ZoolDIZ II is a feature packed describer (advanced "dizzer") to CNet BBS
software. Here's a incomplete featurelist:
- Full 3l173 (ELITE ;)) capability if necessary...
* SentBy line with color values!
* upto 100 lines in description
- Q-Dizolve Compability
* >8 line descs will be stored at the same directory
* Possible signatures will be automatically converted to ZoolDIZ-Form!
- Compact mode
* Forces you to select lines to be used from description
- Automatic Mode
* If ZoolDIZ founds or creates a description, it's possible to fill out
the description without even one keypress!
- The best ModuleHandling routine ever seen / made
* Works with both unpacked as well as packed modules
- Archived ones: LHA/LZX/ZIP
- XPK and PowerPacker packed
* Supports various formats:
- ProTracker modules (And compatibles)
- MultiChannel modules: S3M/XM/MTM/68Channel
- PlaySID modules
- 100% full support to mp1, mp2 & mp3 files!
* No more fuzzed up mpeg audio areas! All files will be in clean order
and have standard MPEG-AUDIO-TAG attached to them!
- Full support to PowerPacker & XPK packed files
* Every format can be packed with XPK or PowerPacker (Should be avoided)
- Even a XPK packed LHA archive with a module inside would work!
- Extremely handy to have around if you need to adopt your own modules
- Handles JPG/GIF/IFF pictures easily
* Creates description in: 320x256x24 form
- Has got Three (3) different editors to maximize easy usage:
* Normal Editor, Module Description editor & Picture Desc. editor
- Does not require FILE.ID.DIZ type description
* ZoolDIZ is capable to extract descriptions out from AMiNET-Files [@{"SCREENSHOT " system "VT HI LA screenshots/ZoolDIZ_aminet.IFF"}]
- Perfect for CD-ROMS
- Ideal for Aminet exports
- Will scan the archive itself for the readme as well as the external one!
* Various internal scans for Modules / Textfiles!
- Full Aminetheader capabitilities
* "ZoolDIZ.AMiNETHEADERS" contains various headers which will be added
to a file which had a aminet-description
- You can use the sample ones or add your own!
* Isn't necessary, so it can be turned off too
- Does not allow MCI bombs...
* It will not bypass any MCI command characters
- Works 100% with multinode systems...
* Every port has got it's own directory that will be deleted after use!
- ZoolDIZ will allow packed TEXT-Files in LHA/LZX archives (if the archive
is less than 25kb)
* The biggest file will be handled just like unpacked file
- There's possibility to strip all unwanted lines from description
* External file called ZoolDIZ.STRIP will be used
- Visual type Configuration editor to make configfile creation or editing
a piece of cake!
* Just like CNets own editors (Edit Account etc.)
- Full Virus Scanning option (Uses Virus Checker or VirusZ II)
* All unpacked files & LHA/LZX packed files will be checked, WHEN the
uploader logs off... this way we and the user will save online time
* The VirusScanner is a normal ARexx-script, so you can add it to the
maintenance if you like
Install this now, you won't regret it.
Version : 0.998b, 13.10.94: First public release
Undocumented 0.998b-1.25a (Lot'sa bugfixes! thats for sure!)
Version : 1.25a, 20.12.94: Added VirusChecking in LHA archives & Bugfixes.
Version : 1.30a, 28.12.94: Added nice DizLineCutter(R) & done some Bugfixes.
Version : 1.35a, 31.12.94: Added support for ProTracker modules & Bugfixes.
Version : 1.50a, 3.01.95: Added Visual/Line-editor support & again BugFixes.
Visual editor did work only with the first file!
Second public release!
Version : 1.55b, 10.01.95: Done again some serious BugFixes (Back to beta :()
Removed VirusChecking...
Version : 1.65b, 20.01.95: BugFixes.
Completely (100%) ReWritten from 1.65b version.........
Version : 1.80b, 22.01.95: 100% ReWritten, begun to add comments, bugs gone?
Version : 1.82b, 26.01.95: ^^ Bugs Gone.. hah, hah, hah, hah & haaa, Bugfixs.
Version : 1.85b, 28.01.95: Bugfixs
Version : 1.87b, 06.02.95: Bugfixs, added muffle and Offline file checking,
DizLineCutter(R) did fuck up, tried to fix, but
not sure that it's 100% fixed.
Version : 1.88b, 07.02.95: Bugfixs, some modifications in interface & Otherz
Version : 1.89b, 08.02.95: Bugfixs, some modifications in interface & Otherz
fuck, I'm lame!!... more stupid bugs found, ARGH!
