Sniffer was written to help me debug/trace packets received.
Sniffer will read incoming packets (IP/TCP/UDP/ICMP) in this beta
Tested on: ppp.device 1.45 (Demo), rhcslip.device 38.10.
ClassAct 2.x.
WB2.x and above.
Any Commodore SanaII API compliant device.
Screen width of atleast 600.
68020 or greater. 68000 should work ok, albeit slow.
Sniffer WILL NOT work with miami unless you use an external Commodore
SanaII API compliant device.
From release:
0.85 - First release for testing.
0.90 - Major update.
- Better vebose output.
0.97 - Major update.
- AmiNet release.
0.98 - Fixed IP reading fault with aslip.device.
1.00 - Major update.
- ClassAct GUI (beta).
1.05 - AmiNet public beta release.
1.06 - Small bug fix.
1.10 - Major Update
- Major GUI changes.
- Added pulldown menu support.
- Fixed a few other bugs.
1.11 - Update, bug fix
- Removed LB gadget updating to make the display
a bit faster.
- Added filtering for more packet types.
- Added support for hydra, cnet and icard device.
- Added Unit number support via menu selection.
Have fun..