QAmiTrack 1.92
(Released 2/20/98)
QAmiTrack is a program that lets you advertise your Amiga's
presence on the 'net, and see who else is on line. QAmiTrack
features an ARexx interface and allows you to automatically
connect to other clients using a user-customizable cycle-gadget
full of programs.
NOTE: QAmiTrack requires amarquee.library to be installed
in your LIBS: directory. Amarquee.library is available
in the AMarquee distribution archive, in the file
/comm/net/AMarquee1.46.lha on Aminet.
New for version 1.92:
1.92 : (Public Release 2/20/98)
- Added detectlogon.rexx to the standard distribution.
detectlogon.rexx is a way to have QAmiTrack notify
you when certain people come on line. See the beginning
of detectlogon.rexx for details.
- Launched programs now inherit QAmiTrack's stack size,
rather than always having 4096 bytes of stack.
- Added "Beep on Log Entry" item to the Options menu,
to the startup arguments, and to the ARexx get/set commands.
* Fixed a bug in the Connect program launching code that
was causing occasional system crashes. (I had forgot
to include a TAG_END in my SystemTags() call, so it was
reading random arguments off the stack!)
New for version 1.91:
1.91 : (Public Release 1/22/98)
- QAmiTrack now displays its window coordinates in the
title bar after a resize operation.
- Added a "Reset Comment" item to the Options menu.
Now when you are done chatting, it is easy to restore
your comment line to its original value.
New for version 1.90:
1.90 : (Public Release 1/15/98)
- Added ARexx-script callbacks to all logging events. (i.e., you
can have your ARexx script run when an event occurs)
and DISCONNECTSCRIPT/K startup arguments.
- Added support for logging AMarquee System Messages. (and thus
requires amarquee.library v46)
- Added the Scrolling Log View to QAmiTrack.
- Added the "Log View" submenu and "Clear Log View" menu item
to the Options menu.
- Added the LOGVIEWLEVEL/K and LOGVIEWLENGTH/K/N startup arguments.
- Removed the keyboard shortcuts for the Server, Port, and Comment
string gadgets. Now all keystrokes into the QAmiTrack window
cause the Comment gadget to clear itself and start receiving input.
- Added callback.rexx to the distribution.
- Added AREXX gets and sets for the log view level, log view length,
and all the callback ARexx script names.
* Fixed some memory leaks in the ARexx-handling code.
* Comment changes that don't actually change the comment are no longer
* Removed QAmiTrack's speech output capabilities, since they were
buggy and little used. Equivalent functionality can be implemented
via the ARexx callbacks, if desired.