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Short:SANA-II parallel port driver
Author: mag at
Uploader:ruppert amigaworld com
Requires:SANA-II compliant protocol stack
Download:comm/net/magPLIP38.1.lha - View contents

  magPLIP - SANA II compliant PLIP device driver for AmiTCP/IP, Envoy,
	    AS225 and other networking packages

  (C) Copyright 1993-1994 Oliver Wagner, Michael Balzer
  (C) Copyright 1995 Jan Kratochvil & Martin Mares
  (C) Copyright 1995-1996 Marius Groeger
      All Rights Reserved.

  Changes have been made by Stéphane Zermatten to the driver to connect
  a LinuxBox to an Amiga via a LapLing cable, based on the release 37.8.

  This modified version (38.x) is distributed with the permission of
  the author, Marius Groeger and compiled by Stefan Ruppert.

  NOTE: The main addition to the 37.7 version is the linplip.device
	driver, which can connect to a LinuxBox. Also there are two
	bugfixes for the magplip.device driver, which fixes a
	problem with Miami and possible system crash for big file


  This is another PLIP device driver. PLIP means Parallel Line Internet
  Protocol. Originally based upon the plip.device released by Oliver
  Wagner and Michael Balzer, this version has been completely rewritten.

  The main distinguishing features to the original version include

   * Much more line security through machine independent timeout handling

   * Option to omit CRC checks

   * MTU 256 Bytes to 128KBytes

   * SANA-II special statistic counters

   * Much better configurable, especially with regard to slow systems

   * Major code cleanup, including the removal of assembler fragments,
     globals, errors

   * Several protocol stacks may use magPLIP simultaneously

   * Installer script

   * AmigaGuide® online documentation

  Please read also the supplied AmigaGuide® document to obtain further
  information about the installation and usage of magPLIP.

  You should install this software package by using the supplied Installer
  script. If you have any suggestions or comments please contact the
  following people :

  Linux related: Stéphane Zermatten <>
  Amiga related: Stefan Ruppert <> (mainly bug fixes)
  General concept related: Marius Groeger <>

  NOTE: Marius has stopped development on the Amiga, so don't bother him
	about the V38 release.


  Release 38.1 (compiled by Stefan Ruppert)

    * added a version of the driver (linplip.device) that will
      connect an Amiga to a PC running Linux, using a LapLink cable.
      The driver for the Linux side is also included.
      By Stéphane Zermatten.
    * bugfix: the command S2_ONLINE now returns 0 (success) if the
      device is already online.
    * bugfix: now works also for large file tranfers, no system crashes

  Release 37.8

    * bugfix: magPLIP can be used by multiple protocol stacks simultaneously.

  Release 37.7

    * Improved packet type tracking

    * SANA-II special statistic counters

    * Improved documentation

    * schematic drawing included that shows the cable wiring

  Release 37.5

    * on early startup time the MTU reported to protocol was not yet
      the customized value but the default setting; At least Envoy
      had problems with this bug

    * Frame buffer handling is now done dynamically, MTU can be set to
      values up to 128K. A large MTU increases performance for large
      data transfers such as in a file-server system.

    * Code more robust against initialization errors

    * ENV: settings are better checked for validity

  Release 37.4

    * Some documentation changes
    * minor changes in the transfer code

  Release 37.3

    * Timeout handling is now system independent and gives a great
      improvement to configuration and line security
    * ARBITRATIONDELAY no longer used, but supported for old config-files

  Release 37.2

    * Significantly better performance (transfer routines rewritten in
      assembly language)
    * internal code cleanup

  Initial Release 37.1


  This package is Freeware, but not in the public domain.

  It's strictly forbidden to include this archive in any kind of software
  collection except Fred Fish's AmigaLibrary, Meeting Pearls CD's, Aminet,
  Aminet CD's and BBS fileareas.

  This software is provided "as is". No representations or warranties are
  made with respect to the accuracy, reliability, performance, currentness,
  or operation of this software, and all use is at your own risk.

  This doesn't apply to the linux kernel patch (Linux/plip.c), which is
  distributed under the GNU Public Licence. (SZ)

