Drive and Controller Guide, Version 4.3
THEREF(tm) is a comprehensive Directory of Hard Drives, Floppy Drives,
Optical Drives, and Drive Controllers & Host Adapters. It is designed to
help the novice and pro alike with integration problems and system setups.
Information is provided in two handy formats; Portrait mode, for those
who prefer a normal book-binding type print format, and(or) do not have a
printer with Landscape capability. And Landscape mode, for those who pre-
fer a computer-printout type format.
For printing, a Laserjet is preferred, but not necessary, and setup
info is provided. For viewing, LIST(tm) by Vernon Buerg, will provide an
excellent result, and allow text searches for finding specific models.
By F. Robert Falbo
VERSION 4.30 Lots of little changes. Access times changed from "mS" to
05-01-93 "ms", weights are now standardized in grams (g). The Head-
parking (P?) was dropped, since this is now reflected in the
Landing Zone entry. The COMMENTS section has been cleaned-
up...It was previously 2 fields combined into 1 for Landscape
mode. Now its one in both modes, and a little easier to
understand (hopefully). The MFM designation is now gone. I
know I'll get objections here, but since MFM is really 1,3RLL,
I've decided to use that instead. Some of the sizes are now
being converted to metric. The drive heights for new entries
are now being entered in millimeters. Manufacturers phone
numbers are now in International format (000.000.0000) and
shouldn't be too much of a headache to those of us in the
US & CAN. There's a change in the format for the landscape
mode of the Hard Drives section. I needed more room for the
additional entries, so I moved the Mfr's name to the start of
each section. Of course there's more info in each section.
This version marks the introduction of the Contributors Page,
where people who added to TheRef(tm) get my Thank You. If you
see them on the nets, let them know that you appreciate their
help in making TheRef(tm) a better product.
For those into statistics, this version of TheRef(tm) has
1,905 Hard Drives, 533 Controllers, 218 Opticals, and 110
Floppy Drives listed. (Not to mention 217 Manufacturers.)
This version also marks the first time I've included work by
others. Included are three files from Steven Case to allow
easier setting of Laser printers for Portrait and Landscape
modes when (or if) you decide to make a hardcopy. My thanks to
Steven, and if you see him out there on the Electronic Airways,
give him a big THANK YOU! <g>
One other small thing... This version includes a new section
designed to help configure controllers. There are only a few
with this version, and I hope to double or triple the number
in the next release. This section is a direct outgrowth of
requests I received. Of course, I also received requests for
drive layouts, but for the near future, I'll leave that part
for those Companies who are looking to make a living selling
that type of information. :) -bob-
[Note from Uploader: I've changed the archive-method from .ZIP to .LHA!]