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Short: | HD fix for Dungeon Master v3.6 |
Author: | Bored Seal |
Uploader: | |
Type: | game/patch |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1999-07-15 |
Requires: | WHDLoad, the HD-Installer for OS-Killers (dev/misc) |
Download: | game/patch/dmhd.lha - View contents | Readme: | game/patch/dmhd.readme |
Downloads: | 700 |
This patch applies to "Dungeon Master (release v3.6)" by FTL (c) 1992 - 1 disk.
Install needs about 2.0 MB of HD space and Installer utility in path,
and uses fmsdisk.device, download it from aminet:disk/misc/fmsdisk.lha
- Full loading from HD (all trackdisk.device accesses emulated)
- Load/Save from HD
- NI/MWB icon (created by JHZ)
- Convenient installer script
No disk should have been inserted at the start of DM (since trackdisk
device isnt accessible anymore), and booting with original chipset may
be needed.
Use corresponding install script to install your savegame disk
(you can insert a blank formatted Dos-disk if you dont have one). Enter the
directory where you have Dungeon Master installed.
If theres no valid gamepositiondisk, start DM, select any character,
access the save-menu and format, then reboot your amiga (fmsdisk doesnt
perform a diskchange for new formatted virtual disks).
While playing, its not a that bad idea to backup UNIT1 (your gameposition)
now and then.
Thanks to Harry for prework.
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
4020 2688 33.1% 03-Jan-80 23:17:44 DungeonMasterHD/DIC
152 142 6.5% 03-Jan-80 23:17:44 DungeonMasterHD/dm_fms
425 194 54.3% 03-Jan-80 23:17:44 DungeonMasterHD/dmmountlist
196 100 48.9% 03-Jan-80 23:17:44 DungeonMasterHD/DungeonMaster
18504 4340 76.5% 03-Jan-80 23:17:44 DungeonMasterHD/DungeonMaster.inf
5557 1526 72.5% 03-Jan-80 23:17:44 DungeonMasterHD/DungeonMaster.newicon
1164 678 41.7% 06-Jun-99 15:35:38 DungeonMasterHD/DungeonMaster.readme
2040 1581 22.5% 06-Jun-99 14:51:40 DungeonMasterHD/DungeonMaster.readme.info
3937 1329 66.2% 06-Jun-99 15:12:04 DungeonMasterHD/Install_Game
713 355 50.2% 06-Jun-99 14:51:40 DungeonMasterHD/Install_Game.info
2275 906 60.1% 06-Jun-99 15:17:06 DungeonMasterHD/Install_SaveDisk
728 376 48.3% 06-Jun-99 14:51:40 DungeonMasterHD/Install_SaveDisk.info
1233 589 52.2% 03-Jan-80 23:17:44 DungeonMasterHD.info
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
40944 14804 63.8% 14-Jul-99 20:08:56 13 files
Contents of game/patch/dmhd.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 2688 4020 66.9% -lh5- f5ef Jan 3 1980 DungeonMasterHD/DIC
[generic] 142 152 93.4% -lh5- aac5 Jan 3 1980 DungeonMasterHD/dm_fms
[generic] 194 425 45.6% -lh5- 0c9f Jan 3 1980 DungeonMasterHD/dmmountlist
[generic] 100 196 51.0% -lh5- e145 Jan 3 1980 DungeonMasterHD/DungeonMaster
[generic] 4340 18504 23.5% -lh5- a165 Jan 3 1980 DungeonMasterHD/DungeonMaster.inf
[generic] 1526 5557 27.5% -lh5- 1739 Jan 3 1980 DungeonMasterHD/DungeonMaster.newicon
[generic] 678 1164 58.2% -lh5- 81d4 Jun 6 1999 DungeonMasterHD/DungeonMaster.readme
[generic] 1581 2040 77.5% -lh5- 6743 Jun 6 1999 DungeonMasterHD/DungeonMaster.readme.info
[generic] 1329 3937 33.8% -lh5- cf72 Jun 6 1999 DungeonMasterHD/Install_Game
[generic] 355 713 49.8% -lh5- 6f74 Jun 6 1999 DungeonMasterHD/Install_Game.info
[generic] 906 2275 39.8% -lh5- 36ef Jun 6 1999 DungeonMasterHD/Install_SaveDisk
[generic] 376 728 51.6% -lh5- a453 Jun 6 1999 DungeonMasterHD/Install_SaveDisk.info
[generic] 589 1233 47.8% -lh5- 7ea5 Jan 3 1980 DungeonMasterHD.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 13 files 14804 40944 36.2% Jul 14 1999
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