84782 packages online
No screenshot available
Short: | Possible,40k intro by Appendix-released at ICING99 |
Author: | madbart optimus.wroc.pl (Appendix) |
Uploader: | madbart optimus wroc pl (MadBart) |
Type: | demo/aga |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1999-05-20 |
Download: | demo/aga/APX-POSS.lha - View contents | Readme: | demo/aga/APX-POSS.readme |
Downloads: | 3279 |
_______ _______ _______ ______ _______ .___ __ __.__
_\___ /_ _\___ /_ _\___ /_ _( ___// _\___ /_ ____|_ /_ _(_/_ _( | )_
. | . / . / . __/__. | . _/ . . | .
| | _____| _____| | | | | | | |- -|
| | l_ | . | | . | ` l_ | l_ ` l_ | | l_
l____| /___| :.l____|: l_____ /___| /____ /____l____| /
l____/ :. : l____/©dtA!____/ l____/ l____/
:.. :
...::·:::::.... ÷ | a p p e n d i x | ÷
....:::··· ·::::···::::...
.: is proud to present
.: 40k intro!
:· for ICING'99
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
code : BTA, ENTER
msx : PSYCHO
gfx : ACID
_______________\ / a · p · p · e · n · d · i · x
....... _________ /\ .______. .____ _____ __\_ /
.::::::···:. \ \______/ /\/\__l_ l__l (_____) ) /
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_______ _______ _______ ______ _______ .___ __ __.__
_\___ /_ _\___ /_ _\___ /_ _( ___// _\___ /_ ____|_ /_ _(_/_ _( | )_
. | . / . / . __/__. | . _/ . . | .
| | _____| _____| | | | | | | |- -|
| | l_ | . | | . | ` l_ | l_ ` l_ | | l_
l____| /___| :.l____|: l_____ /___| /____ /____l____| /
l____/ :. : l____/©dtA!____/ l____/ l____/
:.. :
...::·:::::.... ÷ | a p p e n d i x | ÷
....:::··· ·::::···::::...
latest news (MAY'99)
- 64k intro released at Astrosyn2.
- McR joined as a swapper. - good luck!
- INFORMER rejoined as coder.
- SUPERFML left the scene.
- BLAZE left.
complete memberlist: [APPENDIX]
MADBART ............ sysop,raytracer,organizer (madbart@optimus.wroc.pl)
MADMAN ............. sysop of apx ftp (madman@optimus.wroc.pl)
PREFIX.............. trader (filipiuk@zt.szczecin.tpsa.pl)
CARSON.............. trader (carson@optimus.wroc.pl)
UFOk................ trader
SCOUT............... coder (kalms@dataphone.se)
ALN................. coder (aln@ii.uni.wroc.pl)
SACHY............... coder (sachy@delta.ds2.pg.gda.pl)
ENTER............... coder (random22@zsb.szczecin.pl)
BTA................. coder
INFORMER............ coder (informer@optimus.wroc.pl)
NEUROMANCER ........ graphician
RAPPID.............. graphician
COOPER.............. graphician
JUMA................ graphician (juma@optimus.wroc.pl)
SLAYER.............. graphician
XTRO ............... raytracer
SPEEDIE............. raytracer
SYLWEK.............. raytracer, web masta (sylwekc@key.net.pl)
PSYCHO.............. musician (psy@post.netlink.se)
VOICE .............. musician
FLAPJACK............ musician, packmaker (flapjack@optimus.wroc.pl)
CERBER.............. writer (cerber@voruta.ek.univ.gda.pl)
JUDAS............... writer (judas@optimus.wroc.pl)
MCR................. swapper (mcr@wsz.tarnow.pl)
complete memberlist: [PIC SAINT LOUP^APPENDIX]
ADAMSOFT............ musician, organizer (adamsoft@optimus.wroc.pl)
GROGON.............. musician (grogon@box43.gnet.pl)
TRACKER............. musician
CLOO................ musician (cloo@inet.com.pl)
REVISQ.............. musician (revisq@hotmail.com)
BFA................. musician (bfa@termit.art.olsztyn.pl)
JAZZCAT............. musician (jazzcat@neo.iz.wsp.zgora.pl)
