It works for me, and I sort of topped doing anything with it when it got
that far, so this is as-is, but should be enough for most ppl.
What is it
An offline newsreader/poster for YAM2.
What is it not
A filter.
How to install it?
> Copy "News.yam" to "YAM:Rexx/"
> Copy ".news" to "YAM:"
YAM->Configuration->ARexx->Before getting mail:
Arexx script
"YAM:Rexx/News.yam NEWSCHECK"
Wait for termination
YAM->Configuration->ARexx->Before sending mail:
Arexx script
"YAM:Rexx/News.yam NEWSSEND"
Wait for termination
A graphical editor is the one thing I didn't do, though it's not needed,
just use any text editor on
Comments are in brackets at the end of the line.
NOTE: Don't add blank lines anywhere, nor change the first line.
--- Example .news file ---
YNC1 - YAM News Configuration
Server = news (the server you use, check with your isp)
Port = 119 (you shouldn't need to change this)
Username = (untested - some servers require authentication)
Password = (untested - some servers require authentication)
Datestamp = (PRIVATE: this is set by the script, but currently unused)
NewNewsCommand = (it will run this command if there's any new news, note: no cli output possible)
AvoidDuplicates = N (it will use yam's .uidl file to check for duplicates, and add news id's to it too)
Filter = Y (yam will only filter when it has new mail, if you don't get any mail then it won't filter, so use this)
News00.Group = comp.sys.amiga.misc (first newsgroup name)
News00.Number = (PRIVATE: this is the number of the last message, it is unique to your server)
News00.Enabled = Y (get news from this group or not)
News01.Group = (second newsgroup name)
News01.Number = (...)
News01.Enabled = Y (...)
Kill00.Header = Subject (untested - the header to search in, read a raw message to see what's possible)
Kill00.Pattern = #?this is spam#? (untested - the amigaos pattern to search for in that header)
Kill00.Weight = -1000 (untested - the value to add/subtract from that message if found)
--- End ---
As you can see, killfiles are supported, and I *think* they work, only i've
not bothered testing them. The score is added together, and if it results in
a negative after all kills are checked then the message will noot be
downloaded. It uses a cache of checked headers, so should be pretty fast
(well, for an arexx script...)
How do you check for newsgroups? Well, even though the script doesn't have
a gui, it can still download the newsgroup list. Just start YAM (it won't
work without yam running), go to a cli and...
> RX YAM:Rexx/News.yam NEWSLIST
This will create a file "YAM:.newsgroups" which you can view in an editor,
or, my preference, use C:Search on to find related groups.
> Search NONUM YAM:.newsgroups comp.sys.amiga
comp.sys.amiga y
comp.sys.amiga.advocacy y
comp.sys.amiga.announce y
The "y" at the end of the group means posting is allowed, you may also
find "m" for moderated, and "n" for no.
How to post news
When it gets news it sets the "Reply-To:" field to "<newsgroup>@news", reply
to that, or when you write a news item, use "<newsgroup>@news" and it will
filter it out before yam can post it. You will however get an error from yam
saying it can't find the message. Just ignore that, it's not done anything
bad to me yet... (Example: "To: comp.sys.amiga.misc@news"
The first time it sees a message in the Outgoing folder it will change the
headers, the To: will become blank, and a new one, "Newsgroups:" appears,
if however you want to mail it to someone as well as to the newsgroup, then
just put their email in the "Cc:" field (third page when writing email).
(unless it is an outgoing news item which is going to email someone as well,
you will only see To: or Newsgroups:)