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PopoCop przedstawia
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'Czlowiek Pudelko Gold'
Wszystkie odcinki komiksu + jeden premierowy
Scenariusz i rysunki: PopoCop
Muzyka: Stelmi
Uruchomienie: - rozpakuj oba archiwa do jednego katalogu na twardym dysku
- kliknij na ikonke 'Start'
Obsluga: - obrazki zmienia sie myszka
UWAGA: Przed uruchomieniem komiksu odpal ARexxa (RexxMast). Jesli tego
nie zrobisz pojawi sie komunikat o bledzie (ale mimo tego wszystko
powinno dzialac OK)
Contents of demo/slide/cp_gold2.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 19959 56008 35.6% -lh5- 2b72 Jan 8 1998 cz8s1
[generic] 20514 61658 33.3% -lh5- 4f82 Jan 8 1998 cz8s2
[generic] 30494 73514 41.5% -lh5- 0be3 Jan 8 1998 cz8s3
[generic] 18526 55480 33.4% -lh5- fa13 Jan 8 1998 cz8s4
[generic] 12111 45448 26.6% -lh5- 907e Jan 8 1998 cz8s5
[generic] 13844 47842 28.9% -lh5- e119 Jan 8 1998 cz9s1
[generic] 19202 63234 30.4% -lh5- 4b90 Jan 8 1998 cz9s2
[generic] 16854 53816 31.3% -lh5- 9244 Jan 8 1998 cz9s3
[generic] 18021 54166 33.3% -lh5- a9e4 Jan 8 1998 cz9s4
[generic] 19014 55942 34.0% -lh5- fc76 Jan 8 1998 cz9s5
[generic] 20100 60490 33.2% -lh5- a2e6 Jan 8 1998 cz9s6
[generic] 27691 66672 41.5% -lh5- 1111 Jan 8 1998 cz9s7
[generic] 2614 8000 32.7% -lh5- ca5c Jan 8 1998 dedykacja
[generic] 19016 49200 38.7% -lh5- f897 Jan 8 1998 dziela_zebrane
[generic] 29 29 100.0% -lh0- ea9e Jan 8 1998 file_id.diz
[generic] 5319 17570 30.3% -lh5- c0b2 Jan 8 1998 Koniec
[generic] 269269 482902 55.8% -lh5- 4c1b Jan 8 1998 mod.kare konie
[generic] 9405 16380 57.4% -lh5- 2a65 Jan 8 1998 muchmore
[generic] 2150 4535 47.4% -lh5- 33c5 Jan 8 1998 Od_autora.txt
[generic] 271 3315 8.2% -lh5- 711a Jan 8 1998 Od_autora.txt.info
[generic] 10493 17206 61.0% -lh5- ec9b Jan 8 1998 popocop
[generic] 25151 60434 41.6% -lh5- ff97 Jan 8 1998 reklama
[generic] 11414 26000 43.9% -lh5- 934e Jan 8 1998 spec1
[generic] 14235 32964 43.2% -lh5- 7c85 Jan 8 1998 spec2
[generic] 12067 27724 43.5% -lh5- 9cac Jan 8 1998 spec3
[generic] 18250 36270 50.3% -lh5- 70ef Jan 8 1998 spec4
[generic] 14000 30478 45.9% -lh5- 5900 Jan 8 1998 spec5
[generic] 31 31 100.0% -lh0- 3a51 Jan 8 1998 Start
[generic] 318 3312 9.6% -lh5- 6aa4 Jan 8 1998 Start.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 29 files 650362 1510620 43.1% Jan 23 1998
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