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Short:The best PuyoPuyo clone ever made!
Author:Guillaume Borios etc / ToAks OS4port
Uploader:tony aksnes broadpark no (tony.aksnes)
Requires:OS4 Pre 3 or better
Download:game/2play/FloboPuyo_OS4_020RC2.lha - View contents


NEW VERSION, and the only fix is the AmigaInput code in the game.

Hopefully this will enable some more fun for thoose of you who had problems earlier.

thanks to everyone for their kind words and donations.

PS: if it flickers , try removing the config file.



UPDATED VERSION! , please redownload if you have the one i uploaded earlier

Changes since last upload: , Fixed a newlib crash on startup along with
priortity changes.


Finally another great title ported, a super slick game with everything you could
ask for , even the code oozed quality.

Not much to say really as the game speaks for it self , its an puyo puyo clone
where yo stack bubbles on top of each others ala columns.

There is some rules in the menu just in case.

The game offers multiplayer and is the perfect game for you and your

Thanks to frak (johnny H.)for sending me the parsed/generated files.

Since version 0.13:
- Improved game control settings
- Added key repetition
- Made the "main puyo" more visible by blinking
- Added score board and hall of fame
- Added a new music and game theme
- Added some sound effects
- Added OpenGL support
- Added a useless effect (corona) in the about menu
- Improved in-game animations
- Improved menu appearance
- A lot of bug fixes

