84782 packages online
game/role/ScummVM_AGA.lha |
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Enjoy 256 colours Lucas Arts games on Amiga !
*** Notes: ***
.There are two versions of the game:
*ScummAGA.exe which does not need ixemul.library and has sound enabled
This version works with dott but STRANGELY, doesn't work anymore
with Monkey1 (and maybe some other games)
*ScummAGA_NoSound.exe which requires ixemul.library, has sound disabled
(SDL_Audio crashes with ixemul): this version should work with all
I didn't wanted to release such crappy software but as I don't think I will
be able to fix the gcc-problem soon and as a lot of people asked me for sound,
talkdelay, I decided to release it.
What's new in version 0.38:
.Changed Delay routines: the game is *A LOT* faster !
(Try the FASTMODE at least one time: press RightShift+f !!!)
.Sound support (AHI required)
.F1 will now grab the scummaga screen (requires iff.library)
.Adjustable Talk Delay (use '+' and '-' on keypad)
.Screenmode is now saved to disk
.Put back color cycles (SLOW under AGA...)
.Changed keys: 'ESC' will now skip cutscenes and 'F10' will exit
.AmigaOS 3.1 and AGA or RTG
.AHI (required for sound support)
.IFF.library (required for grabbing screens)
.A patch for WriteChunkyPixels() if used under AGA: BlazeWCP is
the fastest on my 030
.Some PC/VGA Lucas Arts datas
.ScummAGA.exe [game name]
ex: ScummAGA.exe monkey will start MonkeyIsland 1
Possible game names are:
"monkey" to play "Monkey Island 1",
"monkey2" to play "Monkey Island 2 LeChuck's revenge",
"atlantis" to play "Indiana Jones 4 and the Fate of Atlantis",
"playfate" to play Indiana Jones 4 and the Fate of Atlantis (Demo)",
"tentacle" to play "Day Of The Tenctacle",
"dottdemo" to play "Day Of The Tenctacle (Demo)",
"samnmax" to play "Sam & Max",
"snmdemo" to play "Sam & Max (Demo)".
Other commandline args:
-d: disable sound (AHI won't be opened)
-b:<num> start in <num> room
-f: ignored in scummaga
In-Game keys:
.To Skip intro sequences, press ESC or both mouse buttons
.To QuickSave a game, type RightShift + 1-9 (not on keypad)
.To QuickLoad a game, type LeftShift + 1-9
.Pressing F1 will save a screengrab of the game to "PROGDIR:ScummAGAx.iff"
.Press F10 to exit game at any time
.RSHIFT+f will turn the game into FAST mode and RSHIFT+g into "slow" (!) mode ;)
Please note: You only have to select a screenmode the first time you run
ScummAGA: the screenmodeid is saved in 'ScummAGA.ModeID' and then
read from it the next time you launch the game...
=>If you want to have the requester again, just delete the
above file
Small History:
.Fixed random crashes at startup
.Now Frees Memory and Closes screen when a Scumm Error occurs
.Sources cleaned a bit
.Recompiled for 68020
.Removed color cycles until it will be fast enough
To Do:
.Fix the small gfx line bug
.Optimize color cycles
Thanks to:
.Thanks to Ludvig Strigeus for having written and put under GPL ScummVM
Nogfx - Nogfx@free.fr
Contents of game/role/ScummVM_AGA.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 7103 18795 37.8% -lh5- e580 Oct 9 2001 ScummVM_AGA/copying.txt
[generic] 122752 280292 43.8% -lh5- 6851 Jan 24 2002 ScummVM_AGA/ScummAGA.exe
[generic] 114710 263644 43.5% -lh5- 064d Jan 24 2002 ScummVM_AGA/ScummAGA_NoSound.exe
[generic] 1693 3584 47.2% -lh5- 3592 Jan 24 2002 ScummVM_AGA/ScummVM_AGA.readme
