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docs/misc/SimpsonGuide.lha |
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The Complete Guide to
written by Manfred Huber AMOS-Version, Release 1.41 © 1995 Mampfi Soft
This program and its supporting files are Freeware. You may copy it freely,
however you are not allowed to spread any altered version of it.
PD-Distributors are allowed to offer this program in their library without
my prior consent, as long as they supply all files (including this text).
In addition, I would ask you to notify me when offering this program in your
PD-library. You are not required to do so, but I would like to keep track of
who is distributing it and whom to send future updates.
My address:
Manfred Huber
Hütteldorfer Straße 175/16
A-1140 Wien
System Requirements
The program SHOULD run on all PAL-Amigas with at least 1MB RAM, but I
haven´t been able to test it on every possible configuration. (Since the
program loads from Workbench, make sure to have enough free CHIP ram,
otherwise you might run out of memory when trying to show a graphic or play
a sample.)
Technical Note
When the program runs out of memory, the error message it gives you does
not distinguish between Fast- and Chip-RAM. However, the only situation
the program specifically tries to allocate Chip-RAM is when loading a
sound-sample. So when you select "Play Sample" and get the error message,
you most likely just run out of Chip-RAM.
Simply drag the "SimpsonGuide"-Drawer to whatever partition you want and
run the program from there. You can even change the name of the drawer,
but the sub-directories containing the data ("Graphics", "Samples", "Text")
must always be in the same directory as the main program.
What´s new
For the time being the program will stay on one disk, since I don´t want
to begin a second disk that stays nearly empty. To make this release
fit onto one disk, I had to remove the largest sound-sample (OPENG.SPL).
I instead introduced a smaller but much more interesting one (DNISE.SPL).
It can be accessed by selecting "The People vs OJ/Testimony by Prosecution
Witnesses/Spousal Abuse".
Special Thanks...
...go to Roman Patzner for his excellent 8-color-icons and for frequently
uploading my updates on the AmiNet.
Simpson Trial Coverage
Watch the afternoon session LIVE on Sky News Weekdays 22.30 CET
On Sundays, Sky News airs a summary of the
week´s events in the trial Sunday 20.30 CET
CNN International airs a daily special at Tue-Sat 5.30 CET (Live)
the following times (Refer to CNN Text Mon-Sat 15.30 CET (Replay)
page 201 in case programming schedule has Mon-Fri 21.30 CET (Replay)
changed) Sat 20.30 CET (Replay)
"Back by popular demand" - as the promo
says, but only during the weekend. Check out
RIVERA LIVE on NBC Super Channel for the Sun, Mon 4.00 CET
latest talk about the Simpson Case (greetings to your VCR)
Speaking of NBC Super Channel...
Want to do me a favor?
If you like my program and want to do me a favor, then please call
NBC Super Channel and tell them you want the following shows back:
- I WITNESS VIDEO (They promised new episodes but never delivered.)
- THE TODAY SHOW !LIVE! (They now replay yesterdays show in the morning -
does it make sense to air an 18 hour old newscast??? We want it LIVE!)
- The Simpson Trial Special from KNBC Los Angeles (The best Simpson wrap-up
there is. Originally they aired it TWO times a day. Then they kicked it
out. Don´t ask me why. They could at least air it during the night so
we can tape it.)
- RIVERA LIVE should also be aired weekdays. This show is better than
Larry King and they CANCEL it. They recently brought it back, but only
during the weekend. What genius makes these decisions anyway?
- INSIDE EDITION is another excellent show that found itself off the air
several month after being introduced.
Again, if you want to do me a favor and your English is good enough,
simply call 0044 171 418 9418 and tell the operator you want to talk to
someone at programming. I know what the chances are, but should enough
people call...
