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Short:CNet Text/AmigaGuide Filelist Generator!
Author: dotoran at (david weeks)
Uploader:dotoran bluemoon net (david weeks)
Requires:AmigaOS 2/3.x, CNet Amiga, v3.05c/v4.22
Distribution:anywhere, everywhere, please mirror!
Download:comm/cnet/platinum.lha - View contents

    - Allows the SysOp to create BOTH text AND amigaguide formatted listings
      of files.

    - There are three types of scans that PLATINUM can do on a directory:

        - File Directory - If a "/data/_Items3" file exists.

        - Text Directory - If a "/data/_Items2" file exists.

        - Dos Directory  - If neither of the above exists.

    - Regardless of the TYPE of directory in question, each filelist will
      contain at LEAST the filename, short description, file size, and the
      AGE of the file(in DAYS) Each listing will also contain a line of
      totals(files, bytes, etc).

    - If a "File Directory", one where an _Items3 file exists, the listing
      will also contain the number of times file was downloaded, whether or
      not the file was tested, if it was virus scanned, if it's marked as a
      SysOp Favorite, if it's a FREE Download, and the FULL eight line short
      description(from the _short file). A check will also be done on the
      "missing" flag, the "killed" flag, and the "post" flag, and these will
      be skipped is seen.

    - ALL listings(txt or guide) may also contain a Header File (or NEW
      FILES Header), a "Table of Contents", a listing of MAGIC Names, a
      "Most Downloaded Files" Listing, a "FREE Downloads" listing, a "SysOp
      Favorites" Listing, and a Footer File.

    - You have the ability of creating MULTIPLE listings, as well as a NEW
      FILES listing. You might choose to create a main FILES list, a NEWFILES
      list, then separate listings for specific groups(perhaps based on the
      computer being used, whether they were a SysOp, had Adult access, etc.)

    - You have the ability of individually toggling whether a TXT or GUIDE
      formatted listing is created for EACH list, so it's possible to create
      BOTH for SOME of the lists, only TXT's for others, only GUIDES, etc.

    - Each file can also be PACKED, using either ZIP, LHA, or LZX. You can
      opt to PACK the TXT file using one format, and the GUIDE using a
      different one, or choose NOT to pack a listing.

    - An included "Ansi-ARexx" config file allows the SysOp to easily modify
      any of the above settings, as well as creating the list of MAGIC names,
      with descriptions, Directory Paths, with descriptions, and more! This
      file also uses the "rexxreqtools" library to display requestors asking
      for information whenever it warrants the need for one(like when you're
      editing a path, or choosing the listing to use as JM's filelist, etc.)

    - As well as being able to create MUTLIPLE listings, you also have the
      ability of specifying WHICH directories to USE in each listing, AND
      what ORDER you wish them to appear in. The config file has numerous
      ways to make creating these "sorted" lists a snap!

    - A series of external text files for Headers, Footers, and GuideTexts
      can also be created. If you opt NOT to create one of the above, the
      "small"(4 lines) text file will be used(if it exists), but the "large"
      (10 lines) text file is used if you specify YES to include one. The
      CNet Visual Editor is used to edit these files from within CONFIG.

    - You can specify WHERE you wish the created filelists to be stored.

    - As mentioned below, you can specify up to SIX Node Addresses to where
      a user could FREQ you from. These addresses are used to create buttons
      in the AmigaGuides to ask the user to specify the correct .REQ name to

    - For those with slower systems, there's a toggle that allows filelists
      to be created from "Dos Information". You'll lose a lot of the "neat"
      features, however it will create smaller filelistings, which won't
      hurt the download times as much.

    - You can specify the number of days files will be considered NEW as, as
      well as the minimum number of times a file needs to be DOWNLOADED, so
      it can appear on the "Most Downloaded Files" listing.

    - You can toggle whether or not you wish the "Tiny Navigation System"
      to be used in AmigaGuides(more on this below).

    - Those using JamMail can specify one of the filelists to be used as
      the file sent to a user who types FILELIST from their "Press ESC
      twice..." prompt.

    - Those using FFRS can specify if they wish the INDEX file FFRS uses to
      locate files be updated each time filelists are created.

    - AmigaGuide formatted listings have these added features:

        - A "Pre-Header" allows SysOps running Multiple Networks to ask the
          reader to select which network they wish to REQUEST from. An "out"
          is also given for those NOT running mailer software.

        - The "Table of Contents" list, as well as the three Special Lists
          have the ability of taking you directly to the directory that
          houses the appropriate file(s).

        - The filelists, Magic list, Most Downloads List, SysOp Favorites,
          and Free Downloads listing have the ability of letting you click
          on their filenames and have that file's name added to a .REQ file.

