-Oct-92 11:36:34 Amender.Data
388 225 42.0% 13-Feb-96 13:55:36 Disk.info
140 24 82.8% 23-Oct-92 11:36:36 DiskSwap.Data
264 34 87.1% 23-Oct-92 11:21:02 +Eurostile.font
10460 4725 54.8% 23-Oct-92 11:20:58 +26
264 27 89.7% 23-Oct-92 11:21:02 +genet.font
2492 867 65.2% 23-Oct-92 11:21:00 +9
975 182 81.3% 23-Oct-92 11:36:36 FramesAnim.Data
1742 914 47.5% 23-Oct-92 11:46:30 HDRUN.DOC
1718 647 62.3% 23-Oct-92 11:36:40 Hero-Items.data
361 120 66.7% 23-Oct-92 11:36:40 Hero-Xanim-26.Data
388 115 70.3% 23-Oct-92 11:36:44 Hero-Xanim-27.Data
117 47 59.8% 23-Oct-92 11:36:44 Hero-Xanim-28.Data
55 35 36.3% 23-Oct-92 11:36:44 Item-Xanim-5.Data
73 40 45.2% 23-Oct-92 11:36:44 Item-Xanim-6.Data
5084 2046 59.7% 23-Oct-92 11:36:44 Items.Data
10473 4722 54.9% 13-Feb-96 14:09:18 Manual
917 331 63.9% 13-Feb-96 13:55:36 Manual.info
107648 67923 36.9% 23-Oct-92 11:37:02 Music-SteveGane
5 5 0.0% 23-Oct-92 11:37:06 Nos.Data
175 114 34.8% 23-Oct-92 11:37:06 NPC-10.data1
1072 480 55.2% 23-Oct-92 11:37:06 NPC-10.Data2
78 53 32.0% 23-Oct-92 11:37:06 NPC-10.data3
179 111 37.9% 23-Oct-92 11:37:06 NPC-11.data1
2042 892 56.3% 23-Oct-92 11:37:08 NPC-11.Data2
242 142 41.3% 23-Oct-92 11:37:08 NPC-11.data3
222 138 37.8% 23-Oct-92 11:37:10 NPC-12.data1
2450 1086 55.6% 23-Oct-92 11:37:10 NPC-12.Data2
119 65 45.3% 23-Oct-92 11:37:10 NPC-12.data3
308 60 80.5% 23-Oct-92 11:37:14 NPC-Xanim-2.Data
220472 218051 1.0% 23-Oct-92 11:24:58 r2demo
68586 25580 62.7% 23-Oct-92 11:22:58 r2order.iff
157 138 12.1% 23-Oct-92 11:44:22 RelicsII
914 328 64.1% 13-Feb-96 13:55:36 RelicsII.info
32 26 18.7% 23-Oct-92 11:37:20 Save-Position master
4047 1128 72.1% 23-Oct-92 11:37:22 Screen-1-31.data
32 15 53.1% 23-Oct-92 11:37:24 Screen-1-31.data.SFX
1875 654 65.1% 23-Oct-92 11:37:26 Screen-1-32.data
12 12 0.0% 23-Oct-92 11:37:26 Screen-1-32.data.SFX
4028 1130 71.9% 23-Oct-92 11:37:28 Screen-1-33.data
36 15 58.3% 23-Oct-92 11:37:30 Screen-1-33.data.SFX
2550 865 66.0% 23-Oct-92 11:37:32 Screen-1-34.data
16 15 6.2% 23-Oct-92 11:37:36 Screen-1-34.data.SFX
2607 892 65.7% 23-Oct-92 11:37:36 Screen-1-35.data
16 15 6.2% 23-Oct-92 11:37:40 Screen-1-35.data.SFX
140 15 89.2% 23-Oct-92 11:37:42 ScreenScores.Data
140 20 85.7% 23-Oct-92 11:37:42 SCRLOOP.Data
54898 37138 32.3% 23-Oct-92 11:37:50 Soundies-DigitalNinja
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
706110 509373 27.8% 23-Mar-96 21:04:56 61 files
Contents of game/role/relicsII.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 15835 23760 66.6% -lh5- 138b Oct 23 1992 hero-test-1.2
[generic] 5280 7930 66.6% -lh5- a20f Oct 23 1992 Hero-Wait-1.2
[generic] 12736 20132 63.3% -lh5- abda Oct 23 1992 Hero-XANIM-17
[generic] 4199 6724 62.4% -lh5- 8d43 Oct 23 1992 Hero-XANIM-18
[generic] 3943 6896 57.2% -lh5- 9f57 Oct 23 1992 npc-10
[generic] 4527 7816 57.9% -lh5- f895 Oct 23 1992 npc-11
[generic] 3494 6410 54.5% -lh5- 5064 Oct 23 1992 npc-12
[generic] 1645 3234 50.9% -lh5- f502 Oct 23 1992 NPC-Xanim-2
[generic] 22419 28408 78.9% -lh5- a15a Oct 23 1992 Screen-1-31
[generic] 7632 10892 70.1% -lh5- ec18 Oct 23 1992 Screen-1-32
[generic] 19830 24810 79.9% -lh5- ae22 Oct 23 1992 Screen-1-33
[generic] 18338 24394 75.2% -lh5- bb5d Oct 23 1992 Screen-1-34
