84782 packages online
demo/slide/MWI-Overview02.lha |
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| what does it mean at all?
[MADWIZARDS DISKOCITIZENS] backs again with second issue of our
rather new project called [OVERVIEW]. it`s party slideshow, scene
chronicle, human annuals or simply wicked life shoots - call it
what you want but it`s still an overview. if you want to
participate with us while compiling new issues don`t hesistate to
send us your preferred new party photos with descriptions who`s
who in text file (or at photo copy). remember to send high
quality scans only! if you hadn`t scanner - send us photos - we
process them and send you back with hottest issue of this package.
anyway - take a look like polish sceners lives, looks and have a
good party time and compare this with your point of view about it,
eheh =) we also want to present how looks other world parties and
party fun - not only big events but also those small, underground
ones with something lost at major parties - an atmosphere!
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| today at "overview" show:
this time it`s photo report from [mekka&symposium`2k] held in
fallingbostel, germany on easter holliday, 2000. a four days trip
of polish sceners fullfilled with all kind of attractions. also a
lot of guest photos of famous amiga and pc sceners - you have an
unique chance to see how they looks like =) there was only about
fifteen poles at this party but we made a lot of chaos, i think =)
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guys and girls responsible for this production are:
KiErOwNiK.......................................programming wizard
SuBsTaNcE........................................soundtrack wizard
CaRo.................................................visual wizard
LuCkY............................................group logo wizard
AzZaRo.................photo processing/materials selection wizard
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| a word from our sponsor:
all photos are stored in jpeg form so before you can see them
program decodes all photos, makes thumbnails from them and then
show you results. please wait patiently while precalculations -
this can take some time on your not-so-fast machine. if you want
to see a full color picture press [ENTER] or use your [MOUSE] then
wait some seconds while program do the dithering and optimising
work. after all press [ENTER] or use [MOUSE] again, please.
select other pictures by using [MOUSE] or keyboard [CURSORS].
exit by [ESC]. you can promote this slideshow to the resolution
you prefer by using your fave promotor util. if you lost
something it`s not complicated and we stronlgy hope you can
operate it intiutionally. try "mwi-ove2.exe -multi" for multiscan
projection mode or "mwi-ove2.exe -dblpal" for double pal
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| | last notes:
m a d w i z a r d s ` total magic 1 more time
j o i n our f a n c l u b at: mcr@wsz.tarnow.pl
support this o v e r v i e w at: zorka19@puma.tu.koszalin.pl
| made in poland [c] june 2000
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Contents of demo/slide/MWI-Overview02.lha
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[generic] 757 4444 17.0% -lh5- 0973 Sep 1 2000 mwi-overview_02/«» madwizards 2k «»/zosia.vote.txt
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Total 14 files 2969972 3519307 84.4% Sep 3 2000
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