v5.20 updated the getusers which changed in the 4.4x series.
v5.13 updated the getusers which changed in the 4.26dR2 version, as well
as using a new hybrid ARexx SendOLM routine, which includes the new
Time Stamping used by CNet Amiga, v4.26e!
v5.12 updated the getusers which changed in the 4.26a version, as well as
fixing two 3.05 getusers. The SendOLM routine was also fixed to rid
that "cnet version string" spillover.
v5.11 fixed a bug that suppressed the requestor display. Also added in CNet
Amiga, v3.05c compatibility!
v5.10 written to work under CNet Amiga, v4.25+
A NEW Chat command written specifically for CNet Amiga, v4.22. It will
perform the same function as CNet's built-in chat function, however also
gives the SysOp MANY, MANY more functions they can perform!
Version 5.00 allows for Multiple SysOps, so after the Pager has been set
up, the user will be asked WHICH SysOp they wish to Page.
After the reason has been entered, a requestor will pop up on the FRONT
MOST screen shortly after the specified SOUND file has been played, and
the specified SPEECH has been orated. This requestor tells you which port
requested the chat, the date and time the chat request was made, any SysOp
Comment on file, the handle and real name of the user, and the reason why
they wish to chat.
There is also the option to have CNet use the CC command to send a
"Chat Request OLM" if a SysOp happens to be somewhere online, instead of
being disturbed by an annoying requestor. This will ONLY be done if the
requesting user has ACCESS to use the CC command. If they do NOT have
access to use CC, then a regular page will be attempted.
If you are NOT available, Pager will display your custom "SysOp OUT"
reason for that HOUR of that DAY. All 24 hours of all 7 days can receive a
unique "SysOp OUT" reason. (Using MCI Commands, you could even have the
reason display a TEXT file if you feel a more lengthy reason is needed at
On the Chat Page Requestor are eight buttons, described below:
"Chat" - [ Uses "C" as an alternative to the mouse! ]
- Will alert the user you are coming to chat with them by sending them
a "System OLM Message". (These messages interrupt into whatever the
user is currently doing, provided their current activity isn't set to
block these OLM's). System OLM Messages can NOT be responded to.
"OLM" - [ Uses "O" as an alternative to the mouse! ]
- Allows you to send a customized System OLM to the user, instead of
actually having to chat with them. After selecting this button, you'll
be given another requestor with three buttons: (Use the RAMIGA key in
conjunction with the alternative key to activate these buttons).
"Send" - [ Use RAMIGA - S as an alternative to the mouse! ]
- The text entered in the string gadget will be sent to the
user as a System OLM Message. Normally, you'd simply press
RETURN to send the text, but you CAN press SEND instead.
- Pressing RETURN with NO text in the string gadget will
activate the IGNORE button, which functions the EXACT same
way as the main IGNORE button, described below.
"Cancel" - [ Use RAMIGA - C as an alternative to the mouse! ]
- This will abort the sending of the OLM Message, and return
you to the main Pager Requestor, allowing you to make a
different choice on what you'd like to do for/to the user.
"Ignore" - [ Uses RAMIGA - I as an alternative to the mouse! ]
- Acts the same as the IGNORE button described below.
- This button will also be activated if you press RETURN
with NO text in the string gadget!
- While you're sitting in the String Gadget, you can activate any of
the buttons by pressing RAMIGA-Hot Key, as defined above.
"FSend" - [Uses "F" as an alternative to the mouse! ]
- Will give you a file requestor you can use to ADD files to the user's
Select Buffer.
- Use the MOUSE to select multiple files by holding down the SHIFT key,
then selecting those files you wish to add.
- Use the Up and Down arrows with RETURN if you'll only be adding ONE
file, as an alternative to using the mouse.
- Click the "Done" button(or press RAMIGA-D) to complete the procedure.
- As many of the files will be added to the user's Select Buffer as are
possible. This means if you have it set in your CNET CONFIG that users
can only select 10 files at a time, and you specify you wish to add 20
files to the user's Select Buffer, only the first 10 files would be
added(provided the user's Select Buffer was EMPTY to start with). If
this should ever occur, the OLM that is sent to the user will let them
know what has occurred.
- The user will be charged for the download, based on your setting in
the Pager CONFIG file. Certain config settings may also provide you
with additional requestors allowing you to select specific costs for
each individual file.
- The file will be killed after the download, also based on your
setting in the Pager CONFIG file. Again, additional requestors MAY be
provided for you to select specific kill settings for each file IF
you have it set that way in the config file.
"Terminate" - [ Uses "T" as an alternative to the mouse! ]
- Will immediately drop that user's time remaining to 0, then drop
carrier. (For those users who continually hound you to Chat!)
- This will happen for ANY user, INCLUDING those with INFINITE time,
and INCLUDING those with "System Operator" status!
- A System OLM message will be sent to the user, with a slight pause
after sending it, so that the user will be sure to SEE it before the
program terminates their connection.
"Gone In 5" - [ Uses "G" as an alternative to the mouse! ]
- Similar to the above, but will allow the user 5 minutes to finish up
anything they may have been doing(Posting, Responding, etc.)
- This will happen for ANY user, INCLUDING those with INFINITE time,
and INCLUDING those with "System Operator" status!
"Unavailable" - [ Uses "U" as an alternative to the mouse! ]
- Will inform the user you are no longer available to chat, and will
additionally disable the "Sysop is in" checkmark for that port. More
information on this below.
"Busy" - [ Uses "B" as an alternative to the mouse! ]
- Similar to the above, but will simply tell the user you are too BUSY
to chat, while still maintaining your "Sysop is in" status.
"Ignore" - [ Uses RETURN as an alternative to the mouse! ]
- Will deactivate the requestor, WITHOUT alerting the user you are
doing so. (If you simply do NOT want to be bothered).
Whenever any of the above buttons has been pressed, the requestor will
be removed from the screen, and the appropriate action(s) will be performed,
as well as the "Reason" for chatting being removed from CNet memory, which
means it should stop flashing in the Control Panel window.
The user is "told" of the action you've taken in the form of a colorized
System OLM that will be sent. When the "Ignore" option is used, NO OLM's are
sent to the user. When the "OLM" button is used, the default bbstext colors
will be used when sending the olm message.
-- Written by Dotoran of Frontiers --