        - A "Tiny Navigation System" is included in the form of some small
          buttons that appear at the start of every filelist. These buttons
          allow you to immediately go to the buttons screen, the magic names
          screen, one of the three special lists screens, or the main title
          screen, all at the click of a mouse button! Additional buttons let
          you KILL/DELETE a .REQ file that was already started, or VIEW the
          CONTENTS of a .REQ in progress.

        - A "customized" HELP Node is also created within each listing,
          which will only discuss commands available in THAT listing. For
          instance, if no "SysOp Favorites" exist, then the " S " button
          is not discussed, etc. (nor will the "S" button appear on the
          Navigation bar)

        - Up to EIGHT "Text Buttons" can also be included in the AmigaGuide
          listings. You can define ALL EIGHT, yet only choose to USE one or
          two in each listing, as well as specifying the ORDER you'd like
          the buttons to appear in. You'll be asked for the text to appear
          on the button, as well as the full path to the text file to use
          in the created node.

-- Written by Dotoran of Frontiers --

Contents of comm/cnet/platinum.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                28530   43628  65.4% -lh5- 5698 Jun 23  1996 libs/reqtools.library
[generic]                 6534   11664  56.0% -lh5- 40e4 Aug 16  1994 libs/rexxreqtools.library
[generic]                  758    1933  39.2% -lh5- 51d4 Sep 15  1996 platinum/configs/Platinum.cfg
[generic]                  274     515  53.2% -lh5- bb20 Sep 15  1996 platinum/configs/Platinum.cfg2
[generic]                  227     420  54.0% -lh5- b2d2 Sep 15  1996 platinum/configs/Platinum.magics
[generic]                  158     299  52.8% -lh5- f0bf Sep 15  1996 platinum/configs/Platinum.paths
[generic]                14180   14180 100.0% -lh0- 000a Sep 15  1996 platinum/filelists/FILES.LHA
[generic]                18490   18490 100.0% -lh0- ef8a Sep 15  1996 platinum/filelists/FILESG.LZX
[generic]                  214     477  44.9% -lh5- b270 Jul 18  1996 platinum/texts/LongFooter
[generic]                  244     532  45.9% -lh5- c43e Jul 18  1996 platinum/texts/LongHeader
[generic]                  231     532  43.4% -lh5- 73a6 Jul 18  1996 platinum/texts/LongNewHeader
[generic]                   88     226  38.9% -lh5- 40f4 Jul 18  1996 platinum/texts/ShortFooter
[generic]                  115     288  39.9% -lh5- 44fd Jul 18  1996 platinum/texts/ShortHeader
[generic]                  109     272  40.1% -lh5- 32e8 Jul 18  1996 platinum/texts/ShortNewHeader
[generic]                 1731    3782  45.8% -lh5- 2d6e Sep 15  1996 platinum/!READ_ME_SECOND!
[generic]                 5064   15364  33.0% -lh5- 16f0 Sep 15  1996 platinum/PL_INSTALL
[generic]                 8356   31395  26.6% -lh5- a1e0 Sep 15  1996 platinum/PLATINUM
[generic]                 1603    3911  41.0% -lh5- 1284 Sep 15  1996 platinum/PLATINUM.HISTORY!
[generic]                10032   27500  36.5% -lh5- 7ceb Sep 15  1996 platinum/PLATINUM.README!
[generic]                17114   71007  24.1% -lh5- 3687 Sep 15  1996 platinum/PLATINUMC
[generic]                  232     376  61.7% -lh5- 1aad Jul 18  1996 platinum/texts/LongGuide
[generic]                  114     159  71.7% -lh5- c046 Jul 18  1996 platinum/texts/ShortGuide
[generic]                  742    1695  43.8% -lh5- 9cd6 Sep 16  1996 platinum/Upgrade195
[generic]                  465    1029  45.2% -lh5- 3414 Aug 17  1996 !Frontiers
[generic]                 1085    2241  48.4% -lh5- a436 Sep 16  1996 !read_me_first!
[generic]                 1731    3782  45.8% -lh5- 2d6e Sep 15  1996 !read_me_second!
[generic]                 1085    2241  48.4% -lh5- a436 Sep 16  1996 platinum/!READ_ME_FIRST!
[generic]                  758    1933  39.2% -lh5- 51d4 Sep 16  1996 platinum/Platinum.cfg
[generic]                  274     515  53.2% -lh5- bb20 Sep 16  1996 platinum/Platinum.cfg2
[generic]                  227     420  54.0% -lh5- b2d2 Sep 16  1996 platinum/Platinum.magics
[generic]                  158     299  52.8% -lh5- f0bf Sep 16  1996 platinum/Platinum.paths
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        31 files  120923  261105  46.3%            Oct  3  1996
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