MAGIEL.aka.SICKMAN.. musician (sickman@gamatronic.com.pl)
QIX................. swapper (hamer@wsm.szczecin.pl)
already released productions:
AGONY - slide show - 1992
WAVE SOUNDS - music disk - 1992
FIREHOSE - intro - 1993 6th at POLISH AUTUMN'93
UNJUST SENTENCE - trackmo - 1994 4th at PRIMAVERA'94
40K INTRO - intro - 1994 INTEL OUTSIDE 1
PRIMAVERA PARTRO - partro - 1994
CONTAGION - trackmo - 1995 3rd at COMPUTER ART FESTIVAL'95
FA! PACK 01-19 - pack - 1995/96
INTEL INSIDE - intro - 1996
OOPS! - intro - 1996 1st at GRAVITY'96
ZERO GRAVITY - demo - 1996 1st at GRAVITY'96
UFU-S - video demo - 1996 1st at GRAVITY'96
GRAVITY - 4k intro - 1996 7th at GRAVITY'96
NAVEL - intro - 1997 1st at RUSH'97
MYSTIQUE - demo - 1997 2nd at INTEL OUTSIDE 4
UFU-S v1.99 - video demo - 1996/97 2nd at INTEL OUTSIDE 4
INTROKO - 4k intro - 1997
SPAWN - intro - 1997 1st at GRAVITY'97
PSYCHOL 09-13 - chip pack - 1997
CAPSULE - demo - 1997 2nd at ASTROSYN
UPN X - intro - 1997 4th at ASTROSYN
USELESS - 4k intro - 1997 2nd at ASTROSYN
DOLPHINARY - music disk - 1998
FLEA - demo - 1998 3rd at RUSHHOURS'98
MIDGE - 256b intro - 1998 1st at RUSHHOURS'98
RIOT - demo - 1998 2nd at GRAViTY'98
SATELLiTE Inv. - invitation - 1998
INDYGO Live! - live act! - 1998 LiveAct by Voice/Apx
TOWER - intro - 1999 7th at ASTROSYN2
WIRAZ - tool - 1999
and lots of pictures, modules.
get linked with one of the best boards on the world:
THE SECT · WHQ · +48-91-879493 · MADBART
and get linked with our web site:
APPENDIX on web · WWW · http://www.APPENDIX.optimus.wroc.pl
| // T
appendix |/ |
da jormas | t h e s e c t. | ___ node 0 .... +48-91-48794393
teklords | ___ | _ \ _\ node 1 ............. telnet
psl ___ | /_ / _ | \----\/ \ node 2 ............. telnet
/_ / |_ / \/--/ | _\ _____/__
/ \/----/ _\ /____ | / ____/ \ mastered by:
_\ /__ / _ \ / \\ \ madbart/appendix
/ \ / / X_______________\ powered by:
/ _______X------/________\ a1240t/603e/240mhz/5gb
/__________| ___ . supported by:
. _ \ _\ | ___ ufok + prefix + madbart
floppy | __/---\/ \ | _ \ _\ ___
kore | \ ______/____ | \----\/ \ _ \ _\ ___
linear | / \_______ \ _\ _____/__ \----\/ \ /_ / _
old bulls | / [/ \ / ____/ \ _\ _____/__ / \/----/
sative mea|/__________________X \] \ / \] \ _\ /__
dinx p. | /_______________X \ / \
mawi | second in the . /_______________X _______\
| world! | a(id/k0re. /__________|
| [tsp'01 charts] /|
-----------------[ m a d b a r t .o. a p p e n d i x ]----------------
. ______ ______ . . ______ ______ . . ______ . ______ ______ .
|/ T T \| |/ T T ___ \| |/ T |/ T T \|
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-----------------[ m a d b a r t .o. a p p e n d i x ]----------------
a.p.p.e.n.d.i.x world head quarters
for appendix joinin', other reasons write to madbart@jormas.com
-----------------[ m a d b a r t .o. a p p e n d i x ]----------------
Contents of demo/aga/APX-POSS.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 40880 40880 100.0% -lh0- fa12 Dec 27 1998 apx-possible.exe
[generic] 199 384 51.8% -lh5- 3a14 Mar 15 1999 file_id.diz
[generic] 2933 10041 29.2% -lh5- 4947 Apr 30 1999 apx-possible.readme
[generic] 892 2701 33.0% -lh5- c2ff May 16 1999 tHEsECT!.txt
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 4 files 44904 54006 83.1% May 19 1999
Page generated in 0.01 seconds |
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