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Short:ZoolDIZ II, The best describer ever made (v2.66)
Author: lauri.ahonen at
Uploader:Lauri Ahonen (lauri ahonen pp inet fi)
Requires:CNet BBS Software
Download:comm/cnet/ZoolDIZII.lha - View contents

ZoolDIZ II is a feature packed describer (advanced "dizzer") to CNet BBS
software. Here's a incomplete featurelist:

 - Full 3l173 (ELITE ;)) capability if necessary... 

    * SentBy line with color values!
    * upto 100 lines in description

 - Q-Dizolve Compability

    * >8 line descs will be stored at the same directory
    * Possible signatures will be automatically converted to ZoolDIZ-Form!

 - Compact mode

    * Forces you to select lines to be used from description

 - Automatic Mode

    * If ZoolDIZ founds or creates a description, it's possible to fill out
      the description without even one keypress!

 - The best ModuleHandling routine ever seen / made

    * Works with both unpacked as well as packed modules 

      - Archived ones: LHA/LZX/ZIP
      - XPK and PowerPacker packed

    * Supports various formats:

      - ProTracker modules (And compatibles)
      - MultiChannel modules: S3M/XM/MTM/68Channel
      - PlaySID modules

 - 100% full support to mp1, mp2 & mp3 files!
    * No more fuzzed up mpeg audio areas! All files will be in clean order
      and have standard MPEG-AUDIO-TAG attached to them!

 - Full support to PowerPacker & XPK packed files

    * Every format can be packed with XPK or PowerPacker (Should be avoided)

      - Even a XPK packed LHA archive with a module inside would work!
      - Extremely handy to have around if you need to adopt your own modules

 - Handles JPG/GIF/IFF pictures easily

    * Creates description in: 320x256x24 form

 - Has got Three (3) different editors to maximize easy usage:

    * Normal Editor, Module Description editor & Picture Desc. editor

 - Does not require FILE.ID.DIZ type description

    * ZoolDIZ is capable to extract descriptions out from AMiNET-Files  [@{"SCREENSHOT " system "VT HI LA screenshots/ZoolDIZ_aminet.IFF"}]

      - Perfect for CD-ROMS
      - Ideal for Aminet exports
      - Will scan the archive itself for the readme as well as the external one!

    * Various internal scans for Modules / Textfiles!

 - Full Aminetheader capabitilities

    * "ZoolDIZ.AMiNETHEADERS" contains various headers which will be added
      to a file which had a aminet-description

      - You can use the sample ones or add your own!

    * Isn't necessary, so it can be turned off too

 - Does not allow MCI bombs...

    * It will not bypass any MCI command characters

 - Works 100% with multinode systems...

    * Every port has got it's own directory that will be deleted after use!

 - ZoolDIZ will allow packed TEXT-Files in LHA/LZX archives (if the archive
   is less than 25kb)

    * The biggest file will be handled just like unpacked file

 - There's possibility to strip all unwanted lines from description
    * External file called ZoolDIZ.STRIP will be used

 - Visual type Configuration editor to make configfile creation or editing
   a piece of cake!

    * Just like CNets own editors (Edit Account etc.)

 - Full Virus Scanning option (Uses Virus Checker or VirusZ II)
    * All unpacked files & LHA/LZX packed files will be checked, WHEN the
      uploader logs off... this way we and the user will save online time

    * The VirusScanner is a normal ARexx-script, so you can add it to the
      maintenance if you like

Install this now, you won't regret it.


Version : 0.998b, 13.10.94: First public release

Undocumented 0.998b-1.25a (Lot'sa bugfixes! thats for sure!)

Version : 1.25a,  20.12.94: Added VirusChecking  in  LHA archives  & Bugfixes.

Version : 1.30a,  28.12.94: Added nice DizLineCutter(R) & done  some Bugfixes.

Version : 1.35a,  31.12.94: Added support  for ProTracker  modules & Bugfixes.

Version : 1.50a,   3.01.95: Added Visual/Line-editor support & again BugFixes.
                            Visual  editor did work  only with the first file!

                                           Second public release!

Version : 1.55b,  10.01.95: Done again some serious BugFixes (Back to beta :()
                            Removed VirusChecking...

Version : 1.65b,  20.01.95: BugFixes.

               Completely (100%) ReWritten from 1.65b version.........

Version : 1.80b,  22.01.95: 100% ReWritten, begun to  add comments, bugs gone?

Version : 1.82b,  26.01.95: ^^ Bugs Gone.. hah, hah, hah, hah & haaa, Bugfixs.

Version : 1.85b,  28.01.95: Bugfixs

Version : 1.87b,  06.02.95: Bugfixs, added  muffle and Offline file checking,
                            DizLineCutter(R)  did  fuck up,  tried to fix, but
                            not sure that it's 100% fixed.