[generic] 5764 19786 29.1% -lh5- d89c Jan 24 2002 ScummVM_AGA/src/actor.cpp
[generic] 4632 19674 23.5% -lh5- 315f Jan 24 2002 ScummVM_AGA/src/boxes.cpp
[generic] 4202 16713 25.1% -lh5- 9439 Jan 24 2002 ScummVM_AGA/src/costume.cpp
[generic] 1951 4723 41.3% -lh5- 6860 Jan 24 2002 ScummVM_AGA/src/debug.cpp
[generic] 11068 40882 27.1% -lh5- 8e98 Jan 24 2002 ScummVM_AGA/src/gfx.cpp
[generic] 2704 7538 35.9% -lh5- 3c56 Jan 24 2002 ScummVM_AGA/src/grabscreen.cpp
[generic] 43 43 100.0% -lh0- 7881 Jan 24 2002 ScummVM_AGA/src/grabscreen.h
[generic] 3027 9688 31.2% -lh5- b1f5 Jan 24 2002 ScummVM_AGA/src/gui.cpp
[generic] 700 1733 40.4% -lh5- 04ea Jan 24 2002 ScummVM_AGA/src/gui.h
[generic] 2436 8156 29.9% -lh5- faca Jan 24 2002 ScummVM_AGA/src/iff.h
[generic] 2131 6487 32.9% -lh5- 7fd0 Jan 24 2002 ScummVM_AGA/src/iff2.h
[generic] 17489 39458 44.3% -lh5- 564a Jan 24 2002 ScummVM_AGA/src/lib/libsdlaudio.a
[generic] 151 224 67.4% -lh5- e802 Jan 5 2002 ScummVM_AGA/src/make
[generic] 161 1017 15.8% -lh5- 6046 Aug 6 2000 ScummVM_AGA/src/makeo
[generic] 258 1554 16.6% -lh5- 09ab Jan 24 2002 ScummVM_AGA/src/makeosound
[generic] 58 58 100.0% -lh0- b16a Jan 24 2002 ScummVM_AGA/src/makesdlo
[generic] 120 154 77.9% -lh5- 1148 Jan 24 2002 ScummVM_AGA/src/makesdloSOUND
[generic] 184 271 67.9% -lh5- d7b1 Jan 24 2002 ScummVM_AGA/src/makesound
[generic] 5330 19720 27.0% -lh5- a46a Jan 24 2002 ScummVM_AGA/src/object.cpp
[generic] 362 997 36.3% -lh5- 401c Jan 24 2002 ScummVM_AGA/src/prefs.cpp
[generic] 242 449 53.9% -lh5- 2c89 Jan 24 2002 ScummVM_AGA/src/prefs.h
[generic] 218 351 62.1% -lh5- 1edd Jan 24 2002 ScummVM_AGA/src/Readme_Amiga.txt
[generic] 5601 20018 28.0% -lh5- 9fa1 Jan 24 2002 ScummVM_AGA/src/resource.cpp
[generic] 4763 18174 26.2% -lh5- 693a Jan 24 2002 ScummVM_AGA/src/saveload.cpp
[generic] 5887 21428 27.5% -lh5- 08e6 Jan 24 2002 ScummVM_AGA/src/script.cpp
[generic] 9577 43975 21.8% -lh5- 572a Jan 24 2002 ScummVM_AGA/src/script_v1.cpp
[generic] 9528 40907 23.3% -lh5- 1346 Jan 24 2002 ScummVM_AGA/src/script_v2.cpp
[generic] 11560 37820 30.6% -lh5- 3d9a Jan 24 2002 ScummVM_AGA/src/scumm.h
[generic] 1613 6184 26.1% -lh5- 60aa Jan 24 2002 ScummVM_AGA/src/scummsys.h
[generic] 7073 20866 33.9% -lh5- bae7 Jan 24 2002 ScummVM_AGA/src/scummvm.cpp
[generic] 7900 34731 22.7% -lh5- 0509 Jan 24 2002 ScummVM_AGA/src/sdl.cpp
[generic] 136 256 53.1% -lh5- d1a3 Jan 24 2002 ScummVM_AGA/src/sdl.h
[generic] 7593 33515 22.7% -lh5- 86b3 Jan 24 2002 ScummVM_AGA/src/sdl2.cpp
[generic] 2885 7800 37.0% -lh5- c5b1 Jan 24 2002 ScummVM_AGA/src/sound.cpp
[generic] 192 294 65.3% -lh5- fac9 Jan 24 2002 ScummVM_AGA/src/stdafx.cpp
[generic] 539 1349 40.0% -lh5- 5fa9 Jan 24 2002 ScummVM_AGA/src/stdafx.h
[generic] 4864 16942 28.7% -lh5- 89d2 Jan 24 2002 ScummVM_AGA/src/string.cpp
[generic] 1354 3518 38.5% -lh5- 5519 Jan 24 2002 ScummVM_AGA/src/sys.cpp
[generic] 762 2091 36.4% -lh5- c36b Jan 24 2002 ScummVM_AGA/src/timer.cpp
[generic] 95 126 75.4% -lh5- 4bd9 Jan 24 2002 ScummVM_AGA/src/timer.h
[generic] 2489 6831 36.4% -lh5- fc75 Jan 24 2002 ScummVM_AGA/src/verbs.cpp
[generic] 7915 23610 33.5% -lh5- 8eaa Jan 24 2002 ScummVM_AGA/src/windows.cpp
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 46 files 401815 1106426 36.3% Jan 27 2002
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