Amiga Patch List Aminet release 3.1 (7-May-1998)
Copyright © 1998 by Mark Knibbs
This file contains a list of various patches for commercial Amiga software,
to remove manual- and disk-based copy-protection. It is freely distributable.
There are two versions, a cut-down one for Aminet distribution and a full one
for distribution elsewhere. Some of the patches have been removed for the
Aminet release. The entry below is for the full version. Read the Copyright
Issues section in the .guide file. The full version can be found at
and can also be downloaded from my web page at
Changes from the previous release are as follows:
3.1 Changed web page URLs.
Updated LockPick URL.
Mention possibility of Esc bypassing protection check with SSI games.
Added credits page.
Added StoneCracker 4.10.2 to 'Where to find...' section
Minor edits.
The following new patches added:
Advantage Tennis
Alien Breed 3D (8-channel version)
Alien Breed 3D II (2Mb & 4Mb versions, and turbo patch)
Alien Storm
Atomic Robo-Kid
Better Dead than Alien
Bubble and Squeak
Computer Scrabble
Dan Dare III - The Escape
Fast Eddie's Pool and Billiards Parlor
Fist Fighter
Football Glory AGA
Naughty Ones ECS
Navy Seals
Nicky Boom II
Last Ninja 2
Prospector in the Mazes of Xor
Skeleton Krew A1200
Super Wonder Boy
The Speris Legacy
UFO - Enemy Unknown AGA version
Weird Dreams
Worms (alternative patch)