The first full role playing game released by Internext Software, Final
Existence pushes Amiga shareware RPGs to a new level. Incorporating a
super-fast game engine, 64 EHB graphics, over 250 frames of character
animation, and multiple endings to the game, Final Existence breaks away
from the kill-the-dragon-rescue-the-princess-find-the-gold avdentures of
the past with a non-tile based world. You are free to roam about in any
direction, moving through individually drawn backgrounds.
You are Mike, a nineteen year old college student who is whisked away to
an alien planet on the verge of destruction. With you are Harman and Freija,
two scientists from this world who have found a way to bring the meager
population back to Earth. There's only one thing impeding your progress,
NOTICE: Many users have written complaining about the game not starting
after the Main Menu screen. This is because the XPK Compression Package is not
installed. You can find it here on Aminet in util/pack/xpk_User.lha, or on the
INextSoft Web Site below.
System Requirements: Amiga w/ OS2.04 or better, 68020 or better, XPK
Compression Package, 1 meg Chip Ram, 2 meg Fast Ram, Hard Drive, CD
ROM Drive (for CD Version only)
Internext Software's Web Site: or