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Short:Amiga game cheats by Postcard Man
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             GAME CHEATS, BACKDOORS & LEVEL CODES (Update 1/28/94)

                     *** MAJOR REVISION & EXPANSION ***

     The following list of cheats and backdoors for 620 games was compiled
by POSTCARD MAN from magazines and miscellanous postings on docs disks and 
BBSs. I believe it's the most comprehensive file to date since it incorporates
nearly every cheat file published. I never verified many of these cheats.
Sometimes more than one password is given since different sources list
different cheats. Sometimes there are both U.S.A. and European (PAL) versions
of a game and there are different passwords for both versions. Since most of
my information comes from United Kingdom sources, I'm not sure the passwords
work on the U.S. version. I certainly don't have all of these games nor would
I have the time to play and test each cheat if I did. But I do make 
corrections as soon as I know about a mistake. 
     There has been a major revision of this file since the last update of
February 4, 1993. I've been in contact with Steven Gill in Witham, England
who has assembled one of the largest set of cheat files in the world, THE
MIGHTY CHEAT LIST V2.2. He has incorporated both my cheat file and his 
English competitor's Megacheat 3.0c file into three huge files. While his 
files often include lengthy hint files and solutions to many games, I've 
choosen not to include those and stick mainly to cheats, passwords and 
     Lengthy game hints and solves (including maps) are in separate files in
my Game Player's Docs Set (Disks 1-40). This set of 2800 files has the
documentation to 80% of all Amiga games. They are menu driven and power-
packed and organized by game type (Fantasy Role Playing, Sports, Arcade
Adventure, etc.) These are more focused on games than the LSD set, and all
maps and pics have been converted to NTSC screens. Look for them on BBS 
networks. They may be hard to find, but they are worth it. They are released
in groups of three disks every three to five months depending on the
availibility of doc & solve files (last release was late January 94').
     The file is turning into a book (9627 lines at 66 lines / page = 
146 pages). If the reader would like to add to or ammend this file, please 
contact me by mail. I don't wish to sound elitest, but it is best to keep
the source of revisions centralized. For those readers who think I get lots
of mail and figure others are sending me new cheats, you are wrong! In the
two years that I've been working on this file, I've received one phone call
and the letter from England that enabled me to expand this file. Send paper 
listing of info or cheats on disk (if you don't care about returned disk) to:

     Venice Postcard Co. 3710 Pacific Ave. #16 Venice, Ca. 90291 (USA)

        Voice Telephone Only (310) 821-2425  - NO ANSWERING MACHINE

              NEW ADDITIONS OR UPDATES SINCE 2/04/93 (493 games)

     Over 2200 lines of new material was added to this file in the latest
update. Cheats were rewritten and added to throughout, particularly among
the older games. My advice is to print the file out again. Since the number
of games has increased from 493 games to 616 games, I've only listed some
of the latest game releases below.

Abandoned Places 2
Alien 3
Alien Breed - Special Edition
Alien Breed 2
Alien Breed 92'
Battle Isle 93'
Bill's Tomatoe Game
Chaos Engine
Dalek Attack
Deep Core
Desert Strike
History Line 1914-1918
Humans - The Jurassic Levels
Jurassic Park AGA
Lemmings II - Tribes
Lost Vikings
Magic Pockets
Nick Fado Golf
Nicky 2
One Step Beyond
Populus 2 - The Challenge Games
Robocod 1200
Settlers - The
Star Dust
Suburban Commando
Super Frog
Swibble Dribble
Teraway Thomas
Vector Storm
Wonder Dog
Woody's World

Contents of game/hint/acheats.lzh
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]               175253  410118  42.7% -lh1- 6719 Feb 16  1994 PostcardMan-GameCheats
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total         1 file   175253  410118  42.7%            Feb 26  1994
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