Version : 1.90b, 20.02.95: more!, More!, MOre!, MORe!, MORE! bugs found, fix-
xed, like that fucking MUFFLE!, also fixed picture
desc problem, almost nobody noticed, strange??
Version : 1.91b, 21.02.95: Little LZX support added (1st in the whole world?)
Version : 1.93b, 22.02.95: Visual editor finally WORKS 100%?!, yeah!, bugfixs
Version : 1.94b, 25.02.95: Bugfixs, fixed everything, like the muffle problem
Version : 1.95b, 27.02.95: bugfixs
Version : 1.97b, 31.03.95: Bugfixs, added support to Compiled PlaySID modules
Version : 1.98b, 31.03.95: New External filesystem done.... much better!...
Version : 1.99a, 12.04.95: PLSID support improved, author handling better and
stripped up description lines by removing stupid
lines. I think that the beta stage is over by now!
Version : 1.999c, 19.06.95: Unwanted DIZline stripping and NON automatic mode
now available. (Even the ZUMBA can use this now :)
Version : 1.999d, 22.06.95: Bugs left.. fixed the ones, I know....
This might be the last version before the great
public ZoolDIZ II !
(Yeah, sure ;)!!)
DAMN: Slipped to next digit... grr...
Version : 2.0c 05.08.95: Second beta of II!... NOW WITH VISUAL CFG ED!!
Cleared Config file a bit...
Version : 2.0d 06.08.95: Third beta of II. made a new PT-Mod Handling thing
Scans samples etc... Possible bugs left, dunno....
Version : 2.0e 06.08.95: Arrgh. a fucking new beta. bugs left like I said!
Bugs in StripLineCutter (R)?... checking it..
Version : 2.0f 08.09.95: Some clearing done. Should work better. The Strip-
ping won't work. Don't waste your time. (Nobody
uses it anyway.. who cares!).... also..I have been
a complete idiot with ProTracker-handling routine!
It was too fucking slow!... NOW ProTracker module-
Scanning is 10* faster...
Fixed problems with desc lines >44 chars... Whou...
Why haven't I fixed it earlier *!?!?!*
Version : 2.0g 14.09.95: Protracker module handling is now 100% done by me.
no more stupid ModCHECK. Only ZoolDIZ. This even
works better! Also added 6&8 channel module support
Version : 2.0h 15.09.95: Modulehandling routine improved a lot... PLUS:
Tracker & 6/8-Channel mods in LHA & LZX archives!!
Version : 2.0k 28.09.95: Found sum bugs in ProTracker routine, fixed... Will
indentify more authors now! Config fixed also, and
removed stupid conversion system! LHA/LZX scan for
mods fixed...
Version : 2.0m 30.09.95: All texts are now in external file, so you can mo-
dify them on your own and add support to languages!
Version : 2.0p 04.10.95: Support for SHORT: string in Aminet-Readme files!
Version : 2.0q 09.10.95: Aminet SHORT: support improved a lot!
Version : 2.0r 21.10.95: Done some bugfixes, added support for S3M mods,
soon MTM & XM support will arrive too! Modhandling
routine again improved a lot! (e.g. Chnl support)
Version : 2.0s 25.10.95: Done some bugfixes, added support for MTM & XM!!
bugfixes and modhandling routines improved a lot!
Version : 2.0u 02.11.95: Modified multichannel operations.. added Double-
scanner... now ZoolDIZ scans LHA/LZX archives for
TXT/PLaySID modules too!! MCI killer stripping!
Version : 2.0v 04.11.95: Bugfixs & Added external AMiNET-Description SCANS!
Version : 2.0y 11.11.95: Bugfixs & InterFace changes.. (Editor, Line-Selec-
tion, module-Editor etc.)
Version : 2.0x 15.11.95: Bugfixs & Editor Interface changed a lot this time
Also made a free hard/ram disk space scan when
extracting modules!
Version : 2.0x+ 19.11.95: Done some bugfixs...
Version : 2.0z 25.11.95: Error handling better & bugfixs
Version : 2.1z 01.12.95: Sorry for the next digit ;(... BugFixes & REAL Vi-
rusChecking (It works in background, so you won't
even notice it)
Version : 2.1Pro 18.12.95: BugFixes.. added BBSdescription support!!! Whouu
Why didn't I do this earlier [Thanks dMR!] Fixed
AMiNET desc. system for unknown files..
Version : 2.11Pro 09.01.96: Added moduleauthor stripping & modified some stuff
Testing and cleaning up, it seems that we are rea-
dy for public, camoon guyz!