Version : 1.88b,  07.02.95: Bugfixs,  some modifications in interface & Otherz

Version : 1.89b,  08.02.95: Bugfixs,  some modifications in interface & Otherz
                            fuck, I'm lame!!... more stupid  bugs found, ARGH!

Version : 1.90b,  20.02.95: more!, More!, MOre!, MORe!, MORE! bugs found, fix-
                            xed, like that fucking MUFFLE!, also fixed picture
                            desc problem, almost nobody noticed, strange??

Version : 1.91b,  21.02.95: Little LZX support added (1st in the whole world?) 

Version : 1.93b,  22.02.95: Visual editor finally WORKS 100%?!, yeah!, bugfixs

Version : 1.94b,  25.02.95: Bugfixs, fixed everything, like the muffle problem  

Version : 1.95b,  27.02.95: bugfixs

Version : 1.97b,  31.03.95: Bugfixs, added support to Compiled PlaySID modules

Version : 1.98b,  31.03.95: New External filesystem done.... much better!...

Version : 1.99a,  12.04.95: PLSID support improved, author handling better and
                            stripped  up description  lines by removing stupid
                            lines. I think that the beta stage is over by now!

Version : 1.999c, 19.06.95: Unwanted DIZline  stripping and NON automatic mode
                            now available. (Even the ZUMBA can use this now :)

Version : 1.999d, 22.06.95: Bugs left.. fixed the ones, I know....

                            This might be the last version before the great
                                         public ZoolDIZ II !

                                          (Yeah, sure ;)!!)

                     DAMN: Slipped to next digit... grr...

Version : 2.0c    05.08.95: Second beta of II!... NOW WITH VISUAL CFG ED!!
                            Cleared Config file a bit...

Version : 2.0d    06.08.95: Third beta of II. made a new PT-Mod Handling thing
                            Scans samples etc... Possible bugs left, dunno....

Version : 2.0e    06.08.95: Arrgh. a fucking new beta. bugs left like I said!
                            Bugs in StripLineCutter (R)?... checking it..

Version : 2.0f    08.09.95: Some clearing done. Should work better. The Strip-
                            ping  won't work.  Don't waste your time.  (Nobody
                            uses it anyway.. who cares!).... also..I have been
                            a complete idiot with ProTracker-handling routine!
                            It was too fucking slow!... NOW ProTracker module-
                            Scanning is 10* faster...
                            Fixed problems with desc lines >44 chars... Whou...
                            Why haven't I fixed it earlier *!?!?!*

Version : 2.0g    14.09.95: Protracker module  handling is now 100% done by me.
                            no  more stupid  ModCHECK. Only ZoolDIZ. This  even
                            works better! Also added 6&8 channel module support

Version : 2.0h    15.09.95: Modulehandling routine improved a lot... PLUS:

                            IT IS NOW POSSIBLE  TO SEARCH AUTHOR etc. from Pro-
                            Tracker & 6/8-Channel mods in LHA & LZX  archives!!

Version : 2.0k    28.09.95: Found sum bugs in ProTracker routine, fixed... Will
                            indentify more  authors now! Config fixed also, and
                            removed stupid conversion  system! LHA/LZX scan for
                            mods fixed...

Version : 2.0m    30.09.95: All texts are now  in external file, so you can mo-
                            dify them on your own and add support to languages!

Version : 2.0p    04.10.95: Support  for SHORT: string in Aminet-Readme  files!

Version : 2.0q    09.10.95: Aminet SHORT: support improved a lot!

Version : 2.0r    21.10.95: Done  some bugfixes,  added support  for S3M  mods,
                            soon MTM & XM support will arrive too! Modhandling
                            routine again improved a  lot! (e.g. Chnl support)

Version : 2.0s    25.10.95: Done  some bugfixes,  added support for MTM & XM!!
                            bugfixes and modhandling  routines improved a lot!

Version : 2.0u    02.11.95: Modified  multichannel  operations.. added Double-
                            scanner... now ZoolDIZ  scans LHA/LZX archives for
                            TXT/PLaySID modules too!! MCI killer stripping!

Version : 2.0v    04.11.95: Bugfixs & Added external AMiNET-Description SCANS!

Version : 2.0y    11.11.95: Bugfixs & InterFace changes.. (Editor, Line-Selec-
                            tion, module-Editor etc.)

Version : 2.0x    15.11.95: Bugfixs & Editor Interface changed a lot this time
                            Also  made  a free  hard/ram disk space  scan when
                            extracting modules!

Version : 2.0x+   19.11.95: Done some bugfixs...

