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Short:animated demo with sound. AGA support
Author: chadessley at (Chad Essley)
Uploader:chadessley gmail com (Chad Essley)
Download:demo/aga/ - View contents

A short animated demo that will run on AGA machines possibly ECS (?) untested.
You might need an 020 or faster to run it at speed.

A shout out in return for the brief shout out gotten a few weeks back on the
This Week in Retro podcast, after I'd uploaded a video showing me watching the
podcast on my makeshift mini studio CRT video wall. Hello!

There was one little quip about how Dave didn't get shown.. well, I've done
you one better, and made a short animation about Dave, created fully on the 
Amiga 1200. (Aside from importing some frames of the TWIR opening sequence
into Brilliance.) I grabbed a clip from YouTube (apologies) and cut the bit
out I needed. Loaded that into the PC version of TVPaint, and exported as an 
8 bit dithered .iff sequence of images. Sent those across the network into the
Miggy, and on into Brilliance for editing and composition.

Twirling Dave was drawn in Brilliance using a USB Wacom Tablet, and the whole
thing with audio was put together in AnimatED.lha off Aminet. Protracker 3.2
for loading a sound sample or two. Audacity on the PC provided some sound
conversion of the random silly man shouting about upgrading one's Amiga that I
just found funny. Not sure if this will play on a stock Amiga, perhaps one
with an 020 or so. Anyway, hope you enjoy and I look forward each week to the

-Cheers from the Pacific Northwest

PS: Dave, I'd have done this whole thing on an Atari,* but the Amiga was the
only retro machine I have that's capable!* :-D

Contents of demo/aga/
Archive:  /home/aminet/aminet_root/doc//demo/aga/
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
       0  Stored        0   0% 1980-01-01 00:00 00000000  000-TWIR-Dave/
   51092  Defl:N    40419  21% 2024-11-26 14:54 f8269207  000-TWIR-Dave/001-Those.iff
   34929  Defl:N    26458  24% 2024-11-26 14:55 5e1c6f86  000-TWIR-Dave/002-Deep.iff
   30118  Defl:N    22078  27% 2024-11-26 14:55 c44985d9  000-TWIR-Dave/003-Sub.iff
   33197  Defl:N    19942  40% 2024-11-26 14:56 02c822c4  000-TWIR-Dave/004-Youdont.iff
  111151  Defl:N    99570  10% 2024-11-26 15:09 e0381b5a  000-TWIR-Dave/005-onlyamiga.iff
  170501  Defl:N   162608   5% 2024-11-27 01:47 1197e516  000-TWIR-Dave/006-onlyamiga.iff
  121200  Defl:N    45232  63% 1999-07-26 11:05 c592e87b  000-TWIR-Dave/AnimatEDPlay
10390206  Defl:N  6857244  34% 2024-11-27 01:39 bb991532  000-TWIR-Dave/dave2
   67642  Defl:N    62694   7% 2024-11-27 01:52 44bdf208  000-TWIR-Dave/mod.onlyamigaaa
    2108  Defl:N       86  96% 2024-11-27 01:52 54281941  000-TWIR-Dave/onlyamigaaa
     818  Defl:N      391  52% 1980-01-01 00:00 0580e50d  000-TWIR-Dave/TWIR-Dave.AED
    6565  Defl:N     1736  74% 1980-01-01 00:00 90cbb5d0  000-TWIR-Dave/
--------          -------  ---                            -------
11019527          7338458  33%                            13 files
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