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V 6.0
Dany Thinnes
E-Mail: Dany.Thinnes@T-Online.de
PEA ist ein Kurierdienst für E-Mails. Dabei ist es Freeware
und hat ein nettes Erscheinungsbild.
MUIRexx 3.0a
PGP 2.6.3i (Optional)
============================= Archiv-Inhalt =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
1395 1082 22.4% 12-May-98 20:21:12 PEA.inst
23699 23098 2.5% 22-Apr-98 12:50:34 PEA.iff
628 257 59.0% 27-Aug-97 16:20:30 PEA.info
3318 2109 36.4% 12-May-98 20:19:06 INSTALL.info
2030 816 59.8% 16-Jun-98 12:19:22 INSTALL
966 465 51.8% 09-Nov-98 13:25:18 +ABOUT
1352 721 46.6% 23-Oct-98 10:14:58 +Anleitung.info
12044 4959 58.8% 09-Nov-98 13:55:08 +Anleitung.html
34379 34379 0.0% 09-Nov-98 13:57:36 +bild-pea.jpg
58070 58070 0.0% 09-Nov-98 13:57:22 +bild-peaa.jpg
44969 44969 0.0% 09-Nov-98 13:57:52 +bild-peab.jpg
12522 12522 0.0% 23-Oct-98 10:14:58 +bild-pgpe.jpg
10375 10375 0.0% 23-Oct-98 10:14:58 +bild-pgpv.jpg
2802 858 69.3% 23-Oct-98 10:14:58 +empty.info
2804 862 69.2% 23-Oct-98 10:14:58 +new.info
23699 23098 2.5% 23-Oct-98 10:14:58 +PEA.iff
9650 2593 73.1% 23-Oct-98 10:15:00 +pea.info
1762 1186 32.6% 23-Oct-98 10:15:00 +YAM.info
0 0 0.0% 23-Oct-98 10:15:00 +
9669 2560 73.5% 23-Oct-98 10:15:00 +PEA.info
5087 1451 71.4% 09-Nov-98 12:42:32 +PEAC
2485 858 65.4% 23-Oct-98 10:15:00 +PEAControl
24 24 0.0% 23-Oct-98 10:15:00 +PEAControl-Start
5465 3155 42.2% 23-Oct-98 10:15:00 +PEAControl-Start.info
149 129 13.4% 23-Oct-98 10:15:00 +CODER
1634 665 59.3% 23-Oct-98 10:15:00 +CODER.GUI
439 266 39.4% 23-Oct-98 10:15:00 +DECODER
1403 551 60.7% 23-Oct-98 10:15:00 +DECODER.GUI
328 220 32.9% 23-Oct-98 10:15:00 +PROVIDER
922 305 66.9% 23-Oct-98 10:15:00 +Regist
10676 6886 35.5% 23-Oct-98 10:15:00 +KeinePost.maud
18244 12423 31.9% 23-Oct-98 10:15:00 +post.maud
14261 3352 76.4% 09-Nov-98 14:01:26 +PEA
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
317250 255264 19.5% 09-Nov-98 14:01:54 33 files
Contents of comm/mail/PEA.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1082 1395 77.6% -lh5- 0976 May 12 1998 PEA.inst
[generic] 23098 23699 97.5% -lh5- cf2b Apr 22 1998 PEA.iff
[generic] 257 628 40.9% -lh5- 9a41 Aug 27 1997 PEA.info
[generic] 2109 3318 63.6% -lh5- 079b May 12 1998 INSTALL.info
[generic] 816 2030 40.2% -lh5- cd42 Jun 16 1998 install
[generic] 465 966 48.1% -lh5- 3cb3 Nov 9 1998 pea/ABOUT
[generic] 721 1352 53.3% -lh5- e346 Oct 23 1998 pea/Anleitung.info
[generic] 4959 12044 41.2% -lh5- 75f7 Nov 9 1998 pea/Anleitung/Anleitung.html
[generic] 34379 34379 100.0% -lh0- ca38 Nov 9 1998 pea/Anleitung/bild-pea.jpg
[generic] 58070 58070 100.0% -lh0- e625 Nov 9 1998 pea/Anleitung/bild-peaa.jpg
[generic] 44969 44969 100.0% -lh0- 7593 Nov 9 1998 pea/Anleitung/bild-peab.jpg
[generic] 12522 12522 100.0% -lh0- ada7 Oct 23 1998 pea/Anleitung/bild-pgpe.jpg
[generic] 10375 10375 100.0% -lh0- 43a4 Oct 23 1998 pea/Anleitung/bild-pgpv.jpg
[generic] 858 2802 30.6% -lh5- c128 Oct 23 1998 pea/ICONS/empty.info
[generic] 862 2804 30.7% -lh5- e665 Oct 23 1998 pea/ICONS/new.info
[generic] 23098 23699 97.5% -lh5- cf2b Oct 23 1998 pea/ICONS/PEA.iff
[generic] 2593 9650 26.9% -lh5- 9d49 Oct 23 1998 pea/ICONS/pea.info
[generic] 1186 1762 67.3% -lh5- e703 Oct 23 1998 pea/ICONS/YAM.info
[generic] 0 0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Oct 23 1998 pea/Module/
[generic] 2560 9669 26.5% -lh5- 72ff Oct 23 1998 pea/PEA.info
[generic] 1451 5087 28.5% -lh5- 6470 Nov 9 1998 pea/PEAC
[generic] 858 2485 34.5% -lh5- 500d Oct 23 1998 pea/PEAControl
[generic] 24 24 100.0% -lh0- b609 Oct 23 1998 pea/PEAControl-Start
[generic] 3155 5465 57.7% -lh5- 81bb Oct 23 1998 pea/PEAControl-Start.info
[generic] 129 149 86.6% -lh5- 17f5 Oct 23 1998 pea/PGP/CODER
[generic] 665 1634 40.7% -lh5- 5fbd Oct 23 1998 pea/PGP/CODER.GUI
[generic] 266 439 60.6% -lh5- 920e Oct 23 1998 pea/PGP/DECODER
[generic] 551 1403 39.3% -lh5- f4b9 Oct 23 1998 pea/PGP/DECODER.GUI
[generic] 220 328 67.1% -lh5- 7cde Oct 23 1998 pea/PROVIDER
[generic] 305 922 33.1% -lh5- a9cb Oct 23 1998 pea/Regist
[generic] 6886 10676 64.5% -lh5- 1c4c Oct 23 1998 pea/Sound/KeinePost.maud
[generic] 12423 18244 68.1% -lh5- 395f Oct 23 1998 pea/Sound/post.maud
[generic] 3352 14261 23.5% -lh5- 76a7 Nov 9 1998 pea/PEA
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 33 files 255264 317250 80.5% Nov 11 1998
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