»» Batman Vuelve HD-Loader made by Zer0-X! ««
Here's what you are going to need to view this Batty demo from HardDisk:
- Any Amiga(!)
- ½-2Mb Chip
- 2-4Mb Fast
- Harddrive
I think everyone should have these nowadays!
Use the install-script provided to copy your disks to HardDisk!
ATTENTION!: I think there are few sound bugs but I'm not sure!
»»» If you need to reach me: al@kontu.bbs.fi «««
(Mention "Zer0-X!" and the mail reaches me!)
At the moment my loaders can also be found from Funet: » FTP.FUNET.FI «
pub/amiga/demos/o'moses/... ...If I'm correct...
Again this one is a » o'Moses Release «