DB DLG Mailer documentation -- © 1996 Denis Bucher -- version 0.99
What is DBDLGMailer ?
=> A program that uses the DLG BB/OS database to print stickers,
lists, enveloppes, etc, with name / address / coutry, etc of
your users...
How much configurable is it ?
=> 100% : You can exactely choose the format of the output ! You
choose a list of variables (like "name" or "street"), put a string
before, a string after, nothing or an EOL ... Just choose :-))
Easy to use ?
=> 80% GUI. Not too difficult to understant, but a manual will soon
complete this lach :-)
What is the first step ?
=> Run DBDLGMailer... It first reads your users (30s for 250 users
on a normal Amiga) and then displays three choices. If it complaints
about something before that, just write me an email ...
What is "Edit users" ?
=> If you don't want some users, like yourself, being printed, add
them to the twitlist ... I am sorry that you cannot remove them
without quitting, but it will be done. The number "3. edit users"
isn't implemented yet. But when you enter a name the programe do for
you A FULL REAL-TIME research, for example typing "de" will display
the first user which name starts with "de"
Typing RETURN instead of a number goes back to the main menu.
How does "Configuration" works ?
=> You must provide a list of the items you want to print/save by
clicking on the number of the item... You will have to answer
some questions with requesters. IMPORTANT : Change the requester,
and then (very strange, sorry) click BELOW THAT REQUESTER TO
receive the next question ... And you cannot anymore change the
requester, which is "dead" ... I am sorry of that, but I will
change it. At the end, choose "End" if it is the last field,
"Return" if it is an end of a line, and "Noline" if you want the
next field on the same line ...
How do I print each user on a different PAGE ???
=> The printers are ejecting the current page when receiving the
ASCII VALUE 12 ( chr$(12) ) also known as (CTRL-L or ^L), so just
add that ascii value with "ASC" and 12 in the last item :-))
How do I PRINT the results directly ?
=> When the program (in the first choice of main menu) asks for
filename, just answer "prt:" (without quotes ;-)
How to join the author :
email :
mail :
Denis Bucher
Rue de Carouge 28
CH-1205 Geneve
Homepage :