Source code for MiniMail 1.4b and MiniMail 2. Approval obtained from Pelle
Claesson before uploading.
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Date: Fri, 21 Aug 1998 00:55:30 +0200
To: Gregory Donner <>
From: Pelle Claesson <>
Subject: Re: MiniMail source question
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At 15:02 1998-08-11 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi Pelle,
>May I get your permission to post the source code for MiniMail v1.4b &
>v2.0 to Aminet? This is only so that if someone is interested in
>continuing development, they could get started.
Sure! Feel free to go ahead... I would appreciate it! =3D)
Take care!
/\/\ Pelle Claesson
\//=AF=AF\\/ 0707-382904
| |
*** end e-mail quote ***
as of today, March 5 1998, it seems as if I won't be developing MiniMail
any more. At least not for a very long time to come. I still provide
support via email, but no progress is made with regard to neither MiniMail
1.4b nor MiniMail 2.
(There is also a MiniMail 3, which contains platform independent code for
GUIs, network operations etc, but I won't release that, in case I decide to
resume development.)
I've been using MiniMail 2 for quite some time myself, and it's at least
functional, although there is no documentation, no nothing. In any case,
I've decided to release the source code for both MiniMail 1.4b and MiniMail
2, if somebody would want to either resume development or learn from the
code (not that it's very neat, but still :)).
Two things:
1) If you would like to resume development, please contact me first.
2) You may use pieces of the code or ideas from it in your own program,
but please credit me where appropriate. Also, I'd be happy if you'd
mail me a note saying you appreciate the code, but I'll survive if
you don't. :)
Pelle Claesson aka volley