Version : 2.0z    25.11.95: Error handling better & bugfixs

Version : 2.1z    01.12.95: Sorry for the next digit ;(... BugFixes & REAL Vi-
                            rusChecking (It works in background, so you won't
                            even notice it) 

Version : 2.1Pro  18.12.95: BugFixes.. added  BBSdescription support!!!  Whouu
                            Why didn't  I do this earlier  [Thanks dMR!] Fixed
                            AMiNET desc. system for unknown files..

Version : 2.11Pro 09.01.96: Added moduleauthor stripping & modified some stuff
                            Testing and cleaning up, it seems that we are rea-
                            dy for public, camoon guyz!

Version : 2.15Pro 03.02.96: Bugfixs,  improved modulename  & author  scanning!
                            Started using keyfile!

Version : 2.20Pro 10.02.96: Bugfixs  &  Added ZIP  support in module extract!!
                            Again  improved  moduledata extracting  and  added
                            possibility  to ignore modulesauthors  groupnames.
                            Cleaned up the system a bit.

Version : 2.23Pro 13.02.96: Great bugfix version, finally fixed ADDIZ problem
                            and there shouldn't be anymore errors!
                            The priorities of scantypes has also been changed!
                            Now it's "DIZ-MOD-DUBBEL-BBS", before this it was:
                            DIZ-BBS-MOD-DUBBEL and that caused problems!
Version : 2.25Pro 15.02.96: Added VirusChecking support for VirusZ II!            

Version : 2.30Pro 22.02.96: Made great  Compact mode  improvents, also fixed a
                            bug in  >8  diz mode,  actually  the Mci-File  was
                            created  even  when  diz  contained only 7 lines..
                            Thanks Grand Zumba!! Fixed moddesc lowercase opt.
                            Finally made Visual ed support better.. hmm

Version : 2.33Pro 01.03.96: rewritten  VirusChecking system.. now it uses GUI!
                            Fixed rest of the >8 bugs etc...                      

Version : 2.37Pro 13.03.06: New PlaySID system [SID] Name.......(author) etc..

Version : 2.38Pro 14.04.96: Fixed sum shit.. New K-file system

Version : 2.40Pro 30.06.96: Fixed some ZIP-errors, and problems with the Mod-
                            unpackdir handling...  shouldn't have so many er-
                            rors anymore!

Version : 2.45Pro 04.07.96: Fixed Compact Mode (bug), removed scanning of LHA/LZX
                            archives without a suffix (.lha/.lzx)

Version : 2.46Pro 20.01.97: Wow, there's been a while... changed some  archive
			    identification methods! 

Version : 2.47Pro 04.02.97: There was a bug which caused some errors when file-
                            name was less than 4 characters long. (eg. C64)
                            Jesus, that one must have been there for a while!!

Version : 2.55Pro 07.02.97: Added full support for XPK & PowerPacked files. If
                            some file is packed with either XPK or PP, it will
                            be unpacked and processed like it was never packed
                            (needed: c:xfdDecrunch, Libs: xfdmaster.library,
                            Libs:xpkmaster.library & the XPK compressor libs!)
                            [I think you'll never need this but if you do so,
                            then it's kinda handy to have it around :)]
                            Also fixed some sound-module name parser bugs. 
                            Tried to clean up the code a bit, but I think that
                            I should reorganize this baby a bit. Gee, I found
                            a bug which caused ZoolDIZ fail to recognize .LZH!
                            For safety reasons, _no diz_ will be added to EXE
                            files. Changed all external command paths. They
                            will be located in PFiles:ZoolDIZ/External_Comma-
                            nds/ path. No C: nor SYS:C will be used. Therefore
                            "Give names to External MODs" gadget in ZoolCON
                            is obsolete!

Version : 2.57Pro 11.02.97: Fixed some problems with the XPK system. Now xpk
                            CRYPTED files will be ignored. I wrote completely
                            new installation system for ZoolDIZ. Run it!

Version : 2.58Pro 14.02.97: Fixed some PowerPacker support bugs. Optimized &
                            cleaned up the code a lot=>Numerous little chan-
                            ges, additions and bugfixes!

Version : 2.59Pro 23.02.97: Some little fixes, PT-Modules changed to new form:
                            [MOD] Name.........(Author)

Version : 2.60Pro 06.03.97: Enchaced the Module-Authorname scanner a bit,
                            Chanced [SID] to [PSID] & [MOD] to [PTMD]

Version : 2.61Pro 25.03.97: Some internal changes, made a aminet-header/
                            footer system. Finally fixed that MORE?-prompt!

Version : 2.62Pro 16.05.97: Came across with a stupid missing ')' char bug.
                            Could cause errors in modulescan. Fixed.

