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TBL - Perfect Circle - fixed version for machines with less
than 32 megs fastmem - winnerdemo from Mekka&Symposium 2001
Fixed version released on 2001-07-05
This demo is designed for 68060 processors. It is very slow -- hardly
even enjoyable -- on lesser CPUs. If you don't have an 060, please
consider watching the DivX encoded movie instead (available from
http://www.amidemos.org/ and other places).
In order to get the demo to run at all, you should at least
have the following configuration:
68030, FPU, 15MB free fastram, 500kB free chipram
Big thanks must go to...
E-Moon for the LightWave exporter used in the forest-zoomer
Gemini/Blind for modifying the module to work with our XM player
Leia/Squirrelz for keeping our spirits high during the final development
days at MS2k1
Robert Gurgel for lending Kalms an A4000/060 when making the fixed version
This is the first test of our new demosystem. Unsurprisingly, it turned out
to have a wealth of bugs... Some have been nailed down, others remain.
After running the demo, a clean boot would be wise.
Omni faeces.
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