Version : 2.15Pro 03.02.96: Bugfixs, improved modulename & author scanning!
Started using keyfile!
Version : 2.20Pro 10.02.96: Bugfixs & Added ZIP support in module extract!!
Again improved moduledata extracting and added
possibility to ignore modulesauthors groupnames.
Cleaned up the system a bit.
Version : 2.23Pro 13.02.96: Great bugfix version, finally fixed ADDIZ problem
and there shouldn't be anymore errors!
The priorities of scantypes has also been changed!
Now it's "DIZ-MOD-DUBBEL-BBS", before this it was:
DIZ-BBS-MOD-DUBBEL and that caused problems!
Version : 2.25Pro 15.02.96: Added VirusChecking support for VirusZ II!
Version : 2.30Pro 22.02.96: Made great Compact mode improvents, also fixed a
bug in >8 diz mode, actually the Mci-File was
created even when diz contained only 7 lines..
Thanks Grand Zumba!! Fixed moddesc lowercase opt.
Finally made Visual ed support better.. hmm
Version : 2.33Pro 01.03.96: rewritten VirusChecking system.. now it uses GUI!
Fixed rest of the >8 bugs etc...
Version : 2.37Pro 13.03.06: New PlaySID system [SID] Name.......(author) etc..
Version : 2.38Pro 14.04.96: Fixed sum shit.. New K-file system
Version : 2.40Pro 30.06.96: Fixed some ZIP-errors, and problems with the Mod-
unpackdir handling... shouldn't have so many er-
rors anymore!
Version : 2.45Pro 04.07.96: Fixed Compact Mode (bug), removed scanning of LHA/LZX
archives without a suffix (.lha/.lzx)
Version : 2.46Pro 20.01.97: Wow, there's been a while... changed some archive
identification methods!
Version : 2.47Pro 04.02.97: There was a bug which caused some errors when file-
name was less than 4 characters long. (eg. C64)
Jesus, that one must have been there for a while!!
Version : 2.55Pro 07.02.97: Added full support for XPK & PowerPacked files. If
some file is packed with either XPK or PP, it will
be unpacked and processed like it was never packed
(needed: c:xfdDecrunch, Libs: xfdmaster.library,
Libs:xpkmaster.library & the XPK compressor libs!)
[I think you'll never need this but if you do so,
then it's kinda handy to have it around :)]
Also fixed some sound-module name parser bugs.
Tried to clean up the code a bit, but I think that
I should reorganize this baby a bit. Gee, I found
a bug which caused ZoolDIZ fail to recognize .LZH!
For safety reasons, _no diz_ will be added to EXE
files. Changed all external command paths. They
will be located in PFiles:ZoolDIZ/External_Comma-
nds/ path. No C: nor SYS:C will be used. Therefore
"Give names to External MODs" gadget in ZoolCON
is obsolete!
Version : 2.57Pro 11.02.97: Fixed some problems with the XPK system. Now xpk
CRYPTED files will be ignored. I wrote completely
new installation system for ZoolDIZ. Run it!
Version : 2.58Pro 14.02.97: Fixed some PowerPacker support bugs. Optimized &
cleaned up the code a lot=>Numerous little chan-
ges, additions and bugfixes!
Version : 2.59Pro 23.02.97: Some little fixes, PT-Modules changed to new form:
[MOD] Name.........(Author)
Version : 2.60Pro 06.03.97: Enchaced the Module-Authorname scanner a bit,
Chanced [SID] to [PSID] & [MOD] to [PTMD]
Version : 2.61Pro 25.03.97: Some internal changes, made a aminet-header/
footer system. Finally fixed that MORE?-prompt!
Version : 2.62Pro 16.05.97: Came across with a stupid missing ')' char bug.
Could cause errors in modulescan. Fixed.
Version : 2.65Pro 01.12.97: Haa, delays do rule :).. anyway I downloaded this
mp3info program and decided to add Mp1-3 support
to ZoolDIZ. It took 2 hours, but I think is cer-
tainly is worth it. And I changed the [PSID] &
[PTMD] tags back to [SID] & [MOD]. I tested only
mp2 & mp3. The mp support is a complete addition
with possibilities to edit & modify & save the
new author/song/album/year datas. BTW: The
mp3info program needs ixemul.library! Now I just
need to add MED support.
Version : 2.66Pro 03.12.97: Made a simple ARJ support. Only plain File_id.diz.
ZoolDIZ mainfile exceeds 100kb :)