84782 packages online
demo/slide/MWI-Photocell.lha |
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...bowiem kazde ziarno jest zapowiedzia kwiatu
a w kazdej smierci niezaleznie jak malej
tkwi zaczatek nowego zycia
nowego poczatku...
....:: ::....
:: 1 9 9 5 ::
......:: ::......
__ ___ :: _______ ___ __:: _
__( \/ /__ :: __\_____ )__ __\ X )__ // \\
____/ _ \____/ _____ \____/ / \__ \____/-\\_//-\____
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.---> [a] n a d u n e & m a d w i z a r d [s] -----.
`----- [m] a d w i z a r d s & a n a d u n [e] <---'
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/____/ :: /____/ :: draw
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::.... 1 9 9 9 ....::
f r i e n d l [y] [c] o o p e r a t i o n
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
<------------------p h o t o c e l l 1 x 1---------------------
------------------------------------<intro ver>------
dlaczego ukarano niewinnych?
po co ta ofiara? po co ten bol?
nie ma zadnych obietnic
nie ma niczego pewnego
nie wielu jest powolanych
nie wielu zbawionych>----------------------------
-----<say what>---
---sorry very very are we yes delay sec 15768ooo ca>---
---due to gravity #4 organising do not expect anything special---
---started has slideshow new brand a on work anyway---
---slide s internal scroll in order of appearance---
h---& restart
-----------------------------<passions human is life>---
info pic-!---[right mouse button]
promote1-!---[photocell_1x1.exe -dblpal for doublepal screen]
promote2-!---[photocell_1x1.exe -multi for multiscan screen]
promote3-!---[photocell_1x1.exe -pal to force pal mode]
k a z i k---!---g r a p h i c s / l a y o u t
kierownik---!---p r o g r a m m i n g
azzaro---!---additional visuals
drf---!---additional visuals
david fincher <alien 3>---!---info file quotes
kazik optimus wroc pl---e
m---sol soft com pl
kierownik amigascne org---a
i--www anadune o k pl
zorka19 puma tu koszalin pl---l
amiga clone---s
y---4mb fastram
ahi v4---e
m---030 and stronger preferred
--------owner respective its of tradermark a is anadune>---------
---permission is required for putting this on any kind of cddisc---
---this using for responsibility any take not do we---
---you r using it at your own risk>---
astrosyn`3-!--http puma tu koszalin pl/~a2000 <cure drf borys zomo azzaro>
anadune--w--www anadune o k pl <andy action kazik>
gravity--w--www anadune optimus wroc pl gravity <crusoe kazik>
demoscena--w--www demoscena cp pl <under construction> <cortez kazik>
kaktus--!--kaktus punkt pl <sharp ytok etc>
-----------------<mailtradign section-----------------
wojtek nowak czerwonych klonow 5/2 33101 tarnow poland---|---mcr
marcin szmidtke pobox 23 37400 stalowa wola poland---|---evan
tomasz wisniewski szeroka 35/8 75814 koszalin poland---|---azzaro
rafal biel czwartakow 3/27 43301 bielskobiala poland---|---belos
--<total magic one more time>----------------
Contents of demo/slide/MWI-Photocell.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 245 536 45.7% -lh5- 67a5 Nov 2 1999 file_id.diz
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[generic] 432 706 61.2% -lh5- 88bc Nov 1 1999 photocell_1x1/appendix-a/jeszcze_o_grv.txt
[generic] 5556 17443 31.9% -lh5- 7f01 Nov 1 1999 photocell_1x1/appendix-a/mwi-history'99.txt
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[generic] 14407 14407 100.0% -lh0- cdd9 Oct 28 1999 photocell_1x1/appendix-b/Nowa Fantastyka logo.jpg
[generic] 617378 617378 100.0% -lh0- 7bc0 Oct 28 1999 photocell_1x1/appendix-b/Yavanna.png
[generic] 89236 89236 100.0% -lh0- 04fc Nov 2 1999 photocell_1x1/appendix-c/az0!-photocell_1x1.png
[generic] 9270 16960 54.7% -lh5- 78de Sep 10 1998 photocell_1x1/appendix-c/dbplayer.library
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[generic] 695085 2180472 31.9% -lh5- 3c4d Oct 29 1999 photocell_1x1/other.dat
[generic] 9178 27640 33.2% -lh5- 585e Nov 1 1999 photocell_1x1/photocell_1x1.exe
[generic] 1968 10142 19.4% -lh5- 0e59 Nov 2 1999 photocell_1x1/photocell_1x1.txt
[generic] 1882924 4987808 37.8% -lh5- 1a5c Nov 1 1999 photocell_1x1/pictures.dat
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 17 files 3884812 8747519 44.4% Nov 17 1999
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