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Short: | FlashMail script for Miami&Yam - v1.4 |
Author: | Christopher 'WatchDog' Elliott |
Uploader: | sembazuru philadelphia crosswinds net |
Type: | comm/mail |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1999-02-26 |
Requires: | ARexx, Miami, YAM2p6 or greater |
Download: | comm/mail/GetMailWD.lha - View contents | Readme: | comm/mail/GetMailWD.readme |
Downloads: | 506 |
This is a script to use with Miami and Yam to automate sending queued
messages and retrieving new messages.
o If either Yam or Miami are not running, this script will start both
programs as needed.
o Yam and Miami program locations default to YAM:Yam and Miami:Miami,
respectively. Uses environment variables to over ride these
defaults so you the end user don't need to modify the script.
o Logs Miami on at start and off at end.
o If Miami was online at start it remembers this so it won't log off.
o Commandline argument to force script to leave Miami online even if
Miami was offline at start.
o Commandline argument to tell it to tell Yam to filter messages
after it takes Miami offline. (Will also work even if you tell the
script to keep Miami online.) This allows you to have your YAM
filters not set on 'Filter New Mail' so you can save on your phone
(and ISP) bill.
o Commandline argument to tell it to get new mail before sending
outgoing messages. I suggest that this feature is used with the
offline filter argument.
o Accepts YAM user and password info for passing to YAM. If YAM is
running, it checks to see if the current user name is the same as
what you specified. If not, it changes the Yam user.
NOTE: Due to a bug in YAM2p6, starting YAM with user information on
the command line, the restart function is broken. If you try to
restart, it will restart with the originally supplied user info
instead of prompting you for this info. I have informed Marcel of
this behaviour, and he agrees with me that this is incorrect
behaviour. Hopefully it should be fixed when he gets back on working
on bug fixes.
Also, because of a lack of an ARexx feature to change the current Yam
user in YAM2p6, the script has to close Yam and restart it with the
new info. Marcel has stated that he will eventually add this to the
ARexx command set.
1. Copy the script GetMail.rexx to REXX:, YAM:rexx/, or wherever you
keep your ARexx scripts.
2. If you can't run Yam from the shell as 'YAM:Yam' then set the
environment variable 'GetMail.rexx/YAM_PATH' to your Yam path and
program name. For example, if you call Yam 'YAM2p6' and keep it in
'AmTcp:Yam' then you would need to execute the following in your
Shell> setenv GetMail.rexx/YAM_PATH AmTcp:Yam/YAM2p6
Shell> copy env:GetMail.#? envarc: all
3. Do the same for Miami if need be. For example, I have
GetMail.rexx/MIAMI_PATH set to Miami:MiamiDx because I use Miami
1. Delete the script from where ever you put it.
2. Delete the directory ENVARC:GetMail.rexx
Usage: (Clipped from the output of the script)
rx GetMail.rexx [USER "<user name>" [PASS "<user password>"]] [FILTEROFFLINE=FO] [STAYONLINE=SO] [GETBEFORESEND=GS]
To get this text, pass any invalid argument.
USER and PASS will close Yam and restart it if the current user is different from
the user name passed as the argument.
FILTEROFFLINE works best if few to none of your filters are configured to filter
new mail. NOTE: it will still filter if you use the STAYONLINE argument.
STAYONLINE forces the script not to take Miami offline at the end of the script.
GETBEFORESEND gets new mail before sending pending outgoing mail. If you are
concerned about your time online, use this with FILTEROFFLINE, as if you have
YAM configured to filter new mail, the filtering will be done before outgoing
messages are sent. This could also have the side effect of nullifying the
reason for using this switch as the filtering process may take longer than the
activity time-out of your mail server.
Use any version tool to get the current revision of this script.
This script is email-ware. Just send me a note (see uploader above)
telling me that you use it. Feel free to distribute it widely, but
please don't charge more than media costs for it unless you kickback
some of your profit to me. ;-)
If you have any comments about the code, or new features wanted,
please let me know. I was happy with v1.1, but 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4 are
the result of requests from other people. Ask any ye [may] shall
recieve. ;-)
Contents of comm/mail/GetMailWD.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[unknown] 2058 4478 46.0% -lh5- 89bf Feb 13 1999 GetMail.readme
[unknown] 777 1239 62.7% -lh5- d162 Nov 24 1998 GetMail.readme.info
[unknown] 3808 11077 34.4% -lh5- 1907 Feb 12 1999 GetMail.rexx
[unknown] 1276 1805 70.7% -lh5- 69cf Feb 14 1999 GetMail.rexx.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 4 files 7919 18599 42.6% Feb 26 1999
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