Contents of comm/net/magPLIP38.1.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  272     628  43.3% -lh5- a85a May  9  1998
[generic]                  272     628  43.3% -lh5- 4444 May  9  1998 magplip/
[generic]                 5325    8728  61.0% -lh5- 0285 May 12  1998 magplip/DEVS/Networks/linplip.device.000
[generic]                 5326    8716  61.1% -lh5- f7e9 May 12  1998 magplip/DEVS/Networks/linplip.device.020
[generic]                 5331    8720  61.1% -lh5- 41a3 May 12  1998 magplip/DEVS/Networks/linplip.device.040
[generic]                 5410    8924  60.6% -lh5- 5b70 May 12  1998 magplip/DEVS/Networks/magplip.device.000
[generic]                 5410    8860  61.1% -lh5- 06db May 12  1998 magplip/DEVS/Networks/magplip.device.020
[generic]                 5405    8864  61.0% -lh5- 829e May 12  1998 magplip/DEVS/Networks/magplip.device.040
[generic]                  274     628  43.6% -lh5- 89fc May  9  1998 magplip/
[generic]                   74      91  81.3% -lh5- f289 Sep 29  1995 magplip/ENV/Sana2/magPLIP.config
[generic]                  274     628  43.6% -lh5- c69b May  9  1998 magplip/
[generic]                 4397   11070  39.7% -lh5- a3f8 Mar 10  1996 magplip/Help/cable.iff
[generic]                14561   41556  35.0% -lh5- 3161 May 12  1998 magplip/Help/
[generic]                  229     469  48.8% -lh5- c800 Mar 10  1996 magplip/Help/
[generic]                 1554    4322  36.0% -lh5- 8891 Apr  1  1998 magplip/Install
[generic]                  368     745  49.4% -lh5- 257c May  9  1998 magplip/
[generic]                 1165    2692  43.3% -lh5- 3f6f Apr  1  1998 magplip/Installation Notes
[generic]                  225     463  48.6% -lh5- c6e2 May  9  1998 magplip/Installation
[generic]                  273     628  43.5% -lh5- dd50 May  9  1998 magplip/
[generic]                 6993   17982  38.9% -lh5- dc3e Apr  5  1998 magplip/Linux/GPL
[generic]                 1733    4214  41.1% -lh5- cda6 Dec 23  1997 magplip/Linux/Installation
[generic]                 9076   30392  29.9% -lh5- ce70 Dec 30  1997 magplip/Linux/plip.c
[generic]                  361     606  59.6% -lh5- 40ea Apr  1  1998 magplip/Linux/ReadMe
[generic]                  230     468  49.1% -lh5- 3e61 Apr  1  1998 magplip/Linux/
[generic]                 1768    4031  43.9% -lh5- 3acd Aug 10  1994 magplip/Linux/README1.PLIP
[generic]                 1357    2552  53.2% -lh5- 2224 Aug 10  1994 magplip/Linux/README2.PLIP
[generic]                 2317    5106  45.4% -lh5- b9e4 May 12  1998 magplip/magPLIP38.1.readme
[generic]                 2204    4850  45.4% -lh5- 24a4 Apr  2  1998 magplip/ReadMe
[generic]                  222     463  47.9% -lh5- 34c5 May  9  1998 magplip/
[generic]                 1111    3120  35.6% -lh5- d63c May 12  1998 magplip/s/build-aminet
[generic]                  273     628  43.5% -lh5- fe9e May  9  1998 magplip/
[generic]                  174     241  72.2% -lh5- d6f2 Apr  1  1998 magplip/source/aminet.ids
[generic]                  703    1612  43.6% -lh5- 63ff Oct  3  1995 magplip/source/compiler.h
[generic]                 1695    3701  45.8% -lh5- 42e8 Mar 29  1996 magplip/source/crc16.asm
[generic]                  331     871  38.0% -lh5- 6819 Sep 29  1995 magplip/source/debug.h
[generic]                 7544   24538  30.7% -lh5- 5d5c Apr  1  1998 magplip/source/device.c
[generic]                  108     181  59.7% -lh5- e89c Apr  1  1998 magplip/source/linplip_rev.h
[generic]                  123     223  55.2% -lh5- c198 Apr  1  1998 magplip/source/linplip_rev.i
[generic]                    2       2 100.0% -lh0- 9795 Apr  1  1998 magplip/source/linplip_rev.rev
[generic]                 3750   12363  30.3% -lh5- 9f10 Apr  2  1998 magplip/source/linport.asm
[generic]                 4074   12558  32.4% -lh5- c286 Apr  1  1998 magplip/source/magplip.h
[generic]                 2178    6356  34.3% -lh5- 97e9 Apr  1  1998 magplip/source/magplip.i
[generic]                  108     181  59.7% -lh5- 43a4 Apr  1  1998 magplip/source/magplip_rev.h
[generic]                  124     223  55.6% -lh5- 94bf Apr  1  1998 magplip/source/magplip_rev.i
[generic]                    2       2 100.0% -lh0- 9795 Apr  1  1998 magplip/source/magplip_rev.rev
[generic]                 2820   10529  26.8% -lh5- 2293 Apr  1  1998 magplip/source/magport.asm
[generic]                 1058    2438  43.4% -lh5- f298 Apr  1  1998 magplip/source/rt.asm
[generic]                 9832   33143  29.7% -lh5- 73b8 Apr  1  1998 magplip/source/server.c
[generic]                 1662    5902  28.2% -lh5- e3b2 Apr  1  1998 magplip/source/smakefile
[generic]                 1286    4098  31.4% -lh5- 4904 Apr  9  1996 magplip/source/track.c
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        50 files  121364  310934  39.0%            Jun  1  1998
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