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VERSION: : $VER: ThemePark 040 Patch v1.0b
BRIEF: : This is a patch for ThemePark which will get the most out
of an A1200/4000 fitted with an 040 and FPU or simply just
an 040. It uses all Icaches & Dcaches available to make
the game run as fast as possible.
It was designed with an Apollo 1240/25 in mind but Im sure
it will work with many other setups which include an
040 CPU.
INSTALLATION : Simply copy the file go040 and CPU into the dir you have
ThemePark installed in and reboot. Hold down both mouse
buttons, and select boot with no startup sequence. Now
cd your way to the dir with go040 in,
example, for me its ->
cd A500:ThemePark/TP/
Then Type go040 and simply wait. ThemePark should load up
into glorious SuperFast 040 mode. The music might be a bit
dodgy (faster)and the pointer strange (bug?) but it should
work perfectly normally & around 2000% faster than it woul
d on a stock A1200 ;).
FINAL: : Enjoy this program and contact me if you need help on ->
01670 715454 or gazy@globalnet.co.uk. You can also find
me on #AmIRC on GalaxyNet,heres a server incase you havent
got one -> SpryNet.Us.GalaxyNet.Org port = 6668 AutoJoin
Tested on A1200Tg 040/25/25 +18meg Ram + 2xCD, 520Hd......
All Rights reservedĀ® by GazSting EnterPrisesĀ© 1997........
Contents of game/patch/Theme040.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 712 1352 52.7% -lh5- 342d May 15 1997 Tp040.info
[generic] 2107 3652 57.7% -lh5- ef3b Jul 6 1994 Tp040/CPU
[generic] 403 733 55.0% -lh5- d8f4 May 15 1997 Tp040/go040
[generic] 1791 9594 18.7% -lh5- d0a1 May 15 1997 Tp040/go040.info
[generic] 8872 13928 63.7% -lh5- e9b1 Jun 28 1980 Tp040/PPMore
[generic] 926 1958 47.3% -lh5- c75c May 15 1997 Tp040/ThemePark040.readme
[generic] 1485 4513 32.9% -lh5- 481e May 15 1997 Tp040/ThemePark040.readme.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 7 files 16296 35730 45.6% Jul 14 1997
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