An Amiga AGA demo released at Riverwash 2017. It won the combined demo competition. Requirements: Amiga 1200/4000, 68060, 64 MB RAM (possibly 32 MB) Made by Kiero (code), Substrate (graphics), Ubik (graphics) and Chaser (music).
PERMISSION UID GID PACKED SIZE RATIO METHOD CRC STAMP NAME ---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ---------- [generic] 3669521 10622482 34.5% -lh6- 7dee Sep 6 1980 demo.dat [generic] 2577 3996 64.5% -lh6- 9a6d Apr 2 1995 dl_data/14bit.driver [generic] 191940 465884 41.2% -lh6- 6554 Sep 6 1980 eld-riseandshine [generic] 1219 6510 18.7% -lh6- eb82 Sep 6 1980 resource/demo.segments [generic] 5471404 6333018 86.4% -lh6- a19a Sep 6 1980 resource/music/rw.wav [generic] 8802219 8802219 100.0% -lh0- cd3f Sep 6 1980 resource/music/rw2017_3.mp3 ---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ---------- Total 6 files 18138880 26234109 69.1% Nov 5 10:34