Version : 2.65Pro 01.12.97: Haa, delays do rule :).. anyway I downloaded this
                            mp3info program and decided to add Mp1-3 support
                            to ZoolDIZ. It took 2 hours, but I think is cer-
                            tainly is worth it. And I changed the [PSID] &
                            [PTMD] tags back to [SID] & [MOD]. I tested only
                            mp2 & mp3. The mp support is a complete addition
                            with possibilities to edit & modify & save the
                            new author/song/album/year datas. BTW: The
                            mp3info program needs ixemul.library! Now I just
                            need to add MED support. 

Version : 2.66Pro 03.12.97: Made a simple ARJ support. Only plain File_id.diz.
                            ZoolDIZ mainfile exceeds 100kb :)

Contents of comm/cnet/ZoolDIZII.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  171     358  47.8% -lh5- b44a Jan  1  1999 file_id.diz
[generic]                  595    1233  48.3% -lh5- eb08 Jan  1  1999
[generic]                 1151    1396  82.4% -lh5- 7f53 Dec  2  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/C/AddToVCBuffer.exe
[generic]                 2197    2416  90.9% -lh5- 0634 Dec  2  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/C/ZDIZKEY.exe
[generic]                  267     628  42.5% -lh5- e3f5 Nov 26  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/
[generic]                  993    2179  45.6% -lh5- 4c1e Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User.txt
[generic]                 3850    5972  64.5% -lh5- 0443 Nov 29  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/C/xBench
[generic]                 2671    3864  69.1% -lh5- b49c Nov 29  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/C/xDir
[generic]                18556   33068  56.1% -lh5- c598 Nov 26  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/C/xDrop
[generic]                  360     678  53.1% -lh5- 00f6 Nov 26  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/C/
[generic]                 1529    2232  68.5% -lh5- 13b5 Nov 26  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/C/xLoadSeg
[generic]                 2179    3428  63.6% -lh5- 709f Nov 29  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/C/xPack
[generic]                 3065    4824  63.5% -lh5- 341f Nov 29  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/C/xPK
[generic]                 1756    2572  68.3% -lh5- 4b82 Nov 29  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/C/xQuery
[generic]                 1022    1384  73.8% -lh5- 49f3 Nov 29  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/C/xScan
[generic]                 1535    2124  72.3% -lh5- 82ae Nov 29  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/C/xType
[generic]                 1968    2876  68.4% -lh5- 006a Nov 29  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/C/xUp
[generic]                  828    1660  49.9% -lh5- 6650 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/dansk/xpkmaster.catalog
[generic]                 1140    2511  45.4% -lh5- 8d7a Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/dansk/xpkmaster.ct
[generic]                  754    1268  59.5% -lh5- c092 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/dansk/xpkmasterprefs.catalog
[generic]                  913    1873  48.7% -lh5- 5875 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/dansk/xpkmasterprefs.ct
[generic]                  875    1698  51.5% -lh5- e2e7 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/deutsch/xpkmaster.catalog
[generic]                 1751    3721  47.1% -lh5- 27e5 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/deutsch/xpkmaster.ct
[generic]                  803    1370  58.6% -lh5- 70de Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/deutsch/xpkmasterprefs.catalog
[generic]                 1439    2913  49.4% -lh5- 9ca7 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/deutsch/xpkmasterprefs.ct
[generic]                  945    1950  48.5% -lh5- 21e2 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/español/xpkmaster.catalog
[generic]                 1760    3936  44.7% -lh5- db63 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/español/xpkmaster.ct
[generic]                  837    1456  57.5% -lh5- c394 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/español/xpkmasterprefs.catalog
[generic]                 1367    2838  48.2% -lh5- cc19 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/español/xpkmasterprefs.ct
[generic]                  930    1892  49.2% -lh5- 51af Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/français/xpkmaster.catalog
[generic]                 1794    3847  46.6% -lh5- a425 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/français/xpkmaster.ct
[generic]                  815    1410  57.8% -lh5- 4d56 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/français/xpkmasterprefs.catalog
[generic]                 1478    2981  49.6% -lh5- 4f31 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/français/xpkmasterprefs.ct
[generic]                  873    1726  50.6% -lh5- 41fc Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/hrvatski/xpkmaster.catalog
[generic]                 1777    3810  46.6% -lh5- e008 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/hrvatski/xpkmaster.ct
[generic]                  772    1330  58.0% -lh5- e6e8 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/hrvatski/xpkmasterprefs.catalog
[generic]                 1368    2856  47.9% -lh5- 1f85 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/hrvatski/xpkmasterprefs.ct
[generic]                  906    1872  48.4% -lh5- 9156 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/italiano/xpkmaster.catalog
[generic]                 1749    3887  45.0% -lh5- 8e44 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/italiano/xpkmaster.ct