Contents of docs/misc/SimpsonGuide.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 268 628 42.7% -lh5- 929e Sep 8 1995 SimpsonGuide_v1.41.info
[generic] 275 628 43.8% -lh5- 374f Sep 8 1995 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/8colIcons.info
[generic] 153 208 73.6% -lh5- dcd5 Sep 8 1995 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/8colIcons/ReadMe
[generic] 436 851 51.2% -lh5- 9a8c May 19 1995 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/8colIcons/ReadMe.info
[generic] 1299 1558 83.4% -lh5- 2a7e May 19 1995 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/8colIcons/SimpsonGuide.info
[generic] 1 1 100.0% -lh0- d801 Mar 20 1995 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/8colIcons/SimpsonGuide_v1.41
[generic] 681 1188 57.3% -lh5- 8d01 May 19 1995 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/8colIcons/SimpsonGuide_v1.41.info
[generic] 20437 26764 76.4% -lh5- c849 Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Graphics/ABOUT.GFX
[generic] 11529 18376 62.7% -lh5- 79df Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Graphics/ARRST.GFX
[generic] 34273 40382 84.9% -lh5- f6d6 Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Graphics/COUPL.GFX
[generic] 22919 27534 83.2% -lh5- 398f Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Graphics/COURT.GFX
[generic] 4984 10424 47.8% -lh5- b804 Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Graphics/ESTAT.GFX
[generic] 23294 27600 84.4% -lh5- ce5e Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Graphics/GLDMN.GFX
[generic] 21553 26184 82.3% -lh5- 8057 Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Graphics/JLDIV.GFX
[generic] 1827 5346 34.2% -lh5- 99ff Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Graphics/MPFIS.GFX
[generic] 3907 8210 47.6% -lh5- d43f Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Graphics/QUITT.GFX
[generic] 9890 13164 75.1% -lh5- 2073 Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Graphics/SMENU.GFX
[generic] 3473 7666 45.3% -lh5- 6379 Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Graphics/TITLE.GFX
[generic] 2215 4626 47.9% -lh5- 5f0e Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/ReadMe
[generic] 332 867 38.3% -lh5- fcdc Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/ReadMe.info
[generic] 44172 56962 77.5% -lh5- d242 Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Samples/911AC.SPL
[generic] 49150 56514 87.0% -lh5- b883 Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Samples/911C1.SPL
[generic] 40894 47426 86.2% -lh5- 3c07 Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Samples/911C2.SPL
[generic] 48229 69442 69.5% -lh5- 0c31 Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Samples/DNISE.SPL
[generic] 48472 72898 66.5% -lh5- 5948 Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Samples/GASCN.SPL
[generic] 33170 45474 72.9% -lh5- f406 Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Samples/IWANT.SPL
[generic] 38726 47266 81.9% -lh5- 7d49 Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Samples/NOISE.SPL
[generic] 46659 78240 59.6% -lh5- 6386 Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/SimpsonGuide
[generic] 986 1736 56.8% -lh5- 60ee Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/SimpsonGuide.info
[generic] 526 1220 43.1% -lh5- c7d0 Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Text/911AC.TXT
[generic] 584 1386 42.1% -lh5- b813 Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Text/ABUSE.TXT
[generic] 449 722 62.2% -lh5- b1a0 Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Text/ACHIE.TXT
[generic] 2238 6106 36.7% -lh5- 0e98 Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Text/CHARA.TXT
[generic] 825 1428 57.8% -lh5- c1b9 Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Text/CHASE.TXT
[generic] 247 529 46.7% -lh5- 4657 Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Text/CONTS.TXT
[generic] 476 1228 38.8% -lh5- 6012 Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Text/CRIME.TXT
[generic] 756 1858 40.7% -lh5- ca30 Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Text/DEFNS.TXT
[generic] 454 1199 37.9% -lh5- 1391 Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Text/DNAEV.TXT
[generic] 228 438 52.1% -lh5- 4d34 Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Text/DREAM.TXT
[generic] 241 487 49.5% -lh5- 5af2 Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Text/ESTAT.TXT
[generic] 468 1116 41.9% -lh5- f543 Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Text/EVIDC.TXT
[generic] 334 545 61.3% -lh5- ac63 Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Text/FACTS.TXT
[generic] 479 1373 34.9% -lh5- fd27 Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Text/FAMLY.TXT
[generic] 928 2605 35.6% -lh5- eb69 Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Text/FELNY.TXT
[generic] 699 1235 56.6% -lh5- 3a4b Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Text/FURMN.TXT
[generic] 482 1161 41.5% -lh5- 2271 Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Text/FURMT.TXT
[generic] 375 623 60.2% -lh5- 147b Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Text/GASCN.TXT
[generic] 614 1209 50.8% -lh5- 1b3d Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Text/INDEX.TXT
[generic] 551 1507 36.6% -lh5- b2e8 Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Text/JUROR.TXT
[generic] 1808 3638 49.7% -lh5- 8bd6 Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Text/LETTR.TXT
[generic] 217 454 47.8% -lh5- f741 Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Text/MEZZA.TXT
[generic] 332 554 59.9% -lh5- 1904 Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Text/MOVIE.TXT
[generic] 1770 3582 49.4% -lh5- 3505 Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Text/MURDR.TXT
[generic] 369 1043 35.4% -lh5- c295 Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Text/NEIGH.TXT
[generic] 2855 8591 33.2% -lh5- 91ce Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Text/NICLE.TXT
[generic] 1686 3414 49.4% -lh5- 7e0d Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Text/OPENG.TXT
[generic] 714 1189 60.1% -lh5- 3059 Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Text/PRFLE.TXT
[generic] 849 2036 41.7% -lh5- 250d Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Text/PROSC.TXT
[generic] 784 1710 45.8% -lh5- c0f9 Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Text/PUBLI.TXT
[generic] 211 502 42.0% -lh5- 0bc3 Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Text/TESTY.TXT
[generic] 676 1838 36.8% -lh5- 5333 Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Text/TIMEL.TXT
[generic] 196 417 47.0% -lh5- 42eb Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Text/TRIAL.TXT
[generic] 260 630 41.3% -lh5- 7612 Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Text/TSCUT.TXT
[generic] 162 309 52.4% -lh5- 3944 Sep 2 1992 SimpsonGuide_v1.41/Text/TSTYD.TXT
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 64 files 539047 756045 71.3% Sep 22 1995
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