[generic] 17152 22308 76.9% -lh5- 3cd0 Oct 23 1992 Screen-1-35
[generic] 136 1387 9.8% -lh5- 5635 Oct 23 1992 Amender.Data
[generic] 225 388 58.0% -lh5- 4047 Feb 13 1996 Disk.info
[generic] 24 140 17.1% -lh5- 7188 Oct 23 1992 DiskSwap.Data
[generic] 34 264 12.9% -lh5- 5f5d Oct 23 1992 fonts/Eurostile.font
[generic] 4725 10460 45.2% -lh5- 285d Oct 23 1992 fonts/eurostile/26
[generic] 27 264 10.2% -lh5- fe48 Oct 23 1992 fonts/genet.font
[generic] 867 2492 34.8% -lh5- 0fb2 Oct 23 1992 fonts/genet/9
[generic] 182 975 18.7% -lh5- e800 Oct 23 1992 FramesAnim.Data
[generic] 914 1742 52.5% -lh5- 4151 Oct 23 1992 hdrun.doc
[generic] 647 1718 37.7% -lh5- 90bc Oct 23 1992 Hero-Items.data
[generic] 120 361 33.2% -lh5- 849a Oct 23 1992 Hero-Xanim-26.Data
[generic] 115 388 29.6% -lh5- d34a Oct 23 1992 Hero-Xanim-27.Data
[generic] 47 117 40.2% -lh5- 1812 Oct 23 1992 Hero-Xanim-28.Data
[generic] 35 55 63.6% -lh5- f66a Oct 23 1992 Item-Xanim-5.Data
[generic] 40 73 54.8% -lh5- 618d Oct 23 1992 Item-Xanim-6.Data
[generic] 2046 5084 40.2% -lh5- f7f9 Oct 23 1992 Items.Data
[generic] 4722 10473 45.1% -lh5- 08d3 Feb 13 1996 Manual
[generic] 331 917 36.1% -lh5- 65dc Feb 13 1996 Manual.info
[generic] 67923 107648 63.1% -lh5- 4db2 Oct 23 1992 Music-SteveGane
[generic] 5 5 100.0% -lh0- 1a1a Oct 23 1992 Nos.Data
[generic] 114 175 65.1% -lh5- 0311 Oct 23 1992 NPC-10.data1
[generic] 480 1072 44.8% -lh5- 380d Oct 23 1992 NPC-10.Data2
[generic] 53 78 67.9% -lh5- 3f09 Oct 23 1992 NPC-10.data3
[generic] 111 179 62.0% -lh5- b849 Oct 23 1992 NPC-11.data1
[generic] 892 2042 43.7% -lh5- 8dd9 Oct 23 1992 NPC-11.Data2
[generic] 142 242 58.7% -lh5- fe92 Oct 23 1992 NPC-11.data3
[generic] 138 222 62.2% -lh5- 55d0 Oct 23 1992 NPC-12.data1
[generic] 1086 2450 44.3% -lh5- b9d5 Oct 23 1992 NPC-12.Data2
[generic] 65 119 54.6% -lh5- 54ae Oct 23 1992 NPC-12.data3
[generic] 60 308 19.5% -lh5- 1ae5 Oct 23 1992 NPC-Xanim-2.Data
[generic] 218051 220472 98.9% -lh5- ca98 Oct 23 1992 r2demo
[generic] 25580 68586 37.3% -lh5- b90e Oct 23 1992 r2order.iff
[generic] 138 157 87.9% -lh5- b3dd Oct 23 1992 RelicsII
[generic] 328 914 35.9% -lh5- bdc9 Feb 13 1996 RelicsII.info
[generic] 26 32 81.2% -lh5- 7a78 Oct 23 1992 Save-Position master
[generic] 1128 4047 27.9% -lh5- 87ed Oct 23 1992 Screen-1-31.data
[generic] 15 32 46.9% -lh5- a39f Oct 23 1992 Screen-1-31.data.SFX
[generic] 654 1875 34.9% -lh5- 4e37 Oct 23 1992 Screen-1-32.data
[generic] 12 12 100.0% -lh0- bab5 Oct 23 1992 Screen-1-32.data.SFX
[generic] 1130 4028 28.1% -lh5- 4b09 Oct 23 1992 Screen-1-33.data
[generic] 15 36 41.7% -lh5- 6e51 Oct 23 1992 Screen-1-33.data.SFX
[generic] 865 2550 33.9% -lh5- 22b7 Oct 23 1992 Screen-1-34.data
[generic] 15 16 93.8% -lh5- b188 Oct 23 1992 Screen-1-34.data.SFX
[generic] 892 2607 34.2% -lh5- 3cdb Oct 23 1992 Screen-1-35.data
[generic] 15 16 93.8% -lh5- b188 Oct 23 1992 Screen-1-35.data.SFX
[generic] 15 140 10.7% -lh5- 97e7 Oct 23 1992 ScreenScores.Data
[generic] 20 140 14.3% -lh5- e022 Oct 23 1992 SCRLOOP.Data
[generic] 37138 54898 67.6% -lh5- 719e Oct 23 1992 Soundies-DigitalNinja
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 61 files 509373 706110 72.1% Mar 24 1996
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