!!APOLYGY: The GGet and GPut clients in the first distribution contained
!!a bug in command line parsing due to some last minute modifications I
!!made. The bug caused programs to freeze whenever DIR switch was used.
!!That bug is now fixed and programs are tested to work properly. I'm
!!sorry for the lazy betatesting.
This archive contains three classic DNet client programs with revised outlook
and GadTools based GUI. Also new command line options have been added. All
windows and requesters are font sensitive, of course.
GGet is basically old getfiles downloader with the exception that it
opens a window showing the name and size of the file being
transferred. Also the mandatory progress indicator bar is drawn.
GPut looks similar to GGet but is used to upload files (e.g. is a putfiles
DLoad is a XLoad-stylish remote load monitor. Replaces old LoadAv.
NOTE: All three programs require Kickstart 37 or higher!