Copyright ©1998 by Dick Whiting
Standard Disclaimer: I wrote it, it works for me, I don't guarantee
that it will do anything productive for anyone else, etc. etc. ;-)
HOWEVER, if you do find a use for it: I homeschool my kids and they would
love a postcard from where EVER you live. Instant Geography Lesson;)
Postcards: Dick Whiting
28590 S. Beavercreek Rd.
Mulino, Oregon 97042
Email: Dick Whiting <>
Web :
Translations (available or in process)
Danish Henrik Andreasen
German Michael Lünse
Italian Francesco Mancuso
If you would like to provide a catalog for these, email them to me
and I'll post it on my web page and include them in the next update.
These two programs and the ARexx scripts to envoke them allow you to
rewrap badly formatted mail, change headers, do minor final editing of
mail, insert MUI control codes, and convert quoted-printable formatted
mail to 8bit plain text.
Though these were written with Marcel Beck's YAM in mind, they should
work fine with any mailer that stores its mail in individual files.
Note that YTCreformat works quite well with ANY text file.
Nothing additional required (except MUI, of course).
Quick Start
Copy the programs, their icons, and the *.rexx files into the Yam:rexx
directory. If you put them somewhere else, you'll need to edit the rexx
script variable for each program location.
Add the scripts to the YAM rexx menu or place them on an URB button.
Select a mail in YAM and run the rexx script.
If you don't know about URB, look on Aminet:
URB.lha util/misc Ubiquitous Resource Bars v1.0
The Arexx scripts are not necessary if you run these from URB, CLI, or
similar launcher.
Catalogs directory containing localization pieces
Readme this readme
ReadMe.mui information about Stefan Stuntz' MUI
YTCreformat reformatting program icon for same...yeah, you want to make one:)
YTCreformat.readme very short readme for YTCreformat
YTCreformat.rexx rexx script to call program from YAM
YTCunmime Quoted-Printable to 8bit converter icon ... same comment.
YTCunmime.readme very short readme for YTCunmime
YTCunmime.rexx rexx script to call program from YAM
There may be versions of these with a suffix such as '.DK' this
indicates a Danish version for that file. Over time support of
additional languages will be added.
| v1.3 YTCreformat (v2.2) changes:
| Made identification of non-mail files smarter
| Fixed an odd combination that could result in an infinite loop
| Header lists now remember their sizes. Move the balance bar to
| where you want it, switch to the other header display, switch back
| to your usual. These sizes will now be remembered across sessions.
| Added SaveAs option to project menu. Added Load, Save, and Save&Quit
| while I was at it.
| Added a "Special" menu section.
| Added "Strip CR" to the special section. This removes all CR's (0Dx)
| from the end of all lines in the file.
| Default action is now for the lists to be "quiet" during updates.
| Added runtime argument and tooltype of "NOISY" if you want to watch.
| YTCunmime (v1.1) no changes.
v1.2 YTCreformat (v2.1) changes:
Considers a line of blanks or a NULL line as a paragraph separator.
YTCunmime (v1.1) no changes.
v1.1 YTCreformat (v2.0) changes:
Moved Quoting string and wrap length gadgets to main window
Removed extra window for specifying quoting strings & wrap length
Now will ask YAM for the selected mail file using ARexx port.
Added "YAM" button on GUI to load currently selected mail.
Added error messages for YAM button.
Removed the need for YTCreformat.rexx if run from URB.
Removed disabling of "Save" and "Done" when NOT a mail file.
Warning message for "not mail" now appears only once per file.
Added option for Stripping quoting WITHOUT rewrapping.
Changed help text for several gadgets.
Fixed handling bug if NO lines were selected
MUI information window now appears on same screen as YTCreformat.
Removed limit on number of lines able to be processed at one time.
Added WRAPMAX, WRAPMIN, WRAPLEN arguments to handle special needs.
Added BUFF=nnnn argument to allow for larger blocks. Default is 4096.
Added "?" argument to show program arguments
Added Hide/Show buttons for header listview.
Upped program and catalogs to v2.0
Added "ALL" button to select all lines in the body list
YTCunmime (v1.1) changes:
Now will ask YAM for the selected mail file using ARexx port.
Removed the need for YTCunmime.rexx if run from URB.
Added "?" argument to show program arguments
v1.0 First released versions.
As I see more of Yam2.0, I'll rewrite other portions of the original
YamTools in C and include them in updates. I'm also always looking
for ideas, so feel free to write me if you have any suggestions.
May 29, 1998