[generic]                  789    1370  57.6% -lh5- 6d43 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/italiano/xpkmasterprefs.catalog
[generic]                 1390    2886  48.2% -lh5- 6c77 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/italiano/xpkmasterprefs.ct
[generic]                  814    1670  48.7% -lh5- bd5b Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/nederlands/xpkmaster.catalog
[generic]                 1165    2597  44.9% -lh5- d226 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/nederlands/xpkmaster.ct
[generic]                  768    1324  58.0% -lh5- fedd Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/nederlands/xpkmasterprefs.catalog
[generic]                  959    2020  47.5% -lh5- a795 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/nederlands/xpkmasterprefs.ct
[generic]                  809    1664  48.6% -lh5- b452 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/norsk/xpkmaster.catalog
[generic]                 1129    2517  44.9% -lh5- a308 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/norsk/xpkmaster.ct
[generic]                  725    1262  57.4% -lh5- f486 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/norsk/xpkmasterprefs.catalog
[generic]                 1340    2769  48.4% -lh5- 9763 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/norsk/xpkmasterprefs.ct
[generic]                  965    1848  52.2% -lh5- 3db4 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/polski/xpkmaster.catalog
[generic]                 1848    3846  48.0% -lh5- 34f5 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/polski/xpkmaster.ct
[generic]                  841    1410  59.6% -lh5- 5d8d Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/polski/xpkmasterprefs.catalog
[generic]                 1581    3070  51.5% -lh5- dca8 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/polski/xpkmasterprefs.ct
[generic]                  923    1986  46.5% -lh5- 7d6c Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/português/xpkmaster.catalog
[generic]                 1711    3862  44.3% -lh5- de10 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/português/xpkmaster.ct
[generic]                  852    1462  58.3% -lh5- 59ba Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/português/xpkmasterprefs.catalog
[generic]                 1441    2953  48.8% -lh5- deac Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/português/xpkmasterprefs.ct
[generic]                  921    1678  54.9% -lh5- 2175 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/russian/xpkmaster.catalog
[generic]                 1331    2637  50.5% -lh5- fd3b Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/russian/xpkmaster.ct
[generic]                  829    1380  60.1% -lh5- aac5 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/russian/xpkmasterprefs.catalog
[generic]                 1066    2062  51.7% -lh5- ad1c Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/russian/xpkmasterprefs.ct
[generic]                  883    1742  50.7% -lh5- 4c8d Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/srpski/xpkmaster.catalog
[generic]                 1760    3846  45.8% -lh5- 650a Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/srpski/xpkmaster.ct
[generic]                  742    1258  59.0% -lh5- 354e Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/srpski/xpkmasterprefs.catalog
[generic]                 1321    2770  47.7% -lh5- 33f3 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/srpski/xpkmasterprefs.ct
[generic]                  840    1652  50.8% -lh5- a83a Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/suomi/xpkmaster.catalog
[generic]                 1816    3767  48.2% -lh5- ae49 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/suomi/xpkmaster.ct
[generic]                  758    1326  57.2% -lh5- 9c66 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/suomi/xpkmasterprefs.catalog
[generic]                 1198    2364  50.7% -lh5- 627e Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/suomi/xpkmasterprefs.ct
[generic]                  829    1640  50.5% -lh5- 9d8a Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/Svenska/xpkmaster.catalog
[generic]                 1690    3605  46.9% -lh5- 23f0 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/Svenska/xpkmaster.ct
[generic]                  735    1248  58.9% -lh5- fc90 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/Svenska/xpkmasterprefs.catalog
[generic]                 1499    3002  49.9% -lh5- f847 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/Svenska/xpkmasterprefs.ct
[generic]                 1186    2734  43.4% -lh5- 856f Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/
[generic]                 1060    2309  45.9% -lh5- ae00 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/
[generic]                  842    1588  53.0% -lh5- f237 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/ÃeÓtina/xpkmaster.catalog
[generic]                 1683    3456  48.7% -lh5- b27d Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/ÃeÓtina/xpkmaster.ct
[generic]                  783    1274  61.5% -lh5- 3a24 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/ÃeÓtina/xpkmasterprefs.catalog
[generic]                 1461    2816  51.9% -lh5- 71c0 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/catalogs/ÃeÓtina/xpkmasterprefs.ct
[generic]                  837    2572  32.5% -lh5- e2ba Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/EnvArc/xpkmaster.prefs
[generic]                11361   41481  27.4% -lh5- e47b Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/Install
[generic]                  272     490  55.5% -lh5- ad5e Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/
[generic]                  880    1300  67.7% -lh5- 2097 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/Libs/compressors/xpkCBR0.library
