A New Very Nice Program is About to be released, These are some of the
things 'MakeThemYourSelf' Can do.
Did you see the program on a PC where you can extract files from an
Archive etc etc ?, Well it's now Available for MebbsNet Sysops.
*v0.095 * Added Archivier Support for the new LZX Compression Technique
You can View/Extract AND ADD Files with this FAST Type
of compression, ONLY there is STILL a problem with LZX, where
the 'e' (extract) option does NOT work correctly.
* Fixed a VERY nasty bug, when descriptions that were too long, the
program crashed, due to the display of the description and
the maximum length of the PrintString() Function in the library.
Here is a List of Some off the things MakeThemYS Can Do:
* View Contents of Archives like LHA/LZX/ZIP/DMS/LZH/ARC/SHR/PP etc.
* Auto determine if it's a Archive/Text/Powerpacked file etc.
* View TextFiles online.
* View TextFiles INSIDE An Selected Archive.
* View Binary Files, All ASCII Info will be shown.
* View Binary Files INSIDE an archive, in readable ASCII.
* Extract ANY File from an Archive, EVEN DMS Files !!!!.
* Software is wise enough to see where Files are on The Device.
* Send a Extracted file with No Compression ( Quick Send ).
* Possibility to Extract as MANY files from as MANY archives INSIDE
the Created new archive, with the compression method you choose !
* Send a FILE_ID_DIZ File together with the Extracted ore Created
Archive, This file contains Filedescriptions/sizes etc.
* A Sysop-Menu where you can send ANY File from ANY Device to you
Great for Remote MainTainance.
* A Nice Graphical User Interface(GUI) designed for Creation of The
* Has a powerfull Analyse function to determine what type of file
it is.
* A Nice Layout for the Door.
* No need to Config the Paths of the files, MKTYS Is very capable
to sort this thing self out.
* Usage of WildCards, to find a file on the BBS with a given Pattern
* Has got many error Chekings to find out why something went wrong
* Has Extensive LogFile information, which can also be switched of.
* Is very easy to Install.
* Send Files from WITHIN the MakeThemYourSelf door, so NO File attach
to a Message, the files are send Right away.
* Auto Extract the number of Bytes a User DownLoaded, so no free
downLoads, Other than File Attach to a Message where the Bytes are
NOT Extracted.
* Automatic TAG System, from where you can select files that matched
a Pattern Match (Files & Descriptions).
This Program is ShareWare, and can be FREQQED on 2:512/52.0 under the name:
* ALso on AMINET and my WWW Page: http://www.xs4all.nl/~starbbs
Author: Marco Valk (31-223-616836) Mebbsdeveloper #7002
EMail : marco@starbbs.xs4all.nl