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Short:Hunt down and kill your opponent (demo)
Uploader:Peter <pjhull btconnect com>
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This is the Demo version of the game "Scavenge" by James A. Wright.

Scavenge is a two player only game and is clearly inspired by the Alien Breed
series. Hunt down and kill your opponent in split screen two player action,
all the while scavenging the various pickup's on offer which include new
weapons, health and cash - cash which (in the full version) can be spent on
weapon upgrades).

The game is A1200 only and does not like any additional Fast RAM (Set up a
stock A1200 config and boot from the Scavenge ADF and it should be ok). Don't
forget it's two player only so you need two joypads plugged in  - no  mouse
control is offered.

Scavenge was released in 1995 - it was reviewed in Amiga Power issue #50 (The
page scan of the AP review is in this folder) and also in Amiga Format I seem
to remember...


I have been searching for the Full Registered Version of this game since I
lost my copy over 10 years ago...

I registered the game with the author when it first came out and as well as
sending me the Full Version he also sent me another game that he was working
on called "Titanium".

I dont think he ever finished Titanium - he certainly never released it as far
as I know which was a shame as it was shaping up into a good looking Asteroids

I recently wrote to the author in an attempt to get the game back but he is
longer known at the address stated in the game's readme file.

I have posted a request for the full Version of the game on 4 Amiga Forums and
also posted a video of the game on youtube so I live in hope of getting it
back - one day!

You can now even join the "Scavenge Amiga" page on Facebook if you like...!

This demo version is very restricted and the game screen will flash after a
certain time making game play very difficult, also many of the game's features
are disabled - the full version was so much better!!

Please help me find it...! :-)

If you should happen to have the Full Version of the game then please get in

Peter - ( or (

25th Dec 2010 (Merry Xmas btw!)

The game Scavenge is Shareware and it still remains the property of the author.
Please check the game's README file for full details about this Demo Version.

Contents of game/2play/
Archive:  /home/aminet/aminet_root/doc//game/2play/
 Length   Method    Size  Ratio   Date   Time   CRC-32    Name
--------  ------  ------- -----   ----   ----   ------    ----
       0  Stored        0   0%  12-25-10 09:46  00000000  Scavenge_Game_Demo/
   73297  Defl:X    72931   1%  08-06-10 22:04  a9defde2  Scavenge_Game_Demo/Scavenge_AP50_Review.jpg
  901120  Defl:X   394172  56%  08-06-10 23:11  7aabf820  Scavenge_Game_Demo/Scavenge_Demo.adf
    2275  Defl:X     1152  49%  12-25-10 09:41  d61fe72d  Scavenge_Game_Demo/Scavenge_Demo_Readme.txt
    5632  Defl:X     3083  45%  12-25-10 09:46  89c250fc  Scavenge_Game_Demo/Thumbs.db
--------          -------  ---                            -------
  982324           471338  52%                            5 files
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