[generic]                  638     960  66.5% -lh5- 5c9d Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/Libs/compressors/xpkDLTA.library
[generic]                 1297    2144  60.5% -lh5- 3cd0 Feb  1  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/Libs/compressors/xpkDMCB.library
[generic]                 1957    3280  59.7% -lh5- 9ef0 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/Libs/compressors/xpkDUKE.library
[generic]                 1417    2148  66.0% -lh5- 2e6e Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/Libs/compressors/xpkFAST.library
[generic]                  714    1124  63.5% -lh5- ac65 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/Libs/compressors/xpkFRLE.library
[generic]                11650   22112  52.7% -lh5- 781b Aug 29  1995 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/Libs/compressors/xpkGZIP.library
[generic]                 1492    2124  70.2% -lh5- 4318 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/Libs/compressors/xpkHFMN.library
[generic]                 1481    2284  64.8% -lh5- 9192 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/Libs/compressors/xpkHUFF.library
[generic]                 2757    4048  68.1% -lh5- b77d Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/Libs/compressors/xpkIMPL.library
[generic]                 2007    2816  71.3% -lh5- fcbb Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/Libs/compressors/xpkMASH.library
[generic]                  494     732  67.5% -lh5- 2267 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/Libs/compressors/xpkNONE.library
[generic]                 1776    2900  61.2% -lh5- bfc2 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/Libs/compressors/xpkNUKE.library
[generic]                 3785    6604  57.3% -lh5- 07a2 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/Libs/compressors/xpkRAKE.library
[generic]                  720    1008  71.4% -lh5- e7de Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/Libs/compressors/xpkRLEN.library
[generic]                 5376    9272  58.0% -lh5- 2db4 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/Libs/compressors/xpkSHRI.library
[generic]                 1307    1740  75.1% -lh5- a156 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/Libs/compressors/xpkSMPL.library
[generic]                 1844    2936  62.8% -lh5- 03e3 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/Libs/compressors/xpkSQSH.library
[generic]                 9567   15476  61.8% -lh5- d953 Jan 21  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/Libs/xpkmaster.library
[generic]                 6860   10860  63.2% -lh5- caac Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/Libs_1.3/xpkmaster.library
[generic]                10891   19320  56.4% -lh5- 85ce Aug 29  1995 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/Libs_68020+/compressors/xpkGZIP.library
[generic]                 1446    2056  70.3% -lh5- fe63 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/Libs_68020+/compressors/xpkHFMN.library
[generic]                 1976    2796  70.7% -lh5- 5d5c Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/Libs_68020+/compressors/xpkMASH.library
[generic]                 3832    7108  53.9% -lh5- 619b Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/Libs_68020+/compressors/xpkRAKE.library
[generic]                 1631    2232  73.1% -lh5- e584 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/Libs_68020+/compressors/xpkSQSH.library
[generic]                  269     628  42.8% -lh5- e09e Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/
[generic]                 7642   13208  57.9% -lh5- 3c4d Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/Prefs/XpkMaster
[generic]                  458    1053  43.5% -lh5- 24d3 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/Prefs/
[generic]                45400  114199  39.8% -lh5- fc0b Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/
[generic]                  227     469  48.4% -lh5- 48e7 Feb  8  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Extras/xpk_User/
[generic]                60617  109956  55.1% -lh5- 9576 Nov 17  1997 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/InstallerData/Installer433
[generic]                  838    1120  74.8% -lh5- e69b Jul  6  1994 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/InstallerData/RequestChoice
[generic]                  993    1520  65.3% -lh5- d517 Jul  6  1994 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/InstallerData/RequestFile
[generic]                 4144    6128  67.6% -lh5- 3ddb Dec  2  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Libs/powerpacker.library
[generic]                26771   49796  53.8% -lh5- 54a8 Dec  2  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Libs/rexxtricks.library
[generic]                38815   70212  55.3% -lh5- e906 Dec  2  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/Libs/xfdmaster.library
[generic]                 1806    3727  48.5% -lh5- bf03 Feb 11  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/-EASYTEST_bbsmenu
[generic]                21014   54629  38.5% -lh5- 3d60 Feb 11  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/-EASYTEST_bbstext
[generic]                  275     426  64.6% -lh5- df62 Mar 11  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/AddDir.script
[generic]                  381     847  45.0% -lh5- 360d Jan  1  1999 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/BBSMenu.rexx
[generic]                  629    1426  44.1% -lh5- 9354 Jan  1  1999 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/CheckIT.rexx
[generic]                  306     734  41.7% -lh5- fa09 Jan  1  1999 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/Del.rexx
[generic]                  227     407  55.8% -lh5- d006 Dec  1  1995 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/DELETE_SIGNATURES.rexx
