Bringing unhealthy knowledge from the Depths of the DarkSide,
Ruskean Reian Ritarit Kauhu-Division presents
Malevolent Creations XIV
"The Final Chapter"
Released 24.Nov.1998
0. Foreword
Dear viewer,
it has come to pass that the End of Time is just several Units
away, dark ages lurking right behind the chronological corner.
As we have told before, the Malevolent Creations will rise from
the cosmic depths and fulfill their glorious destiny, flooding
the galaxies with sickening goo and drowning planetary systems
in hot, parasitic phlegm.
We, as merely messengers, naturally wish not to be around on
such fateful events, and will therefore depart from these parts
for a duration unknown.
So, for now, we present you "The Final Chapter" of the Malevolent
Creations. It is a vile ending of one sad era and the beginning
of yet another.
You might want to know how to recognize those horrid happenings
when they finally come. Its rather simple: You can't. You will
never know there was any "End of Time". Your brain will be
re-initialized afterwards. You couldn't possibly understand
the dark grandness of the irony involved.
1. Mumbo
Malevolent Creations is copyrighted material. Distribute freely for
non-profit purposes. Displaying in public (especially schools,
parties, kindergartens, etc) is allowed, althought you should be
aware that the viewers will grow up as eccentrics, perverts and
worst of all, intellectuals. Like us.
2. Support
Malevolent Creations is generously funded by the finnish
government, Shabranigdo and the Grand Lord of the Flies.
We thank the Old Ones for providing information and details.
3. Requirements
- An AGA-Amiga
- A drive with more than lots of free space.
- A harddrive with recent Workbench installed is recommended.
- A little bit of Amiga knowledge to get this running.
Although our automatic answering machine may become inactive
in the coming chaos, you still might want to send us something
The address is