One of the last demos from
___________ _____ __ __ ______ ____ ______________ ________ __
f __/ 7 7 Y 7 / f \f / / 7 ___/ ` 7
| __7| 7 | 7--| | | ¯¯¯7 | 7 7 ¯¯7l ¯¯¯7 | \_ 7 \ |
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Additional words:
- The metamorph routine is drawn in 256 colors (8 bitplanes).
- The name in the module says "Shorty/Chips", but thats because it's
Lukas' old handle (and his old group before Focus Design)
- This demo was made on 68030, 8mb fastram, 420mb HD, defect mouse,
1084 monitor, no joystick mounted, oilpainted keyboard...
- If you didn't reach the adresses, then again:
"If you need 1 & 2 coders, then contact:
Kollaps/ Ex. Focus Design
Bregnevej 9
DK-4840 Nr. Alslev
Optima/ Ex. Focus Design
Storstømsvej 60
DK-4862 Guldborg"
- No time for greetings in the demo, so here they are then:
in order of "i think i can remember..."
Priest/Impact DK
Fazion/tilsyneladende Puzzle, ikk?
Curt Cool, Gizmoduck, Rune, Quedax, Quedax' brother, Folcka/Depth
"ham der lavede Darkhawk demoen, som var med i Subcult"/Fnuque
Blueberry, Lemmus/Efreet
Fresh Prince, Bird/Rebels
Slide, Pixie, Mount/ Polka B.
Mazzachre, Sorcia, Darkwing, Flyingfox/ X-tream
Shayera/ Spoon
dEnZeL mAzE/ mAgNeTiC (skulle gruppen også med store og små bogstaver?)
Coma, Bigmama/ gad vide hvor
RWO/ uafhængig, ikke?
Wolfman, Connor/ Balance
Motion, TNT/ Scoopex
I can't remember more...
So, if your group needs some coders, then consider contacting one of the
adresses mentioned above (and in the demo ofcause).
But we prefer a danish group, since it's expensive to make constant phonecalls
to Nepael while linking a multipart-demo. (Bare det at ringe til Brovst eller
Hirtshals kan i sig selv være en dyr fornøjelse...)
16/04 -1997