[generic]                  441     939  47.0% -lh5- 202f Jan  1  1999 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/EDBack.rexx
[generic]                  378     870  43.4% -lh5- 59ef Jan  1  1999 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/EDBack2.rexx
[generic]                  358     833  43.0% -lh5- 28ec Jan  1  1999 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/EDBack3.rexx
[generic]                    0       0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Mar 25  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/External_Commands/-1!Do_Not_Touch_To_this_Dir!-
[generic]                    0       0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Mar 25  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/External_Commands/-2!Replacing_These_Files_May!-
[generic]                    0       0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Mar 25  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/External_Commands/-3!Cause_unpexpected_Errors!-
[generic]                 3126    5580  56.0% -lh5- 1a96 Sep 16  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/External_Commands/Copy
[generic]                 1317    1972  66.8% -lh5- 9143 Jul  6  1994 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/External_Commands/Delete
[generic]                 9570   16156  59.2% -lh5- 1240 Apr 13  1994 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/External_Commands/DMSDiz
[generic]                 2565    4432  57.9% -lh5- f9fe Sep 16  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/External_Commands/Execute
[generic]                  719     896  80.2% -lh5- 519b Jul  6  1994 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/External_Commands/Filenote
[generic]                 7455   11672  63.9% -lh5- 71b3 Dec  7  1995 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/External_Commands/Free
[generic]                 1300    2421  53.7% -lh5- 9343 Jan 18  1994 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/External_Commands/Free.doc
[generic]                 2607    5060  51.5% -lh5- 8ccb Dec  7  1995 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/External_Commands/GfxInfo
[generic]                33085   53592  61.7% -lh5- 08f0 Nov 17  1997 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/External_Commands/Lha
[generic]                37488   67012  55.9% -lh5- ba84 May 29  1995 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/External_Commands/Lzx
[generic]                36245   64228  56.4% -lh5- 4714 Nov 17  1997 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/External_Commands/Lzx_68020
[generic]                36279   64716  56.1% -lh5- e5fd May 29  1995 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/External_Commands/Lzx_68040
[generic]                  411     464  88.6% -lh5- d83c Jul  6  1994 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/External_Commands/MakeDir
[generic]                 7462   14496  51.5% -lh5- 156b May 28  1997 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/External_Commands/mp3info
[generic]                 3522    7893  44.6% -lh5- 4a5f May 28  1997 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/External_Commands/
[generic]                 2136    4216  50.7% -lh5- d71c May 28  1997 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/External_Commands/mp3info.readme
[generic]                  981    1300  75.5% -lh5- 89b4 Jul  6  1994 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/External_Commands/Protect
[generic]                  758     968  78.3% -lh5- d116 Nov 18  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/External_Commands/RX
[generic]                 2625    5656  46.4% -lh5- ee11 Dec  7  1995 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/External_Commands/SNext
[generic]                 5827    9476  61.5% -lh5- bd33 Dec  7  1995 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/External_Commands/TXTDiz
[generic]                 9812   16168  60.7% -lh5- e675 Apr 25  1997 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/External_Commands/UnArj_FID
[generic]                  420     718  58.5% -lh5- 7932 Apr 25  1997 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/External_Commands/UnARJ_FID.readme
[generic]                 9528   19940  47.8% -lh5- b719 May 11  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/External_Commands/und64
[generic]                12208   29308  41.7% -lh5- 8782 May 11  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/External_Commands/
[generic]                32139   58816  54.6% -lh5- f40c Dec  7  1995 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/External_Commands/UnZip
[generic]                 2934    4672  62.8% -lh5- 05bd Aug  3  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/External_Commands/XFDDecrunch
[generic]                 2098    3044  68.9% -lh5- f4f7 Sep  6  1997 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/External_Commands/xUp
[generic]                36955   68712  53.8% -lh5- adbc Nov 17  1997 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/External_Commands/Zip
[generic]                   59      59 100.0% -lh0- 4f4a Dec  1  1995 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/LONG.rexx
[generic]                 3813   26150  14.6% -lh5- ca02 Feb 12  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/ScreenShots/Lammas_main.IFF
[generic]                 3399   14510  23.4% -lh5- 9985 Feb 12  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/ScreenShots/Narkkari_game.IFF
[generic]                 3029   21088  14.4% -lh5- a6e1 Feb 12  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/ScreenShots/Narkkari_main.IFF
[generic]                 3086   27062  11.4% -lh5- e807 Feb 12  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/ScreenShots/PurkkiBaana_game1.IFF
