mbox Extractor is a small MUI-utility to extract an UNIX mbox files into
the Yam's mail files.
If You're using the Internet with a modem, the transmission slows down
often (in Poland :) And when You're getting Your mail using YAM, it's not
too fast. Once I had no time and I decided to connect my server via FTP
(entering my username and password, the same as my mail ones). In my home
directory there was a file called "mbox". It contains all the incoming
e-mails. I could open it using CED and save every mail separately, of course,
but there were about 80 mails, so that wouldn't be fun... So, I decided to
write the proggy. As You run it, You have to choose where the mbox file is
and click "Extract!". Easy? Not so much. Then, You have to run DOpus, go
into YAM:Incoming directory and mark all files beginning with "new.". Now,
check the other files' names. It should begin with "08288." or a number
like that. Now, as you have marked the naw files, click "rename". In
"Rename" string, write "new.*" and in "As" string, write "[number].*". The
[number] is a simmilar number to "08288" (or sth. You have), but NOT the same.
For example, I have "08288.017", "08288.026", "08290.020" and "08292.051"
files, so I choose something between like "08289". It'll be easier for you
to undestand if I learn English better ;)
In the next versions, I'm going to add a string gadget where you canenter
the number, and maybe the program will recognise the number automacitaly?
And one more thing, I'm looking for a person who learns me localising my
programs. I have a little problem, so help me.
GDR! - gdr@tme.szczecin.pl