What is Hurl?
Hurl is a plugin for programs that have a URL grabber (i.e. YAM),
whereby it extends the capabilities of their built-in URL grabber.
(Hurl can even be used as a standard shell command!)
Whenever a URL is double-clicked within, for example, YAM, Hurl will
either launch your web browser or save the URL to a browser's
hotlist/bookmark. Hurl is able to determine if your system is online and
if a web browser is available. If not Hurl will save the selected URL to
the assigned hotlists. Hurl can even allow the user to select what
actions to perform (saving versus going online), when a network
connection is not available.
This software is what-you-want-ware :-). This means you need to send
the author, Ralph Torchia, whatever you want (i.e. email, postcard, gift) :-).
Hurl supports the following applications:
Clients : YAM2, Thor, StrICQ, NewsRog, mailtext.mcc, etc.
Networks : Miami, MiamiDX, Genesis
Others : Contact Manager
· YAM2, Thor, StrICQ, mailtext.mcc, NewsROG (any program with a
URL grabber)
· Miami, MiamiDX and/or Genesis
· Any, or all, of the web browsers IBrowse, Voyager, and A-Web
· Contact Manager (Optional)
· OpenURL library
· WBStart library
Hurl is Copyright ©1998 by Ralph Torchia.
This software is NOT public domain. The author gives permission for this
software to be freely distributed providing that no commercial gain is made
from its distribution, and no modification is made to the original
Organisations or people wishing to include Hurl on a coverdisk or CD-ROM
should contact me first. This excludes the Aminet CD-ROM collections.
This software is provided "as-is" and the author accepts no responsibility
for damage and/or loss of data/equipment resulting from the use of this
Ralph Torchia, B.Sc., D.D.S.
Mail : 3069 Suffolk
Windsor, Ontario
Canada N8R 1P1
Email : torchia@windsor.igs.net
Homepage: http://www.windsor.igs.net/~torchia/