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Short: | Nodemessage sender for DLG/YaHoo by Erno Tuomainen |
Author: | moonlite sonata.fipnet.fi (Erno Tuomainen) |
Uploader: | moonlite sonata fipnet fi (Erno Tuomainen) |
Type: | comm/dlg |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1994-09-13 |
Download: | comm/dlg/YIPEE026.lha - View contents | Readme: | comm/dlg/YIPEE026.readme |
Downloads: | 525 |
* YiPeeMSG 0.26 (08.09.1994) for Dialog Pro by Erno Tuomainen *
<- The Begin ------------------------------------------------------------>
This is a short one!
YiPeeMSG was written mainly for the great node utility
YaHoo (by Alan Bland). YiPeeMSG is a simple program, but
still it utilizes ReqTools.library (by Nico François).
<- What advantages does YiPeeMSG have? ---------------------------------->
o It opens it's requesters to the screen where it was started
o If command line options are left out, ReqTools are used for
asking the strings.
o It's small... (?)
<- What does YiPeeMSG require? ------------------------------------------>
o Atleast OS2.04
o Dialog Pro BB/OS installed and running
o DLG.library
o ReqTools.library (if command line params left out!)
<- Using YiPeeMSG: ------------------------------------------------------>
YiPeeMSG has following parameters, all are optional.
PORTS portlist to send the message to. Each port
must have 3 letters, no spaces between ports
(ie. TR0 or TR0TR1TR2)
FROM Who is the sender of this message
MSG The actual message to send.
Any parameter left out will be asked with ReqTools
CLI Example (all in one line):
YiPeeMSG PORTS TR0 FROM "Jean Luc Picard"
MSG "Yo there Klingons, romulans are comming..."
<- Installing YiPeeMSG to YaHoo ----------------------------------------->
Add the following line to the YaHoo Config. And restart
"gad_user NodeMessage DLGOWN:YiPeeMSG PORTS $1 FROM Sysop"
With this installed, you can select a port by clicking on
the YaHoo's portlist, and then send a message to that port
by clicking on the 'NodeMessage'-gadget on YaHoo.
The example below is nice for sending system global messages:
(after PORTS insert all ports you have in your system)
"gad_glob Broadcast DLGOWN:YiPeeMSG PORTS TR0TR1 FROM Sysop"
(thanks Wim :)
<- History -------------------------------------------------------------->
08.09.1994 V0.26 Minor change, removed /K from Keywords.
Keywords are not required to pass params.
If left out, order must be:
Added also shortened keywords.
07.09.1994 V0.25 Some "Just on the Safe Side" checkings.
Thanks to Wim Rumping for reporting.
It now checks every port before it sends
05.09.1994 V0.21 First release
<- Thanks to ------------------------------------------------------------>
o Alan Bland for making the YaHoo so great and configurable.
o Wim Rumping for reporting the Bugs'n Nasties! And testing this
in his system. Unbelievable how hard it was to get this working
right :-)
o Nico François for the great ReqTools.library!
o All registered users of MagicFile.
o TPT for Dialog BBS software!
<- The Author ----------------------------------------------------------->
Erno Tuomainen, alias Moonlight
Send all flames to >NIL: but all comments can be send to
the following adresses.
Internet: moonlite@sonata.fipnet.fi
FidoNet: 2:221/112.0 or 2:221/113.0
Snail Mail: Erno Tuomainen
Toritie 14 B 23
<- The END -------------------------------------------------------------->
Oh, look at those BIG BROWN eyes on the floor :-)
Yours magically,
P.S. This software is AIDWARE! To register you must donate $5 (or more)
to the victims of the Jugoslavia/Bosnia crisis!!
No need to prove anything to me. Just DO IT!
Contents of comm/dlg/YIPEE026.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 185 224 82.6% -lh5- b995 Sep 8 1994 file_id.diz
[generic] 3356 5344 62.8% -lh5- 91ee Sep 8 1994 YiPeeMSG
[generic] 1612 3652 44.1% -lh5- fe34 Sep 8 1994 YiPeeMSG.doc
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 3 files 5153 9220 55.9% Sep 12 1994
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