[generic]                 3294   24122  13.7% -lh5- b089 Feb 12  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/ScreenShots/PurkkiBaana_game2.IFF
[generic]                 5119   20224  25.3% -lh5- 7bb3 Feb 12  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/ScreenShots/PurkkiBaana_main.IFF
[generic]                 2371   16276  14.6% -lh5- 32fe Feb 12  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/ScreenShots/Zambling.IFF
[generic]                11157   39470  28.3% -lh5- 74a8 Feb 12  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/ScreenShots/ZoolARC_main.IFF
[generic]                 4729   18904  25.0% -lh5- 7acf Feb 12  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/ScreenShots/ZoolChatCount.IFF
[generic]                 3325   14354  23.2% -lh5- 8d0a Feb 12  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/ScreenShots/ZoolClock.IFF
[generic]                 4375   14850  29.5% -lh5- 24fd Feb 12  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/ScreenShots/ZoolDIZ_aminet.IFF
[generic]                 4514   15720  28.7% -lh5- 57a1 Feb 15  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/ScreenShots/ZoolDIZ_config.IFF
[generic]                 5842   20282  28.8% -lh5- 9070 Feb 12  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/ScreenShots/ZoolDIZ_dubbel.IFF
[generic]                 5371   16940  31.7% -lh5- 569c Feb 12  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/ScreenShots/ZoolDIZ_elite.IFF
[generic]                 5348   19180  27.9% -lh5- f1b2 Feb 12  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/ScreenShots/ZoolDIZ_mod.IFF
[generic]                 7929   24566  32.3% -lh5- a580 Feb 12  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/ScreenShots/ZoolDIZ_normal.IFF
[generic]                 5510   18972  29.0% -lh5- 4a12 Feb 12  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/ScreenShots/ZoolDIZ_pics.IFF
[generic]                 7360   22232  33.1% -lh5- a977 Feb 12  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/ScreenShots/ZoolFinger.IFF
[generic]                 4532   19914  22.8% -lh5- db6b Feb 12  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/ScreenShots/ZoolLastUsers.IFF
[generic]                 2385   14642  16.3% -lh5- 945e Feb 12  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/ScreenShots/ZoolWorm.IFF
[generic]                 3396   11550  29.4% -lh5- 04e2 Feb 12  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/ScreenShots/Zullentins.IFF
[generic]                50147   88944  56.4% -lh5- c5c3 Jan  1  1999 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/VT
[generic]                 4822   11914  40.5% -lh5- 1051 Jan  1  1999 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/ZoolCON.rexx
[generic]                  839    2338  35.9% -lh5- 45e8 Mar 18  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/ZoolDIZ.AMiNETHEADERS
[generic]                17111   46862  36.5% -lh5- c17e Jan  1  1999 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/ZoolDIZ.GUIDE
[generic]                 1373    4657  29.5% -lh5- 76c1 Dec 18  1995 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/
[generic]                  177     215  82.3% -lh5- c1a3 Jan  1  1999 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/ZoolDIZ.KEY
[generic]                   95     113  84.1% -lh5- 6d1c Jan  1  1999 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/ZoolDIZ.KEY2
[generic]                 2498    7873  31.7% -lh5- a757 Jan  1  1999 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/ZoolDIZ.LANGUAGE0
[generic]                 3400    7719  44.0% -lh5- b3dd Jan  1  1999 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/ZoolDIZ.LANGUAGE1
[generic]                19084   63470  30.1% -lh5- 848c Jan  1  1999 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/ZoolDIZ.REXX
[generic]                   49      62  79.0% -lh5- cefd Feb  8  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/ZoolDIZ.STRIP
[generic]                 2269    7638  29.7% -lh5- d0e0 Jan  1  1999 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/ZoolDIZ.VIRUS.REXX
[generic]                 1111    2624  42.3% -lh5- c04a Jan  1  1999 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/ZoolDIZ.VIRUS2.REXX
[generic]                  935    2122  44.1% -lh5- ed23 Jan  1  1999 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/PFiles/ZoolDIZ/ZoolSGN.rexx
[generic]                   38      38 100.0% -lh0- 3e90 Feb 10  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/ZoolDIZ_Document
[generic]                 1370    4653  29.4% -lh5- c7f6 Feb 11  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/
[generic]                 1264    3286  38.5% -lh5- 1480 Jan 22  1998 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/ZoolDIZ_Install-BBSMenu
[generic]                  285     629  45.3% -lh5- 72f4 Feb 11  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/
[generic]                 1322    3387  39.0% -lh5- 3ec2 Feb 11  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/ZoolDIZ_Install-BBSText
[generic]                  285     629  45.3% -lh5- f82b Feb 11  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/
[generic]                 2084    6209  33.6% -lh5- 5f94 Nov 29  1997 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/ZoolDIZ_Installation
[generic]                  350     695  50.4% -lh5- efe4 Feb 11  1996 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/
[generic]                  771    1671  46.1% -lh5- b0e3 Jan  1  1999 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/ZoolDIZ_Readmefirst!
[generic]                 1376    4657  29.5% -lh5- 363a Jan  1  1999 ZoolDIZ_Distribution/ZoolDIZ_Readmefirst!.info
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 Total       205 files  931846 2058813  45.3%            Jan  2  1999
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