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Short:MM_ReqFilesV011 Requst-Filemanager fuer Mailmanager
Author: McB at ( Ulrich Lammers PmnS BBs )
Uploader:McB Fido de ( Ulrich Lammers PmnS BBs )
Download:comm/mmgr/MM_ReqFiles.lha - View contents

                                L   L  L   L
                                LL LL  LL LL
                                L L L  L L L
                                L   L  L   L
                                L   L  L   L

                       LL   LLLL  LL   LLLL L  L    LLLL
                      L  L  L    L  L  L       L    L
                      L  L  LLL  L  L  LLL  L  L    LLL
                      LLL   L    L  L  L    L  L    L
                      L  L  LLLL  LL   L    L  LLLL LLLL

                           L   L  LL       L    L
                           L   L L  L     LL   LL
                           L   L L  L    L L  L L
                            L L  L  L      L    L
                             L    LL  L    L    L

                        Copyright 1996 Ulrich Lammers
                            All rights reserved

            This Arexx-Script requires MailManager BY Pinp Alberti


1.0  Legal Notes

MM_RegFiles is a utility that extends Pino Alberti's Mail Manager by the function "File Request". 
You may freely distribute and copy MM_RegFiles provided that no fee is charged other than copy costs.

Without prior written notice any commercial use is prohibited.

No part of MM_RegFiles, neither the archive nor the files contained therein,  may be modified or altered.

MM_RegFiles is Mailware :-)  which means that after  a trial period of 30 days you are obliged to send the 
author a mail informing about such use. Even criticism and requests for future versions are welcome. Please 
bear in mind, it is frustrating to write programs and never getting any feed-back; is anybody using it at all, is 
the program useful or not?

To use MM_RegFiles you must adhere to those few condintions mentioned above.

The author assumes no liability FOR damages resulting from the use of
this software, even IF the damage results from defects in this software.

1.1 How to register

After a trial period of 30 days, you have TO register MM_RegFiles. No money is required but donnations TO the
author will not be refused :-)
To register just execute the file Reg_ReqFiles.rexx from within the directory all MM_Req_Files have been copied 
to. Be sure that MM is running and type "rx <dir>/Reg_SendFile". Answer those few questions. If everything 
works well, a registration mail will be written, check the contents and export it.

After having received this mail I will prepare a personal key file which will only work on your system. Having 
received this key file just copy it to the directory MM:CONFIG/ as MM_ReqFiles.key.

1.2 The Author

In case of any proposals for further improvements, bug reports  etc, please contact the author:
Ulrich Lammers
Alter Pferdemarkt 3
49808 Lingen

Phone 0591/9150115

Bank: Deutsche Bank (Lingen)
Account:        0661611
BLZ: 267 700 95

2 Features MM_ReqFiles

  ......allows file requests using EXTERNAL file lists

  ......allows file requests using internal file lists

  ......parses messages FOR file names FOR automatic requests

  ......loads frequently requested file names from a *.cfg file
        defined files can be selected via a GUI

  ......supports password protected file requests

3 Installation

1. Copy the files to the corresponding MM: directories
2. Adjust the .cfg files to match your system
3. Assign the script to a hot key in your tool manager or in your area menu - browse menu

4. Usage

[RX] MM_ReqFiles [.rexx] => TO start from the SHELL or the tool manager

#AREASMENU      "RequestFiles"  "Rx MM:Rexx/MM_ReqFiles"        ""
#BROWSEMENU     "RequestFiles"  "Rx MM:Rexx/MM_ReqFiles %a %n"  ""

The attentive user certainly has noticed another script in the archive, MM_ReqFiles. This script is an executable 
program produced using CompressRexx2.1 - 1996, Robert Hofmann. It can be launched like a normal program 
but requires REXMAST for running properly.

5. Configuration


All configuration parameters are discussed in detail below. Please, read the example configuration very carefully!

5.1 #CONFIGREQ   <Name> <File> <Nodenumber> [<password>|<NONE>]

Files frequently requested are defined here and can always quickly be selected via ConfigREQ. If no password is 
required just fill in <NONE>.

( !! Names and file information may not include blanks !! )

       #CONFIGREQ   PmnS_BBS       PmnSRexx     39:178/100.0@AmigaNet     NONE
       #CONFIGREQ   PmnS_BBS       Allfiles     39:178/100.0@AmigaNet     NONE
       #CONFIGREQ   PmnS_BBS       Newfiles     39:178/100.0@AmigaNet     NONE
       #CONFIGREQ   PmnS_BBS       BetaRexx     39:178/100.0@AmigaNet !Beta_User
       #CONFIGREQ   ProAmi_BBS     NewFiles     39:171/101.0@AmigaNet     NONE

5.2 #FILELIST  <Name> <Nodenumber> [<Password>|<NONE>] Path/A

File lists can be loaded into the mail manager and can be selected via a requester. If no password is required 
just fill in <NONE>.

  ( !! Names and file information may not include blanks !! )


       #FILELIST PmnS_Erotik   2:2426/4065.0@FidoNet !18SexReq Newfiles:Erotik/EroAll.Lst
       #FILELIST PmnS_NewFiles 2:2490/4065.0@FidoNet   NONE    Newfiles:Allfiles/New39178100.Lst
       #FILELIST PmnS_AllFiles 2:2490/4065.0@FidoNet   NONE    Newfiles:Allfiles/All39178100.Lst

6. Acknowledgements

My thanks go TO all those who supported me especially TO Pino Alberti FOR his superb MailManager.

    Pino Alberti      -  FOR his MailManager...


Contents of comm/mmgr/MM_ReqFiles.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  560    2273  24.6% -lh5- b204 Aug 27  1996
[generic]                  561    2273  24.7% -lh5- e928 Aug 27  1996
[generic]                  292     801  36.5% -lh5- 6990 Aug 27  1996 MM_REQFiles.cfg
[generic]                  562    2273  24.7% -lh5- d0de Aug 27  1996
[generic]                 2301    5976  38.5% -lh5- 1a6c Aug 27  1996 MM_ReqFiles.DOC
[generic]                  279     495  56.4% -lh5- 482f Aug 27  1996
[generic]                 2765    7271  38.0% -lh5- 679f Aug 27  1996 MM_ReqFiles.DOK
[generic]                  282     495  57.0% -lh5- fa78 Aug 27  1996
[generic]                  562    2273  24.7% -lh5- d0de Aug 27  1996
[generic]                 2988    8080  37.0% -lh5- c01f Aug 27  1996 MM_ReqFiles
[generic]                 2550    7616  33.5% -lh5- b903 Aug 27  1996 MM_ReqFiles.rexx
[generic]                 3029   17572  17.2% -lh5- b3f3 Aug 27  1996 MM_REQFiles.Rexx_UNCMP
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        12 files   16731   57398  29.1%            Oct 10  1996
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