84783 packages online
demo/aga/PSB-Kwadraty.lha |
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przyjaciele stefana b. at intel outside party 4 presents
k w a d r a t y
better known as the
s z a r z y 3
last part of neverending trilogy called our polish reality
codework: l'veez
graphics and visials: l`veez
music: asazel (remix of The Prodigy tune)
design & art directing: zorka19
requirements: aga chipset
pal video
2mgs of ram
timing made on my 030/50 no fpu!
if you have 2megs only, run this from clean-boot!
this presentation could be freely distributable and copyable. it may be a
part of marvellous AminetCD series by Schatzruche software. others - ask
permission by sending e-mail to one of our members! we note that some of our
productions was included into dofferent cd-compilations and sold for real
hard money! Earning money by selling demos suxx! Yes, long live Amiga and
long live polish crazy demonstrations! if you want to contact the authors:
gonzo@puma.tu.koszalin.pl (karnister)
zorka19@puma.tu.koszalin.pl (zorka19)
bogus@puma.tu.koszalin.pl (lazoor)
floppy@polbox.com (mroova)
Contents of demo/aga/PSB-Kwadraty.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 184 369 49.9% -lh5- 8825 Jun 16 1997 file_id.diz
[generic] 543723 1298052 41.9% -lh5- 6862 Jun 16 1997 psb-kwadraty.exe
[generic] 878 2043 43.0% -lh5- 4b1f Jun 16 1997 psb-kwadraty.txt
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 3 files 544785 1300464 41.9% Oct 2 1997
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