Contents of game/2play/FloboPuyo_OS4_020RC2.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 1847    2060  89.7% -lh5- b3a4 Nov 18 10:05 FloboPuyo_OS4/
[generic]               443138  740125  59.9% -lh5- 8250 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/sfx/strange_fear2.xm
[generic]               443809  746803  59.4% -lh5- 1a0a Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/sfx/strange_gameover.xm
[generic]                51722   57736  89.6% -lh5- 14c9 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/sfx/woho.wav
[generic]                45087   49218  91.6% -lh5- 4836 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/sfx/woo.wav
[generic]                57842   68064  85.0% -lh5- 250c Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/sfx/yahoohoo.wav
[generic]                  331     544  60.8% -lh5- 90ce Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/story/intro.txt
[generic]               746116 1511580  49.4% -lh5- b577 Feb 15 15:24 FloboPuyo_OS4/FloboOS4.exe
[generic]                 7562   10778  70.2% -lh5- 0c02 Nov 18 15:06 FloboPuyo_OS4/
[generic]                  334     797  41.9% -lh5- 276e Jan  6 13:53 FloboPuyo_OS4/flobopuyorc
[generic]                   61      62  98.4% -lh5- b5ab Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/INSTALL
[generic]                  568     958  59.3% -lh5- 71e6 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/man/flobopuyo.6
[generic]                  529     903  58.6% -lh5- c3bd Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/TODO
[generic]                 1988    4487  44.3% -lh5- 27b0 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/sfx/pop.wav
[generic]                35563   38934  91.3% -lh5- ca2b Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/sfx/remove.wav
[generic]                28456   36056  78.9% -lh5- 982e Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/sfx/slide.wav
[generic]                14561   16262  89.5% -lh5- f112 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/sfx/splash1.wav
[generic]                13401   14538  92.2% -lh5- a4cf Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/sfx/splash2.wav
[generic]                11972   12932  92.6% -lh5- 3e3c Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/sfx/splash3.wav
[generic]                10680   11504  92.8% -lh5- 4519 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/sfx/splash4.wav
[generic]                 9502   10236  92.8% -lh5- 6f87 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/sfx/splash5.wav
[generic]                 8456    9108  92.8% -lh5- 85e8 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/sfx/splash6.wav
[generic]                 7517    8106  92.7% -lh5- 59f3 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/sfx/splash7.wav
[generic]                 6691    7214  92.8% -lh5- 8588 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/sfx/splash8.wav
[generic]               443857  747078  59.4% -lh5- 94ea Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/sfx/strange_fear.xm
[generic]                 3422    3428  99.8% -lh5- 0ffd Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/v4abcd.png
[generic]                  164     480  34.2% -lh5- a549 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/sfx/._bi
[generic]                24235   64744  37.4% -lh5- 77bf Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/sfx/applose.wav
[generic]                23406   29208  80.1% -lh5- 3e5f Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/sfx/bam1.wav
[generic]                 2826    3206  88.1% -lh5- b01f Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/sfx/bim1.wav
[generic]                 2825    3206  88.1% -lh5- c6a5 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/sfx/bim2.wav
[generic]                 8994   10978  81.9% -lh5- 99c8 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/sfx/fff.wav
[generic]               138006  254399  54.2% -lh5- 6083 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/sfx/flobopuyo_game1.xm
[generic]                42366   57614  73.5% -lh5- 3342 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/sfx/flobopuyo_game2.xm
[generic]                21713   30151  72.0% -lh5- a81a Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/sfx/flobopuyo_gameover.xm
[generic]               387589  462234  83.9% -lh5- 368e Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/sfx/flobopuyo_menu.xm
[generic]                78960   90764  87.0% -lh5- 684a Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/sfx/pastaga.wav
[generic]                 3359    3366  99.8% -lh5- c2cf Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/v1b.png
[generic]                 3443    3466  99.3% -lh5- bfeb Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/v1c.png
[generic]                 3401    3405  99.9% -lh5- 6037 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/v1d.png
[generic]                 3411    3419  99.8% -lh5- 95cb Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/v2ab.png
[generic]                 3458    3469  99.7% -lh5- b4bb Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/v2ac.png
[generic]                 3382    3382 100.0% -lh0- 99f3 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/v2ad.png
[generic]                 3415    3415 100.0% -lh0- 3f90 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/v2bc.png
[generic]                 3307    3307 100.0% -lh0- 7c12 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/v2bd.png
[generic]                 3457    3457 100.0% -lh0- 8bae Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/v2cd.png
[generic]                 3464    3471  99.8% -lh5- 5155 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/v3abc.png
[generic]                 3373    3373 100.0% -lh0- 7297 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/v3abd.png
[generic]                 3430    3436  99.8% -lh5- 5dde Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/v3acd.png
[generic]                 3385    3389  99.9% -lh5- b403 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/v3bcd.png
[generic]                 2509    2564  97.9% -lh5- 199b Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/Shrink1.png
[generic]                 2440    2492  97.9% -lh5- 8003 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/Shrink2.png
[generic]                 2145    2177  98.5% -lh5- 5812 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/Shrink3.png
[generic]                  975     992  98.3% -lh5- 7035 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/Shrink4.png
[generic]                 3894    3894 100.0% -lh0- bdc8 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/speed.png
[generic]                 1336    1336 100.0% -lh0- 395d Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/speed_black.png
[generic]                 1382    1382 100.0% -lh0- f2ad Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/twirleye0.png
[generic]                 1385    1385 100.0% -lh0- 14de Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/twirleye1.png
[generic]                 1388    1388 100.0% -lh0- c19b Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/twirleye2.png
[generic]                 1402    1402 100.0% -lh0- 05b9 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/twirleye3.png
[generic]                 3330    3345  99.6% -lh5- 2f81 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/v0.png
[generic]                 3398    3417  99.4% -lh5- caf6 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/v1a.png
[generic]                 1541    1556  99.0% -lh5- 0e6b Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/eye1.png
[generic]                 1446    1453  99.5% -lh5- 2ab1 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/eye2.png
[generic]                40488   40488 100.0% -lh0- 90b7 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/font3b.png
[generic]                16018   16018 100.0% -lh0- 2047 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/font4b.png
[generic]                24409   25310  96.4% -lh5- 3c57 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/fontdark.png
[generic]                 9941    9995  99.5% -lh5- 9f8b Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/grid.png
[generic]                99746   99746 100.0% -lh0- 5560 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/MenuBackground.jpg
[generic]                 9272    9303  99.7% -lh5- 0631 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/menusel.png
[generic]                 2838    2842  99.9% -lh5- 7a73 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/Neutral.png
[generic]                23136   23422  98.8% -lh5- 37b4 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/perso1_1.png
[generic]                15445   15561  99.3% -lh5- da66 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/perso1_2.png
[generic]                 1129    1129 100.0% -lh0- afa7 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/Shadow.png
[generic]                 2379    2379 100.0% -lh0- c4ce Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/2live.png
[generic]                 2362    2362 100.0% -lh0- 2c16 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/3live.png
[generic]                74295   74295 100.0% -lh0- 9d78 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/Background.jpg
[generic]                75773   75773 100.0% -lh0- 1a21 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/BackgroundDark.jpg
[generic]                 4007    4036  99.3% -lh5- d9b1 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/BigNeutral.png
[generic]                 1753    1778  98.6% -lh5- 97bb Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/circle.png
[generic]                 1402    1402 100.0% -lh0- 5128 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/crosseye.png
[generic]                 1342    1371  97.9% -lh5- d459 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/Explode1.png
[generic]                  986    1021  96.6% -lh5- 7ca8 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/Explode2.png
[generic]                  614     650  94.5% -lh5- 8ea8 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/Explode3.png
[generic]                  419     468  89.5% -lh5- 248e Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/Explode4.png
[generic]                 1532    1541  99.4% -lh5- fb4e Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/eye0.png
[generic]                 7787   10773  72.3% -lh5- 3169 Dec 21 13:12
[generic]                  346     694  49.9% -lh5- 09dc Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/Changelog
[generic]                 7119   18349  38.8% -lh5- d933 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/COPYING
[generic]                 2379    2379 100.0% -lh0- ca7d Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/0live.png
[generic]                 2323    2323 100.0% -lh0- 53b6 Oct  8  2004 FloboPuyo_OS4/data/gfx/1live.png
[generic]                    1       1 100.0% -lh0- 0000 Nov 18 01:56 FloboPuyo_OS4/WARNINGS
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        92 files 3628193 5635042  64.4%            Feb 15 16:27
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